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Legalise Prostitution Group Gets Lottery Cash

Guest justagirl

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Guest justagirl

:gossip: i recently read that the national lottery refused to give money to the lifeboat fund because it doesnt support enough "ethnical" groups, and then swiftly gave the legalsie prostitution group a shed load of money, so they can educate prostitutes and assess harm reduction within prostitution.

i dont know if this is a load of bollwox or if its true, but if it is, isnt this a little bit of an opening hole? is prostitution now legal? if not how come they got cash to support a group promoting illegal activities? and does anyone know if you have to be a registered charity to claim lottery funding?

i like the idea of little cannabis charity shops popping up around the uk!


love justagirl x

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Guest stone win

If this is the case , can the LCA gain a lottery grant......I think the criteria, is the way the forms are filled out, so if anyone is a good form filler, please let the Lca , know..............

i like the idea of little cannabis charity shops popping up around the uk!
please , please ,please...........win stoned, and happy :zorro: :thisbig::gossip:
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Prostitution isn't illegal, soliciting for the perposes of prostitution is illegal. As for the RNLI lottery story, did you read that in The Mail?

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Guest justagirl

to be honest i cant remeber where i sited it, but i remeber thinking, i'll keep this and find out more, and then promtly lost it!

i dont understand the laws on prostitution, but i guess like cannabis seeds being legal, but the plant illegal, there are bits and bobs that have loopholes?

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Guest justagirl
lol sorry so wasted cant remember what i wanted to say, probably somethung about the some thing  :gossip:


:thisbig: bit like me! good for yo mate, may your evening be filled with happy things xxxxxxxx

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to be honest i cant remeber where i sited it, but i remeber thinking, i'll keep this and find out more, and then promtly lost it!

i dont understand the laws on prostitution, but i guess like cannabis seeds being legal, but the plant illegal, there are bits and bobs that have loopholes?


are you bothered about the laws? who says what is law? what is law? :thisbig: politics is just words and do not affect the "now" as we know it, well wasted and losing the plot now big time lol:gossip:

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Guest justagirl

not really bothered by anything tonight, but when not so boshed i wonder why there are sooo many strange laws.....and why we have to fit into our created society.....

just liked the thought of getting dosh from the lottery to be honest, so i can do some cannabis charity work.....i'll work out what the work is when we work out if we'd get the dosh!! :thisbig:

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On the subject of the lottery fund, I read the other day that they refused to give money to the samaritans, because they "dont give enough help to ethnic minorities".

Surely this is madness; the Samaritans are a very compassionate and vital group - they can only help whoever picks up the phone and they are there for EVERYONE. Wots going on? Bloody lottery.

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i recently read that the national lottery refused to give money to the lifeboat fund because it doesnt support enough "ethnical" groups

This may be true, but where did you read this? I only ask cause it seems like the kind of thing you might get in the generally racist tabloid press.

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We want to dump the dealers its about time that prostitutes had a chance to dump the pimp who in my personal opinion are the lowest scum on earth next to child sex offenders. If i had my way i'd fucking beat the pimps to death real slowly.

Yet another reason to legalise and regulate, safety first, give those that WANT to be in that trade somewhere safe to do so.


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i recently read that the national lottery refused to give money to the lifeboat fund because it doesnt support enough "ethnical" groups
This may be true, but where did you read this? I only ask cause it seems like the kind of thing you might get in the generally racist tabloid press.

Yes I think that was expressed by the Sun and no doubt the Daily Hell as well.

Although it seems strange, they failed on one point which was:

"They said we hadn't fulfilled the priorities of the National Lottery Board to appeal to the young, the elderly, ethnic minorities, asylum seekers and people who are disadvantaged"

It seems their target audience is too broad. Funny noone had jumped on the bandwagon though and said how outrageous it was that they failed in their bid because werent targeting the young or the elderly. Just the "asylum" word is mentioned.

Their request was quite high at £300,000 of a £1.3 milion budget and so the lottery wishes to discuss a lower contribution.

I just wish these right wing scum papers wouldnt push their fascist ideas on their readers. They are thick, they need all the help they can get to gather a balnaced opinion! lol

As for the support for cannabis charities. We would obvioulsy have to prove that we would be helping the disadvantaged. i.e concentrate on the M.S sufferers, rather than purely the leagalisation campaign.

But can you imagine how furious the Mail would get about this.

"War veterans budget slashed due to aslyum seeking potheads"


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