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Ilfracombe drug grower who said he would smoke 98 cannabis plants in s


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A DRUG grower has been ordered to pay £15,000 under the Proceeds of Crime Act after police found a 98 plant cannabis farm at his home.

Michael Felix claimed he intended to smoke the entire crop himself in the space of six weeks but will now have to pay the money within three months or face a jail sentence.

The 60-year-old former blacksmith received a suspended sentence in December 2014 after he admitted producing cannabis at his home in Ilfracombe.

He was brought back to Exeter Crown Court under the Proceeds of Crime Act after a financial investigation.

Recorder Mr Robert Linford certified Felix's benefit from crime was £15,000 and the amount he had available was £160,000.

He ordered him to pay the £15,000 within three months or face an eight month jail sentence in default.

In the original case, Felix, Springfield Road, Ilfracombe, admitted producing cannabis and was jailed for 20 months, suspended for two years and ordered to do 200 hours unpaid community work by Judge Phillip Wassall.

Mr Brian Fitzherbert, prosecuting, said a police officer walking through Ilfracombe smelled cannabis and traced it to Felix's home.

He said: "Felix answered the door but closed his porch door before he did so but despite this attempt to conceal it, the smell was extremely strong.

"The house was searched and a room upstairs was found with numerous cannabis plants along with 316 grams of skunk cannabis and 350 grams of leaf."

Mr Fitzherbert said there were 54 seedlings, 21 adult plants and 23 under 20 inches. A police drug liaison officer calculated the likely yield at 1.6 kilograms with a street value of £16,000. The dried cannabis was valued at around £4,000.

Felix claimed the crop would have been much smaller than the police estimates and was solely for his own use but Judge Wassall doubted his account and said he would have 'had smoke coming out of his ears' if it was true.

James Taghdissian, who defended Felix at the Proceeds of Crime hearing, said the order and the amount had been agreed.

: http://www.northdevonjournal.co.uk/Ilfracombe-drug-grower-said-smoke-98-cannabis/story-28763045-detail/story.html#ixzz40ca4wGQV

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