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RSO v stage 4 HCC (liver cancer)


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Thanks for replying mate. I've cut back to 1.25g @day taken in roughly equal doses 12 hours apart. I was on 1.5g @day with 3 doses every 8 hours but like I say with a shit summer my outdoor autos have had shit yields and lost a lot to mold. Anyway, all dosing has been orally, mainly sub lingual. I tried buccal method but with large dosages that gets messy.

My primary tumour sunk it's teeth into my hepatic portal vein at an early stage, so i'm guessing either absorption from stomach or rectum would deliver directly to that tumour. Having said that, I have numerous other tumours across both lobes of liver. Haven't done supps to date, still trying to gear myself up for coffee enemas!

I'm also just dosing with straight oil and not using a carrier. I know I should start to mix with coconut oil for better bioavailability. No excuse really, cos it must be dead easy mixing it in. I'm more worried about accurately dosing afterwards. With straight oil you know exactly how much has been weighed out.

Thanks :)

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Thanks for replying mate. I've cut back to 1.25g @day taken in roughly equal doses 12 hours apart. I was on 1.5g @day with 3 doses every 8 hours but like I say with a shit summer my outdoor autos have had shit yields and lost a lot to mold. Anyway, all dosing has been orally, mainly sub lingual. I tried buccal method but with large dosages that gets messy.

My primary tumour sunk it's teeth into my hepatic portal vein at an early stage, so i'm guessing either absorption from stomach or rectum would deliver directly to that tumour. Having said that, I have numerous other tumours across both lobes of liver. Haven't done supps to date, still trying to gear myself up for coffee enemas!

I'm also just dosing with straight oil and not using a carrier. I know I should start to mix with coconut oil for better bioavailability. No excuse really, cos it must be dead easy mixing it in. I'm more worried about accurately dosing afterwards. With straight oil you know exactly how much has been weighed out.

Thanks :)

Are you using a carrier oil or straight CO?

Sorry, just re read your post

Give me 10 mins and i;; post back some info..

Edited by chewey
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Ok mate, there's loads we can do here :)

Firstly, dosing with straight CO is crazy and here's why my friend....

When using cannabis oil for medical purposes it’s vital to get the most from your meds. Ingesting raw cannabis oil is effective but most of what’s ingested goes to waste as the bio-availability is so poor. Only around 20% of what’s taken orally actually gets absorbed and made use of. The other issue with ingesting raw oil is it’s extremely powerful as i'm sure you know. So to be clear, when ingesting 1 gram of straight cannabis oil, you only benefit medically from around 200 mg.

Adding raw cannabis oil to carrier oils increases the bioavailability rate massively. In fact, up to around 80%. You can now see how important this is. You’re getting a much larger dose whilst saving huge amounts of oil.

You want to use coconut oil + Sunflower Liquid Lecithin

Please do not think euphoria is a sign of a good dose, it's not, in fact it's the complete opposite, here's why...

THC is metabolised by particular enzymes in the liver. When THC is metabolised into 11-hydroxy-THC it's no longer medically usable, in other words it won't fight cancer cells.

When you're targeting liver cancer it's very important to use competitive inhibition. The cells you're targeting are right there in the liver where the enzymes that metabolise the THC are created, so you need lots going on to distract the enzymes, allowing the cannabinoids enough time to locate and attach to tumour cells.

What is Competitive Inhibition ?

It's keeping the liver busy to allow the cannabinoids to slip passed. There are a couple supplements you can take, amentoflavone and apigenin. These plant compounds are metabolised by those very same enzymes that grab the cannabinoids. The idea is to take supplements 30-45 min before the dose. This way it's expected that the liver enzymes won't be able to be created in enough numbers fast enough to get the cannabinoids when they eventually enter the liver. If we're successful, more cannabinoids get through, back out into the body and looking for attachment points.

Use this guide below for your dosage. Use size 00 capsules. Remember, a 300 mg CO dose of these below, is more medically powerful than the 1.25grams of oil you are taking as the bioavailability is 80-90% instead of the 20% you're getting. Split your doses in 5 or 6x per day. Cannabinoids only stay in our system for around 4 hrs so dosing smaller, but more often keeps constant pressure on the tumours.

If you can, get some high THC oil too and mix that 2:1 with your CBD strain, but no CBD for evenings


25% oral and 75% anal. The capsules can be used as suppositories too. You need to deeply insert the capsules into the rectum as to hit the Hepatic portal vein to quickly move the oils to the liver

20:1 = 1 g CCO + 16 g carrier oil + 4 g lecithin

1000 mg cannabinoids /21 capsules = 47 mg cannabinoids per capsule.

10:1 = 1 g CCO + 8 g carrier oil + 2 g lecithin

1000 mg /11 capsules = 91 mg cannabinoids per capsule

5:1 = 1 g CCO + 4 g carrier oil + 1 g lecithin

1000 mg/6 capsules = 167 mg cannabinoids per capsules

1. Mix your CO with your coconut oil in a warm water bath.

2. Now add the Lecithin and mix well

3. Place in the fridge for 24 hrs but mix again after 12 hrs

4. Bring up to room temp and fill your capsules using a 1 ml/g syringe

How long have you been taking this high dose for? You will need to clean your CB receptors too. Thats another long post coming...

I hope that makes sense?

Edited by chewey
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Demethylation of CB receptors

Thoughts on Demethylation and the Methylation Cycle...

"If the body is made up of bricks, then methylation is the laying of each individual brick. " - Patrick Quillin

Please keep in mind this is the most basic explanation for the wonderfully complex methylation cycle. Also, remember that aberrant methylation is caused by something unknown and that trigger may be impossible to determine, since it could be something environmental, something you ate when you were 12 or keep eating despite knowing better or even something as tragic as being isolated from your mother during the first week of your life...

Your body is a constant cacophony of chemical reactions. We tend to think of them in isolated events, but the closer analogy would be buckets full of molecules awaiting movement and activity as assigned by the attending enzymes. An integral part of this activity is the passing of methyl groups, a carbon molecule bonded to three hydrogen molecules. These are akin to work orders for the enzymes, directing the expression or silencing of the gene to affect the change required to keep everything stable in this corner of the body/world...

Methylation is the exchange of the methyl groups so necessary for the chemical reactions that make you who you are. Methylation is what determines gene expression and protein function. It's what determines how you feel, think, see, look, are...

It turns out there's a quirk that seems to occur in the methylation cycle that's a precursor to cancer and continues as cancer grows. A genetic mutation causes an imbalance of proteins that causes an imbalance in the methylation cycle and the genes that regulate the cannabinoid receptors are overwhelmed by swarms of methyl groups, effectively silencing them. We call this hypermethylation. If the genes regulating the receptors are being silenced they can't communicate with the receptors, the cannabinoids can't attach and the work of eliminating that cancer cell can't take place. Instead, the cancer cell grows and replicates... The tumor advances...

The challenge then becomes getting these receptors cleaned so that the cannabinoids you worked so hard to acquire will have the best chance of helping your body return to health by eliminating the cancer cells. There are some surprisingly easy and tasty ways to do this...

* green tea: contains EGCG, catechins & is a cancer killer all on its own too. Green tea acts as an antioxidant, induces apoptosis, inhibits metastasis, cell proliferation, histamine effects, tumor-indused problems, etc.

* mangoes: Always best fresh, of course, but there're juices on the market worth looking at and in a pinch, baby food lines have started to include mangoes in their pureed fruit bags.

* green apples: Recent findings indicate that DNA demethylation is mediated by Tet (ten eleven translocation) enzymes, which convert 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC).

It's been determined that vitamin C, which can be found in fruits such as apples and oranges, induces Tet-dependent DNA demethylation in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells when present in cell culture media.

Yes, it's animal research but we are, after all, animals ourselves, so a certain amount of extrapolation can be safely applied. "An apple a day" makes much more sense now, doesn't it?

* grapefruit juice: Be cautious if you're on certain cardiac meds that disallow grapefruit. There're other options.

* cinnamon: Take 1/8 tsp a day. It goes down easy with squeezed lemon and a spoon of honey.

* dark chocolate (90%): To the uninitiated this tastes nasty the first time, but give your palate a chance to adjust to the difference.

* olive oil: I have no idea how much, but it's a sure bet that a tablespoon a day wouldn't hurt. Use it in cooking. Use it a lot. Dip bread into it for a quick snack. Infuse it with cannabis and make it even better for you.

Edited by chewey
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Aww, thanks man. That's great info and readily understood. 2 quick questions spring to mind. Would you recommend the solid of liquid coconut oil. I cook with the hard stuff but that would be rock solid after 12 hours in fridge - it must be liquid you mean. Secondly, I thought the gel capsule were no good for supps due to time it takes for them to dissolve. Better to use frozen molds?

I've been on 1+g @ day since beginning of March.

Thanks again for the info, I felt there was more I could do with the co

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Aww, thanks man. That's great info and readily understood. 2 quick questions spring to mind. Would you recommend the solid of liquid coconut oil. I cook with the hard stuff but that would be rock solid after 12 hours in fridge - it must be liquid you mean. Secondly, I thought the gel capsule were no good for supps due to time it takes for them to dissolve. Better to use frozen molds?

I've been on 1+g @ day since beginning of March.

Thanks again for the info, I felt there was more I could do with the co

Use orgainc, cold pressed coconut oil

The coconut oil will go solid yes, the 24 hrs im thinking flaxseed oil, sorry. After it's, gone solid, place it in a warm water bath so it goes to liquid again, then place in the caps

The gel caps work perfectly mate

Edited by chewey
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Thanks for the demethylation post as well. Luckily most of the natural solutions you mention I am already doing (green tea, cinnamon, 90%dark chocolate , grapefruit, green apples). I'll also do more research into it.

I will definitely be ordering some capsules and will get some carrier infused oil made. Thanks for the pointers. Sounds corny, but you may have just made a big difference to me conquering this cancer with oil.

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The cottage cheese contains the amino acid Cysteine. Cysteine contains sulfhydryl groups, which are groups having sulfur atom bonded to a hydrogen atom. The carrier oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, most importantly alpha-linoeic (omega 3) and linoleic (omega 6)

When you combine the cottage cheese and the carrier oil the sulfhydryl groups and the polyunsaturated fatty acids cause a chemical reaction that makes the carrier oil water soluble. This allows the carrier oil, and the meds we've bonded to that carrier oil by also using lecithin in our mix, to be absorbed into the cell membranes

The cell membranes are supported by the unsaturated fatty acids, which have an electron cloud, allowing them to bond to oxygen. This aids in cellular respiration . Without the essential fatty acids the cells struggle to get adequate oxygen. Cancer cells cannot survive in a highly oxygenated atmosphere. One of the things that needs to happen to allow cancer to get a foothold is a breakdown in the cellular respiration rate

Edited by chewey
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I explain it like this to folks.

If you take a gram of oil by weight, which is nearly the same size(.99 volume) as a "00" gel capsule. (Which you will need to fill.)

You get a shot glass. Put 39 ml of coconut oil in there and melt it.

Add one gram (equivalent to 1 ml) of oil. that is now a 40 to 1 mixture or it will fill 40 caps with 25 mg's in each "00" cap.

mix it 20 to one and you have 50 mg's per cap

.........10 to one........................100 mg's per cap

..........5 to one.........................200 mg's per cap

just replace any amount of coconut oil with any carriers you want. (I have only used coconut oil for sups with no carriers so it may be a different consistency.)

It took me a while to do itthis way but when I broke my scales...I had no choice.

You can use the same gel cap for a suppository. Into the freezer they go. Take one out.. POP IT OUT of the gel cap, They need not go far. :)

More than 250mgs gets a little....well...you have to be quick.

Take it anyway you can.....as much as you can. You do get used to dosages and you can increase as much as you like.

Sups make that easier as there is not an effect like ingesting is when you first start.

hope it helps some...

Edited by gb1
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They do not need to be frozen or taken out of the capsule..,

That's not what I have found.

Take them out of the capsules frozen and they will work right away, Self applicating even ;) ,,,others have put them up by mistake in the capsule. :unsure: It's not suggested.

Molds cost money and they are HUGE in size by comparison. :) A "00" cap size is easy ;)

Having them in the fridge instead of the freezer doesn't leave you much time to use them...only a mere minute of so before they get to soft to insert :)

which is what my point was about over 250 mg's/cap. They do not freeze passed that and do not work well for sups that I have found anyway.

To each their own I guess.

Edited by gb1
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