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Do cooker hoods remove smell?

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I was wondering if anyone knew if the cooker hoods in new houses filter smells? I would like to start cooking with cannabis again when I move but IMO the smell is too much of a security risk without some sort of filter and don't want to just be pumping the smell out into the street.


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I just refitted my cooker hood with all new filters and gave it a thorough cleaning. Its working like new now and there is no way it would filter the smell of cooking weed. I think they are more about getting the fat out of the air than the smell.

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Ok thanks mate I will have to think of some other way to reduce the smell, might have to get a fan and carbon filter for the kitchen or something.

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there is no way it would filter the smell of cooking weed.


I do my butter ĺate on a rainy night. The windier the better, as theres almost no remedy for its pungent aroma, but once the butters done you can add it to any recipe that requires butter.

Or just dissolve a couple of slithers in a milky coffee :yep:

Mmm ☺

Edited by Biltong Bob
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I thought a carbon filter at first, but then if you're cooking the humidity will go up and probably knock the filter out.....

Don't think the hood material will kill all the weed smell either... :wallbash: ....rock and a hard place mate............ :rofl:

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Cook up a curry at the same time as doing your butter?

Edit to add, sorry, you didn't say you were making butter, just cooking. Still though, it might help.

Edited by Captain Bonglington
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Yeah looks like curry will be my only option really, could try using the mason jar method that looks like it could reduce smell A little.

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chop some chilli peppers, crush garlic, add oil and a little oyster sauce in a frying pan. Not only is this a very strong smell it is also the base for a very nice dinner. Add meat/veggies to the mix and serve with rice.

Edited by Reg Lives
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Try Ornel Bis,one spray on your carpet and no more problems.(quick solution,get a proper filter)

In front of your house smells like fresh smelled laundry , better then canna.One spray holds for 2 days, we used it in house once when we had guests coming in short notice, i almost puked how strong smell is ,could not get it out of curtains forever.

Edited by Herbal Kint
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Burnt toast is brilliant for disguising the smell of harvesting so in theory should also work for cooking :yep:


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Some years ago I taped a cooker filter to a tower fan just to see if it worked. Wouldn't do a grow with it :) but it did seem to make a difference in the living room when smoking spliffs.

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