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Not Finishing Games


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Went and sold Fallout 4 today cos I'm skint and wanted some cider. I never finished it but haven't played it for ages, so it was just sitting around, may as well get some use out of it. I loved it when I first played it, but just got bored of it. And I've just been thinking, I rarely actually finish games, can't remember the last one I played all the way through to the end. I get really into a game, play it to death (doing all the side quests and stuff) then get bored with it and don't actually finish it. I never finished The Witcher 3, loved it at first but got bored of it. I've never finished a single GTA game. Never finished Elder Scrolls Oblivion or Skyrim, even though I loved them and played them a lot. Don't think I finished Fallout 3 or New Vegas either. I tend to love a game for the time I enjoy playing it, but to be honest I'm just not that bothered about how the story ends, if I get bored with the gameplay (which I generally do) or if I hit a level limit then that's usually me done with it. If I want a story with an ending I care about I'll read a book. A decent story in a game will hook me at the start and keep me playing, but only so far, once I'm bored with the actual gameplay (or have reached the limit of character development and got all the best stuff in RPG type games) then I don't really care about the story any more.

Anyone else like that ?

Edited by Boojum
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Heh you've just listed most of the games I've also never completed, yeah they grabbed me atfirst, but after a while they just got boring tbh, I never finished Fallout 3 because of the same reason. I've completed a lot of games because they've managed to hold my interest until the end, most of them FPS or stratagy games, I do like some RPG, have a weakness for Final fantasy (not the new mmo ones). I think my main problem with Fallout/oblivon/skyrim is the missions just get so fucking dull and you have to complete them in some ultra specific way, kills the fun.

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Final fantasy is my weakness too xx dog,lizard and fish all named after characters from it....number ten is the best followed by number 8.

I love me some squall and Auron X

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If I buy a game I've Gotta complete it. Drives me mad sat there unfinished otherwise!

Been replaying gta on ps2 coz I'm cool lol nostalgia is awesome thing and I still think gta games r great.....confession time though I have never completed gta vice city until really recently. I'm talking literally a month ago. I would always get stuck on certain misson but nailed it this time and it feels so good xx

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I know what you mean Boojum, sometimes straight RPG games can be difficult to get the commitment to see them through to the end, although I generally do. That's why I much prefer RPG/FPS hybrids where the story is much more than just the game and you are compelled to finish it. Deus Ex (original), STALKER, Red Dead Redemption. I know RDR got you and you got to the end because you got emotionally connected and disturbed by the brutal ending.

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I've stopped playing Fallout 4 after an update corrupted my save game. 25hrs of progress up the shitter. :(

Not impressed as I bought a download copy so can't take it back.

Back to World of Tanks then.

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I don't think I've finished many games either. They're more about the journey and less about "beating it" imo.

Shame you'd to sell FallOut 4 though @@Boojum, it's one of those games I pick up for a few hours every now and then and RPG my tits off. I'm very seldom interested in the actual story. I make my own story.

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