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so who is looking forward to fallout 4?


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@ the guys who did witcher are doing a cyberpunk open world game. i reckon that will be great.

loved fallout 3. didnt get on with vegas but didnt finish 3 until near vegas's release so maybe we were fallouted out. :)

will get 4 at some point, they are usually buggy at first. will be buying on PC though :) none of your console restrictions for me!

problem is i dont get much time to game any more.

When you say restrictions, do you mean mods? As they are bringing that to the Xbox sometime soon (I believe)


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I traded in a stack of very old games at Game when MGS The Phantom Pain came out (about £35 worth in trade), to buy that. But Game were shite, and it wasn't in, so they gave me a voucher for the value, and at the same time told me because of what I'd traded in I could pre-order a game for free, pay when it comes out, plus I'd get a fiver off it. That was ages ago (like I say, when MGS 5 came out) so I pre-ordered Fallout 4. I went back to Game a few times in the next few days to get MGS5, but they were always sold out, so I ended up getting it pre-owned from Cex. I kinda forgot all about it, forgot about the voucher cos there have been no Xbox One games since that I've been the least bit interested in. Just totally went out of my mind.

I'm fucking skint at the moment, bills to pay, shit has happened, overdraft to pay off etc :headpain: no money for games for the forseeable future :sadwalk: and I REALLY want Fallout 4. Like I said I'd forgotten about it and was lamenting the fact that I can't afford to pre-order it and will have to wait for weeks until I have some money. Then got an email from Game the other day reminding me that I've got it pre-ordered with a fiver off, which also reminded me that I've got a voucher for £35, and I've got about a fiver on me reward card :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Cant fookin wait. It's probably the first Xbox One game I've actually been anticipating and excited about, thought I'd have to wait until it was on the pre-owned shelves cos I'd forgotten all about my voucher, my pre-order and my money off, and it turns out I can get it on Tuesday when it's released :D

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

E2A Sometimes having a really fucked up memory with holes in it from decades of alcohol abuse can be a bonus lol

Edited by Boojum
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Defo getting it on the PC

Been playing games on the PC for so long now that console just don't do it for me no more

I stopped getting sucked into games hype years ago, too many broken promises

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@@Davey Jones Ye it's annoying nowadays, they release a good looking CGI trailer or really enhanced "gameplay" like 3 months before which makes you think "THAT LOOKS AWESOMEEEEE" then that gets people to preorder it, then they release a not so good looking trailer a month before so it gets your expectations down, then a week before release some good bits of actual gameplay so your expectations are down even more, so it's not as a shock when you play it.....Then you play it and there's bugs and glitches everywhere lol I think EA is the main culprit of doing this, but i never preorder games anymore ....except fallout the other day :upside: And GTA for PC but i knew that was going to be good, Rather watch some normal gameplay with no spoilers after it's out now. I'm Glad Need for speed isn't out for PC yet as I haven't bought one since the 1st Most wanted and been waiting for another underground, but it looks boring on Consoles with bugs, so hopefully they will sort this out or they won't be problems on PC as i would of BOught it straight away then been disappointed.

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I'm going to have to wait for a bit :( not had enough work lately to buy a machine to play it on so will have to delay.....could sell my arse perhaps lol

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Don't really care what it looks like as long as it plays well.

This is it Booj

PC games not only look better but they are also far more playable, PC is the best as far as games go and going back to a console is like going back to soapbar

IMO of course


And so they should be when you are forking out £800 for a graphics card

Edited by Davey Jones
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And so they should be when you are forking out £800 for a graphics card

:shock: How much?

Back in the day they were only about 300 for a beasty one. That's crazy. Why would you need that for anything other than a commercial reason? When I last did some homework I could build a monster from barebones for about that much. Years ago mind... but fuck!.. £800 for gfx card. :shock: :shock:

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Yeah the graphics cards have came a long wi the dual setups etc.

Gets costly.

Might be remembering this wrong Davey but weren't both fallout 3 and new Vegas way more glitchy on PC (and ps3 if memory serves) than on the Xbox?

New Vegas was definitely a joke on the PC.

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Might be remembering this wrong Davey but weren't both fallout 3 and new Vegas way more glitchy on PC (and ps3 if memory serves) than on the Xbox?

New Vegas was definitely a joke on the PC.

Ye PC games are defo more glitchy but its to be expected given the sjeer number of combinations of hardware alone

The companies take trhe piss nowadays as we are the beta testers and gone are the days when games had to be right on the day of release

Edit I have always enjoyed Fallout though, I played skyrim a fair bit but fallout is better for me

Edited by Davey Jones
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This is it Booj

PC games not only look better but they are also far more playable, PC is the best as far as games go and going back to a console is like going back to soapbar

IMO of course


And so they should be when you are forking out £800 for a graphics card

Unless it's batman arkham knight which played fine on console but was unplayable on PC

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Fuck me, 600w for that one card. Crazy pull. Didnt know they were that power hungry nowadays. Hope you're mining bitcoins in down time lol

Yep I bloody hate this new gaming time of half the releases being unfinished glitchy messes. Beta testers indeed we are.

Fallouts are one of the few games you can just put up with it because the games so huge. Nothing stopping me going adventuring.

IIRC my mate playing new Vegas had a glitch where he couldn't take off a cowboy hat or game would crash? Some hilariously strange glitches in these games lol

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