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Any tips for Vaping newbie strugling?

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Kicked baccy again, and stopped weed ,

when I felt clear of the habit bought a Vapir rise 2 digital,

and after trying it twice and letting a group of friends a trial night on it

I sent it back, and got a Plenty,

this is better but still not great and I seem to be burning about twice the weed,

any clues, stuff is potent, dry and ground, but Meh... :kwasny:

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Vaping aint the same as smoking, it is a little different and takes a little bit time getting used to it, its been suggested we get a rush from the non active ingredients, and are just used to smoke rather than the cannabinoids, its the same with tobbacco. Id suggest giving up weed for a week then sticking with the vape, I felt the same when switching but after a while Vape was king, and smoking was dirty. I think its a myth that vaping makes weed go further, although it is moorish, the plenty does use alot of weed but you can use the oil screen to pack it out and use less weed. Log vapes are supposed to be the most efficient

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I use the Da Buddha. its got an uncalibrated dial adjustment.

it took me a week to get the dial set to the right temp.

for me thats hot enough to make the herb mid brown when im finished.

i also let the vap and herb warm up a bit (5 mins) so all the herb vaps off in one or two hits.

whats left in my glass wand is dry brown but not burnt herb (so no combusted vegetation, no carcinogens).

i see the Plenty has an adjustable temp and goes up to 202C

dial er up to the top temp, give it time to warm up properly and then give it a go.

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The plenty is deffo weed hungry man mayb try vaping first thing in the morning i find it usaly takes abt 5-10mins till i feel stoned personly! I had the sublimator n tht used to get me batterd it was awsome but had to sell it im now looking at the cloud evo its supposed to be pretty good and quite cheap! Are u getting decent lung fuls? Mayb turn the temp up?

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Most people i´ve talked to, like vaping very much, but some hate them and go back to smoking.

Why ? I heard when you smoke it, more of the thc gets converted into cbd or cbn, that would explain

why it´s a bit different and some don´t like it.

So you can test

1. Vaping with higher temp ( a bit more cb.. )

2. Vaping it twice ( some of the thc gets converted into cb.. )

3. Vaping with fire

When it doesn´t work with all that vaping on higher temp or twice you can test vaping it with fire.

Just put 3 pipescreens on the weed in a pipe or bong and smoke it. When it starts to burn just stop it, and


This is not as clean as vaping, but when you do it right you can get nearly clean vapour.

Also you can test some flame based vapes, like vapgenie 60, euro, vapman 100 euro or a vapobowl about 6 euro.

How about smoking weed without cigarettes, does this work, or do you just miss your tobacco ?

You could keep on vaping and vape a bit of tobacco from time to time, when it doesn´t work without it.

Edited by vapfire
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the plenty is awesome, i put it on full power til its heated up then turn it down to 5ish then work up from there.....also very long, slow draws result in hooj clouds that you dont feel or realise you have in ya lungs until you exhale a massive cloud :yes:

the flavour really comes thru on the lower heat settings, its fuckin delicious, then when the flav goes turn it up full n its like a lung blasting bong!

Edited by MrBroooon
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The plenty is a weed hog! Great vape thou. just stick with vaping and fuck the tobbco off completely. You could always grab a more efficient vape if you find your going through your stash a bit quickly.

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take about 6 months to adjust to vaping properly after smoking but when it happens, watch out. The difference is amazing. As far as a choice of vape, have a look at the many products on the market and the many reviews of said products. Balance that with your wallet and you'll find the right one.

Good luck with the vaping, worth sticking with it IMO.

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The plenty takes plenty and is really a party vape but works very well. The crafty and the mighty work in a similar way and in my mind are the most efficient portable vape for strength. The firefly is also quite good which has better flavour but if your gonna spend that amount I would go for the mighty. As for a home vape you really cant beat the sublimator it really is the most efficient vape around and its built to last. My 2p.

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Cheers for the input, I had forgotten what a lively place this is.

I think I will stick with the Plenty, it must work,

gave me Lad and mates a session on it and it put half of them in bed, other half wandering giggling,

so maybe Im just a hard headed SOB, I intend to start a grow again, so I can shove 1/4

in it and see if that is Plenty enough

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the plenty is awesome, i put it on full power til its heated up then turn it down to 5ish then work up from there.....also very long, slow draws result in hooj clouds that you dont feel or realise you have in ya lungs until you exhale a massive cloud :yes:

the flavour really comes thru on the lower heat settings, its fuckin delicious, then when the flav goes turn it up full n its like a lung blasting bong!

Got to say loaded it with about 1 1/2 nights worth of pipe tokres nd fuckds.

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Well as I tried to say,

it deffo. works ,

but the claim that you save weed seems B.S. to me,

Got to keep at it though, lungs sound like a distant Pipe band in the morning.

Thanks for the tips, May have a week of and see again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Make sure your weed is dry and grinded really really well, some vapers use two grinders a standard and a finishing grinder before they load it, the magic flight lunchbox grinder is a good fine grinding grinder

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