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Vape choice, conduction vs convection, Pax 2 or Arizer Air?


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Another post from me about vapes! I've got used to the VapCap now and its safe to say I will definitely carry on with vaping, so gonna splash out on a battery powered one to take out with me and use around the house. I've done a lot of reading but I still cant make my mind up lol my budget leaves me with two options..


Arizer Air or Pax 2?
Both seem pretty reliable but there are 2 major differences between them..

- The Air is convection and the Pax 2 is conduction... Does this make much of a difference on low/mid temps? Is burnt/toasty/popcorn/whatever taste inevitable towards the end of a load, or just when using on higher temperatures?

- The Pax has a much bigger chamber than the Air.. I wanna be able to sit there and chuff away for a bit, share some with a friend, without having to fiddle around with bits reloading every 5 minutes.. Will the nice flavour still pass after the first few hits with the bigger load? Will I bet left with a big chamber full of bad tasting bud for the next few hits?


The Pax 2 can take a lot more bud and seems like more of a session vape, where the Air seems more like a one hitter, kinda like the VapCap but with a big heater and battery attached to it? Meh, I dunno!

@vapefiend what would your recommendation be for someone changing over from heavy combustion? Any advice would be appreciated!


Nice one :hippy:

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Been reading through the big FC thread on the Pax 2... It defo sounds like it would suit me better with the large oven, but something just seems a bit weird with it.. a 10 year warranty is good and all, but am I paying more money for a long warranty on a lesser device?
The main thing thats putting me off though is that its got some dumb 'games' built into it, its supposed to be a vaporiser for effectively taking drugs, not a mcdonalds toy? is this an engineers experiment or a finished product? lol

It just seems like its got a load of bells and whistles and shiny features attached to it just up the price :wanker: 

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@some1 you will end up with that woody taste in all vapes at the end of a load, the different natural chemicals and cannaboids are all activated at different temps and the terps that give you the nice favours are activated at low temps hence the nice intense flavour you get in the first few hits.


You can make the flavour last a bit longer by starting off at a low temperature and then upping it as the session progresses and I also find that not grinding the bud but picking bits off instead improves flavour and makes it last longer. 


Its also strain dependant, some stains the flavour is very subtle and others it can be too strong kind of like drinking orange squash with out diluting it with water, sometimes it's gone after the first hit and sometimes it lasts for 5 or 6 hits. I like the ones where it lingers on your lips, I have a Blues pheno which is the best tasting bud I have ever vaped and it lingers on your lips for ages.


I cant speak for the Pax as my choice of portable vape is an Arizer Air, generally with that I get 4, 5 or 6 nice flavour hits on the lowest temp which then taper off to nice big clouds of ok tasting vapour once I have turned the temp up to green which last for around 20 mins before it starts to go whispy and taste woody, I ditch it here but my mate likes to get every last bit out and he can make it last around 40 mins although it's very tiny amount of rank tasting vapour by then.


I won't bang on about how good the Air is as is well documented, the things I mostly like about it are removable batteries so you can carry charged up spares, its piss easy to use and keep clean, you can pre load stems and take them out with you, all glass Air path, It's proven reliable tech and it produces big tasty clouds of vapour from .25 of a gram.


I haven't used the VapCap and prob won't as using lighters reminds me of smoking too much, The thing with the air is you have 5 temps to play with and the favours are very nice on the lowest 2 and I guess the Pax must have various temps to experiment with so I think you may be in for a nice surprise whichever you get where the flavours are concerned.


I have a Vapexhale Cloud for home use and that is by far the best vape I have used for enjoying the flavour of my buds, it takes it to another level and it pretty much keeps pumping out massive flavour filled hits to the end of the load. 



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Ez @Smokebelch cheers for the in depth reply! Just what I needed man, the whole flavour thing is much clearer now :) even through the vapcap I've really noticed the flavours. Cheese tastes very sweet and I tried some ammy cross through it that tasted exactly like the smell of llavender for the first toke! I don't mind the burnt flavour towards the end too much but I guess it's much more exaggerated in conduction vapes like this one. 


It sounds like the air can stretch out a single load much further than I thought, that was one of my main concerns, constant reloads, as I only get 3 small hits max out of the vapcap which really isn't enough, and the stem looks like a similar size, but after further reading I think my assumption was wrong.


The pax sounds like it's more suited to my needs on paper but there are very mixed reviews for it where there are nothing but good reviews for the Air.. I think my mind is made up :) 

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No worries dude, as long as the stuff you are putting in it is good quality you will get way more than 3 hit per load, big clouds at first which will taper off as you work through the session. You will have to experiment with temps as me and my mates all like it slightly different. If you are into the flavours always put it on blue which is the lowest temp first for the first few hits and then you can up the temps from there.


Personally with the Air I generally have a few hits on blue then up it to white for the rest of the 10 minute cycle then for the next 10 minute session up to green to finish the load off. I never use the last 2 temps Orange and red as I find them too hot. If you are used to smoking you may like those high temps at first though. 


Part of the joys of vaping is the experimenting with different temps and finding what works for you. You will find it quite buzzy at the low temps and it gets more stoney as you go higher.

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If you do get an Air get some extra batteries, a couple of extra stems and some of the stem caps which are essential for pre loading to take out with you.


Its worth getting one of those nitecore chargers so you can charge your spares while you are using the vape.

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I have the pax 2 and i get like 3/4 nice flavoured hits on hottest setting. Nice clouds and taste goooooood. 


Can't comment on the other vape but @Smokebelch says it has replaceable batterys. The pax does not, and you cant get inside even if you wanted to to replace the battery, And seeing as batterys have a life span i find this rather stupid on pax' part. Also they do not cover batterys on warranty. 


Other than that i dont have a bad word to say about it. 



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Smokebelch's post is excellent and sums it up really well. If I was looking at a choice between the Air or the Pax then I would go for the Air ... but that's only based on the reviews I've read and my experience with the Arizer Solo (which is very well made and no gimmicks) as I haven't actually tried either.


If constant reloading of the chamber is one practical issue, an even bigger one is cleaning. It looks to me like the Air is designed to be quick and easy to clean ... you just bung the glass tubes in some iso and you're sorted. No buggering about trying to poke cotton buds into crevices.


There isn't any simple answer to which vape is best as they're all different, and people have different preferences, and the different strains of weed are all different too. The thing with vaping is that it suddenly opens up a world of choices you've never had before, which is confusing to start with but you very soon find your way around it. When you smoke a joint you just set fire to the thing and inhale it, and there's not much subtlety about it. With a vape though, you have all these different temperature settings releasing different terpenes and giving you different flavours, and the personal choice of whether to vape every last molecule out of your bud or chuck it as soon as it stops tasting good. It's a voyage of discovery and the fun is in experimenting with it to find out what you like. Whichever vape you go for you will enjoy the experience. Good luck!


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I have just watched a review on the air. 1 hour battery life is not for me. Will be buying the pax 3 next and a plug in for home use. The pax from looking at the other competition for ME is the best portable. 


My tupence

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9 minutes ago, KaptainKush said:

I have just watched a review on the air. 1 hour battery life is not for me. 


Thats the beauty of the replaceable battery, you simply unscrew the bottom and slip a new battery in. I have 4 batteries so I can have a 4 hour session without worrying.


The Pax 3 does look nice though, a few years back I was buying every new vape that came out but I can't afford to do that now so I have found a desk top and portable that I like and I will stick with those unless something revolutionary come along. Instant heat up and instant cool down would be nice for conduction vapes.

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@Black Venus you post is excellent too dude. I think between us we have explained the advantages of vaping.


Yep, to clean the air you put the glass stems in a pot of ISO for an hour or two and then rinse under the tap and also clean the heat chamber with a q tip with some ISO on it once in a blue moon. 

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@Smokebelch come to think of it. 1 actual hour of constantly vaping would have me slant eyed for the whole day anyway. So who am I to dismiss it. Would love to have a bash on one. The review guy praised it for the flavour 


Also breaking that 1 hour into little sessions probably would work for me. I use mine when im on the bike a lot, probably 2 chambers of the pax (.8ish) does me whilst I'm on the bike. 


That said I am very happy with the pax. And the missus loves it too. 


Whilst im here what's everyone recommend on a home use one? I haven't a clue! Don't mean to hijack just 2 birds one stone and all that




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2 hours ago, KaptainKush said:



Whilst im here what's everyone recommend on a home use one? I haven't a clue! Don't mean to hijack just 2 birds one stone and all that





As smokebelch mentioned above the Vapexhale cloud evo is very good , probably the best I've tried , it depends how much you have to spend though

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@Degsy thanks for pointing that out. Just had a look and that thing looks the business!  concentrates too! :pitchfork: show me the rosin! 


Can't argue with customer reviews. I'm sold 


Thanks again 

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For a 'desktop' type device I would be looking at a sticky brick as well as the cloud evo, I don't vape enough anymore to justify more vapes... I've been trying to convince myself otherwise for a while!

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