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Im like many other cannabis uses in the uk who are aware that the law is completley wrong, but whilst i was getting away with breaking it i never felt any real need to do anything about getting it changed and just felt the problem would resolve itself in time, how i had no idea and certainley didnt think i would play any sort of role.

Recently i was arrested by two officers who came to my appartment on a completley unrelated topic they simply wanted to talk to me about a friend of mine and after being abruptly awoken by them i foolishly let them in and they then stumbled upon my much loved grow in my bedroom. There words where "thats unfortunate" and they ment it, they really couldnt be botherd to dissasemble all the equipment and deal with me but as they explained they have a job to do and despite them both telling me cannabis will be legal very soon they proceeded to take me to the station where i was charged with production of cannabis and possesion with intent to supply for having four cannabis plants in the corner of my bedroom and a pair of scales in a draw in the kitchen.

Things have changed, with a court case looming, the final straw has landed on the camels back and i feel i have no other option but to do everything i can to make the situation better for us all.

Ok so the big question what do i do now? One thing is for certain i shall contiue to grow unitll they take my fredom but we all want to see the law changed and that alone wont make it happen, so what do i do? Should i tell the judge in the up coming case how i feel about the law or will that just make my circumstances worse and do nothing towards helping get the law changed? Do i write to my mp explaing the situation? would he listen, afterall the mp for my constituency was caught playing candy crush for two hours during a comitte hearing on pensions so if he wasnt listening then something tells
me he wont be listening to me either. Maybe start a pettion, well someone already did that and look where that got us 200,000 signatures later, a debate in parliment for two hours to wich 14 out of 650 mps turned up to express there opnion and at the end of this so called debate the rt honerable minister mike penning stood up and dissmissed the arguments for legalisation and simply reiterated the conservative partys beliefs that cannabis is bad and that they have no intention of changing the law. I know that this debate, despite having no usefull outcome is however a step in the rigt direction but how bigger step? certainley not big enough to see change on the streets. weve seen plenty of change else where but not here why? so once again what do i do now? or maybe the question should be what do we do now? what can we do to see the change we all crave? surley some of us who can afford to sacrfice more should do more, what about a uk vapour lounge or other such ideas that could push the limits and make people stand up and pay attention? I meant this post to be a question rather than some sort of rant, has anyone got any good ideas about how we could raise the profile of the cannabis legalisation issue that they are affraid to implement?

Thanks for reading sorry if i offended or board anyone this is my first post, ever, anywhere.

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re double your efforts .. whatever equipment they took. buy double the size, if they ever take it again. then double up again. its like when they chop off a hydra serpents head then two grow back.. chop those off then 4 come back, thats what I'd do ,

p.s dont tell the police thats what you intend to do !

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We're officious ,heartless bastards and we'll prosecute you for possession of a few plants ,that's unfortunate . Sorry to hear . I wouldn't mention ''petition'' !

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Ah, the first bust, it's a real pisser, mine made me quite angry. You should be fine with just 4 plants so long as you don't admit to ever sharing any with anyone and it's all personal. Scales don't mean fuck all, you could use them for cooking or checking deals when you have to buy them.

Guidelines for 4 should just be a small fine or something, when you get to court you'll see what a pantomime it all is, best way to feel better is, stop worrying, split some seeds and try and get a crop in before you get to court. Oh, and see a solicitor, they tend to make you feel better.

All the best with it, don't let the bastards grind you down.

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Was going to say about scales, I have scales in my kitchen. Was brought when the dog had a single pup and it needed weighing often as was on puppy formula at first due to c section also as single pups don't have to move as much to get milk so can get huge and cause problems. Never been worried about it tbh as that's only thing which looks suspect and is a genuine reason to where they was brought.

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Thanks to all of you for the quick replies, and kind words. I particularly enjoyed the don't let the bastards grind you down quote. I had a solicitor during my interview and obviously gave all the write answers unfortunately this is not my first arrest, in fact im pretty used to the process so i am not particularly stressed by it all but i was certainly angry to loose my baby's. As instructed i intend to double down on any efforts. I wont lie though I'm slightly nerves about starting back up again, i cant believe i am back at square one i had my own little bit of heaven in a tent which had taken years to get perfect and now all this nonsense comes in despite it only being a 1.5 x 1.5m tent i had still spent well over £2500 on the equipment and i also had over £600 worth of nutes. it might not seem a lot of money but it is when its all taken in one day i certainly cant afford to go out and buy all the same equipment i had before it will be back to basics.

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Fight the cunts as far as you are able. Do you use it primarily for pain relief? Back pain is almost impossible to disprove as pain and pain thresholds are entirely subjective. If you grow a few plants in your own home to help you get a good night's rest without selling it, using it in public, giving it to minors then there are no victims and it's worth asking your brief to really labour this point. You have harmed no one. No breach of the peace and no profit from illegal activity (in fact you are contributing to the profit margin of UK Plc and should be thanked for doing so. Particularly as you are going to have to spend again on a new set up).

Good luck, chin up, one day sense will prevail, hopefully your previous won't count against you.

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simply convince every adult smoker to grow a seed to 6 inches tall and march to the local police stations on a given day and watch the entire thing collapse in on itself and the absurdity of the law would soon be too obvious to ignore.

There really is no backbone left in a lot of us. no protest.

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Guest jacks lad

was a few years ago i fought back, they charged me with production but i admitted supplying my wife, they changed my charges to production, production with the intent to supply and supplying, and a little charge of possession, jury acquitted my on all charges but possession, unfortunately i was bust again a few years later but things had changed, the star witness was now employed by the government and they had changed the law and i could no longer use the same defence, they offered my a deal i took it and walked away free and not having to pay any money.

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