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I need help from a smart arse!


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The title says it all! Haha

Does anyone on here have a good MP letter that they can forward to me? I would like to write to my local MP to try and convince them to attempt the "production, sale and use age of cannabis legal" debate on the 12th October!

I have written a rant/letter but my grammar and English is terrible!

Much appreciated if someone can help me out! It should go in our favour if the letter is convincing enough :)

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Here's what I sent to Paul Flynn and my MP will not attend

Dear Mr Flynn

I write with reference to the forthcoming scheduled and long overdue debate on the recent petition to regulate cannabis in the UK.

I am not sure what the protocol is for using anonymous testimonies but I am quite sure I won't be the only person who has contacted you on this issue. I am happy for you to read a redacted/anonymised copy of this email in the debate if you think it would be helpful. My own MP, (name withheld) appears unwilling to engage on the matter.

The reason for strictly confidential request on the email is purely as a result of the prohibition enacted and perpetuated by successive UK governments. I cannot openly speak out about my cannabis use because frankly, will lose my job. I hold a senior position in a public facing organisation and have used cannabis for 25 years regularly, both to manage pain in my knees and also to enjoy the very pleasurable side effects of this medicine.

I have a very rewarding family life, a wife and two wonderful children who both excel at school. I hold down a very stressful job and perform well and usually above expectation. I do not rob or steal to fund my "habit" like millions of other recreational and medicinal users.

However, for 25 years or more, I have been forced into the black market to obtain cannabis. If I did not have the children at home I would certainly be growing my own (it is only the fact that the punishment for growing is disproportionate and much harsher than for straightforward possession, that currently prevents me from doing so).

Going into the black market is far more dangerous for me personally, since I have less influence on quality control of product purchased and who I have to deal with. I take this option reluctantly in order to protect my family from having the front door smashed in and prevent my kids having to watch their father get strong armed into a meat wagon should a police helicopter locate a suspicious heat source in my house.

The current legal status has done nothing to deter my use, and I will continue to use cannabis irrespective of the law. It has done nothing to contain the growth of the trade. In the 25 years I have been using cannabis there is more of it about now, and use is more extensive than ever before. Government figures used to show their initiatives are working are fantasy at best.

The question for government must now boil down to a question of safety of the people and also one of tax. Do they want a slice of tax from my current black market spending? And do they want to keep their voting public safe? At the moment, the answer to both those questions is 'no'.

Messages my children receive about drugs from the PCO in their school are completely misinformed. Cannabis is as dangerous as crack apparently, no mention is made of the facts. There is now an overwhelming body of scientific evidence which dispels all the myths and lies. This must be discussed and addressed by lawmakers. The world is changing its mind on cannabis. The UK seems unable to modernise in this regard.

That I could go to jail for doing something in the privacy of my own home that has no victims would appear to contravene my human rights.

I would love to be open about this one part of my life outside of my social network of friends ( most of whom use cannabis). They all hold down responsible professional jobs or run their own businesses, have wives, husbands, partners and children and all without question contribute to community activities and groups. Heck, some of them even go to church!!

But we can't, we suffer is silence. We cannot go on marches or protests because we cannot afford to lose our jobs. We fear being stigmatised as junkies by the misinformed. We harm no one but are put in harmful situations as a direct consequence of prohibition. To be persecuted for victimless activity is akin to locking up people for their religious or political beliefs. We don't live in Russia, or China, or Iran. We live (supposedly) in a free country. It's about time the Houses of Parliament matured sufficiently to recognise that. The solutions are already there. Clear UK have published an eminently sensible proposal for regulation of the market. There are no more arguments that stand up to scrutiny or common sense so let's have mature laws that would lift stigma, generate massive tax revenues and create jobs.

I would be more than happy to discuss further, though I know you need no convincing. Hopefully this correspondence can add some small way (albeit confidentially) to the debate and hopefully a change in the law.

I wish you the best of luck in the debate. There will no doubt be paltry attendance and sadly I fear that the issue will be kicked once more into the long grass.

Yours, etc

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See, you nearly had me, (other than some missing bit) but then you drop clear into the prose. :sadwalk:

Cheers :smokin:

I know but the proposal they wrote is a well written proposal. Personalities aside its at least something the debate could usefully use. The cause will not be won if those calling for change are not united

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I'd love to say yes... I just don't know...

Tell you what, check out some of my recent posts. If you wanna pick up what I'm putting down, feel free to copy anything or pm me with your thoughts/ initial draft....

Peace and good luck soldier.

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