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Sloppy Womble

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Forgive me if this is not the right area for it, but was wondering what strains people recommended for treating depression/insomnia mix?

TBH I've never actually directly treated it, the missus is on anti-depressants, but hates taking them and often doesn't.

So, which strain(s) would people say have worked for them particularly well ..?

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Can't name a strain but when I'm depressed I like a big, heavy couchlock indica. It may sound counterintuitive, you'd think that 'up' sativas would be good for depression to lift you out of it, but they do me no favours, my depression generally comes with a side order of anxiety and sativas tend to make that worse for me, and they also get me thinking too much about stuff (cos when I'm in a depression I dwell on the bad stuff - not things you want to be thinking about). Indicas chill me out and help with the insomnia :)

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Sats for depression indica for pain etc it's a bit more complicated than that I think, as Booj says Sats can make anxiety worse which comes hand in hand with depression so it can be a bit of a double edged sword. Some can certainly make mine worse!

The best thing to do IMO is to have a look through leafly or something like that and have a look whats best for depression and then see which you like the idea of smoking more, when you're growing your own cannabis for something like depression it's incredibly personal and I don't think what works for me, or Booj or whoever will necessarily work with you.

good luck

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Aye, it's a personal thing, what works for one may not work for another. it's probably a process of trial and error and unfortunately in this country that's very fucking difficult :(

I wish your Mrs all the best. This is a bad time of year for those of us prone to visits from the black dog :(

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Thanks, pretty much what I expected TBH, difficult in this country to experiment - prison didn't give a shit and just want to either deny medication (as it costs money) or dope people up with shit to make them more compliant - came out more fucked up than when I went in.

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Sativas if you can get/take them (not everyone can), but blues works really well for my mood. It was also by far the most popular strain when we did a poll.

The insomnia thing is a bit more complicated imo, but many people like indicas to help them sleep. Not me usually tbh but I can appreciate their point of view.

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  • 1 year later...

Indica's help my depression at night time, they help me relax and stop stressing and relieve my chronic pain. Daytimes: I like certain sativa's or a hybrid. I found Green Crack to be good one for getting me moving. Also I favour strains that boost creativity, helps me with work and helps me tackle problems differently.

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Ive found out this last few days nothing has helped my insomnia like hash does, last few nights ive had the best nights sleeps ive had in a very long time.

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