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Boycott soap!If we continue to accept soap then we will never get the good stuf! Our dealers sell us what we will buy! DONT BUY SOAP! :curse: ;)

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Easier said than done m8 ! nowt id like better but where i live its take what the dealer has or nowt at all quality weed is as rare as employment round my parts so untill i harvest my first crop it soap or straight ?


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Yeppers got to agree with rigsby.

I would love it, love it (in a Kevin Keegan voice) to stop buying and smoking shitty soap but couldn't go a weekend without a smoke for it.

Think yourselves lucky. We still pay 25 quid a quarter round these parts for the poisonous concoction.

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£25 a Q for Soap? Bloody hell M8, you're being well had! Local price in Humberside is £15 - £20 if you don't know your stuff, £10 if you do. Bars to be had, I believe, at c£300 or even less. Seems the importers are getting a bit of knicker-twist as more and more Home-Grown hits the street.

Elsewhere I have heard £40 to the Oz is becoming the norm.

Hasten to add that I don't touch thje stuff myself, but recently thought I'd make some enquiries......

Grow yer own - screw the dealers

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Yeah, you're being bitten at £25 mate...

£10 a q...

Anyways, back to the point.... DROP SOAP!

p.s. I realise soap is better than nothin, I had to smoke it thu+fri till my money got it's act together - fuct my chest up, AGAIN....

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I do agree Dragon, It's down to the dealers to stop importing this shit. Half the people importing this shit don't even toke.

To the Morrocans its all a big joke, they must think the english are stupid. The Scanndinavians just simply won't accept soap.

The Costa Del boys need to sort it out NOW!!  ;)


Sorry people, but until nation wide action is taken, we will continue to have to suffer the unpleasantness of soap.


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whats all this 'soap is better than nothing'


it doesnt get you stoned, it mearly 'bombs' you out.  The thought of the contaminents which could 'possibly' be there is a great put off, sorry guys, i have to disagree here, soap is just simply wrong and i dont think i could possible lower myself ever again to smoke it.  ;)


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I was a member of soap is better than nothing school, but havent smoked it for at least a month. My first day without anything at all was hard, but it was only 1day, you have to put things in perspective theres people out there without food!!  Quite annoyed with myself that I havent started growin before now, stupid really. But 3months time and no dealer and definitely no soap!!

Youll be proud of yourself when you do give

it up!!


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Im not proud to be a part of the 'better than nothing' crew...I just can't go without.

As soon as TrichromeUK checks his messenger i might have a light and the means to get a grow on!

Bud is killing my bank account but I've managed to lay off soap for a couple of months now...

I fully agree with the 'bombing out' bit - it's not a high is it... Thats what all my mates said, "oh, it still gets you stoned".

BOLOX. It doesn't, it sends u on a sleepy mash into the land of LAME-O-STONE....


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Round our way its soap or nothing, and I'm afraid I cannot deal with smoking "nothing". If skunk was more popular in my area I'd buy it anyway because its a gift from god!!

And as an MCFC fan I respect the guy who said... " I would love it, love it (in a Kevin Keegan voice)", KK's a legend!!



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i think this shoudl improve with the extension of the lambeth scheme and in the future with class c. when i was in brixton for j-day you didnt see hardly any hash, all skunk and weed and what hash we did see was not bad. maybe this will become the norm elsewhere as more people become involved as the risks are less then there is more competition so quality will have to improve. damn economics.

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I think you guys whould check out the 'buying weed on the internet' thread as it really does work. I bought a q of orange bud to see if it came at all now i've ordered an ounce. Prices are kinda steep compared to soap prives but you get what you pay for.


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Im stoned&pissed at the moment and it feels amazing!,  you wouldnt believe how long its took to tupe this so far,.

Anyway, dont smoke soap!  its dirty, its wrong!

If you can only get soap, as the_guvernors said, buy online!

Pepe is good, and his delivery is between 1 - 2 days, which is amazing.  SOrry though, cant remember his address, its allfree67 or somethig like that, its on the weed online post.

Anyway, space out dudes


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