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Pro-cannabis March 1998(London) ..Can it be done again?


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Hi All

I watched a video a few months ago about a pro cannabis rally during 1998 in London.

Me myself was just a kid but was anyone part of that same march?

I feel really sad that we lost that spark nowadays that they had in the video.(YouTube: pro-cannabis march 1998)

I was thinking that a march like this can be done again and if it's actually possible. Because standing around in Hyde Park does nobody any good. How can you protest to the mass public when your sitting around smoking spliffs in a park and eating munchies😒

Watch the video please and tell me what you think cause I want to organise such a march like this. With an emphasis on its medicinal benefits. Get the right team of people,organisations,cannabis lifestyle companies,clubs/collectives, ect... to show the positive impact this beautiful plant has on the Britishers people and do away with the propaganda. Let's educate the people!!

There is a march from 2015 (YouTube:"legalise cannabis protest London")and in my opinion looked hopeless doing such a march in 2017

should I still pursue and presume that 2015 march was just a lack of organisation or something else I quite can't understand.

I'm not a person who loses momentum and just talks without action. I would really like to do this successfully with a team of people and organisation bodies.

Let me know your thoughts about the idea and any resources that can help me.

Thanks for reading :yep:

Edited by MushiMushi
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15th Feb 2003 approx 3 million people gathered in London to protest against the Iraq invasion. It did sweet FA in the scheme of things.

What numbers do you think think will attend any future cannabis march?

What impact do you think it will it have?

4/20 gatherings are popular and seem to be attended by more and more each year in cities all over UK.

UKCSC's are all over facebook and often have social events for those interested in meeting like minded folk.

The best protest of all imo is getting a grow on.

Fuck prohibition then fuck it some more.

I dont think protest marches achieve much when it comes to cannabis.

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you can march until the soles fall off ya best bumpers, no fuckers going to take a blind bit of notice! imo, obviously.


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None of the countries or US states that have changed drug laws have done so through protest, in the US states it was usually put to a state vote, in other countries it was because the governments of those countries actively wanted to change the laws, this is the major difference to the UK where the government have repeatedly stated they have no intention of changing the law mostly because they don't want to.

The government can and do ignore calls for medical cannabis because they believe they have that covered with Sativex so no need to do anything else.

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Hmm so everyone is saying it's a bluddy waste of time. lol

Well the U.K being a sovereign 'democracy' should have known it won't work.

@@chronic1 There is a lot of things to take to the streets mate you are right but that are/not about cannabis..I'm just asking within "cannabis activism" the people about one of those important things.

Thankyou everyone for your inputs though.

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