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So I fancy getting into this fishing lark, not too bothered about catching fish really just seems a good excuse to sit on a river bank getting stoned for a few hours lol

Do you always have to get the permits and shit? Can one just buy a cheapo telescopic rod and a bit of tackle and a chair and go for it? I know they sell those telescopic rods in lots of seaside touristy spots so I presume most who buy them just use them for a day or so without permits (probably mostly families and kids) so is there different rules there? If I need to get a permit is it like one that covers the whole country? and if so what do they cost?

I do fancy some coastal sea fishing with the goal of catching something tastey to eat (that is allowed right?), but I gather its a bit more effort.. or maybe not?

Cheers. :smokin:

@@Owderb and @@*DJ* you two seem to know you stuff so any input greatly appreciated. :)

Edited by iBMe
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You need a rod license from the Post Office £27.00 unless Sea fishing then you don't need one,then join a club or buy a day ticket for your chosen venue.

Good fun and nice with a smoke :)

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My advice is to go into your local tackle shop and explain you want a starter kit. Ask for a whip because you can buy ready tied, ready to go rigs you just attach to the end and your away :)

The guys in tackle shops are usually good lads and willing to help

They can advise you on where to go too


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Ah right yeah license is what I meant, hmm that's not too bad I suppose, is that £27 annually or one off? if annually is there perhaps a 6 month option? Probably wouldn't go much in the winter like.

How close to the sea does a river get before it becomes the sea? :)

Closest sea to me is the wash, which is pretty marshy which I suppose isnt much good? does it need to be rocky areas for good fishing?

Cheers Owderb good idea il do that.

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U can buy various types of licence online post office

Days weeks, annual. 3, 4 quid for single day.

Google search free river spots near u. All u need is a licence then.

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