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I have a rant/letter for the government! Please see!


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I am really angry with the government pretending to care about us! I know my letter might be over the top! But people need to realise that nature (cannabis, mushrooms etc) has been around us longer than these medicines and stop criticising a plant as a drug!! Which many of enjoy for a good high and for medical reasons! Below is my rant/letter! - can I have feed back! Thanks! 😊

Cannabis should be legalised in the UK. The reason that cannabis should be legalised is because cannabis can be used as a natural medicine. (Not like these processed medicines that are issued through the pharmacy)

Cannabis should NOT be compared with drugs such as cocaine, heroin ecstasy pills and most of all legal highs! These types of "drugs" have been processed with different chemicals to cause their high effects. You cannot pull pure heroin, ecstasy, cocaine, legal highs AND alcohol; naturally off a plant like you can with the bud of cannabis.

Some may say that smoking cannabis is harmful, but in reality; smoking anything is harmful to the human body, especially breathing in the co2 fumes off public transport and no major action has been taken in regards that matter (although its an health issue to all the living material on the PLANET)

We are all individual human beings that can make choices for ourselves and I strongly believe that taking cannabis is optional to the user. Some people like KFC, some people prefer normal chicken breast, some people prefer to get their sugars naturally from fruits and others like their sugars from chocolate/sweets, some people like alcohol and some people prefer cannabis... Everyone has their own preferences and is NOT forced in to taking anything.

Legalise cannabis and put an age limit for the sale and usage of cannabis (like alcohol) As I said earlier that taking cannabis is optional and this WILL NOT give the wrong message to young people to think that it is OK to take cannabis. Alcohol (legal) is harmful and there are a lot of people out there in the UK alone that dont drink alcohol, just as well as the people who do not smoke cannabis.

Cannabis has NOT caused any deaths unlike wars, medicines, alcohol, tobacco and so onAlcohol (legal) in comparison to cannabis(illegal) - alcohol causes deaths, diabetes, liver and kidney failure, it is probably the BIGGEST gateway drug, causes fights and mayhem on the streets. While cannabis users just want to sit inside, watch films, listen to music, eat, cure their illness, ease their pain and sleep. You know the FACT on cannabis

What gives you the right to make choices for a country of individuals that has completely different preferences to you and the other MPs that run our country? You have proved that you DO NOT care about the health of the British citizens because you governments create enemies, that give a good excuse to start war and then you send our troops to kill the enemy which kills British citizens and citizens of the countries that have invaded. If governments didnt create enemies there would be no war and there would be peace on earth which then would save lives. So do NOT say cannabis is harmful when its the government that IS harmful.

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I share your sentiment dude.

The difficulty with these sorts of letters is making an impact on the recipient.

Consider this - a statement, a letter, a CV should all make an impact to whoever is reading them within the first 6 seconds of your document being read. If it is riddled with punctuation or grammatical mistakes it will not only lose its impact, it will lose its credibility. It'll then find itself being tossed in the bin before it's been fully read.

There are a number of issues I see with your document.

Firstly, as with any statement or article, it needs a beginning, a middle and an end. The first part should be used to introduce the topic you wish to discuss, you can usually start with some history. The second will be the topic itself and will cover most of the complaints you wish to make. The third and last part of the letter will wrap the 3 pieces together and provide a conclusion and any recommendations you may have.

The other important thing to consider are the statements you're making. You need to back these up with facts and links to studies which prove them to be correct. Your statement is very heavy on personal opinion but light on actual facts or references.

A lot of writers use this system for structuring







If you can include all of these elements in your document you will have a fairly concise article which leaves the reader with few questions to ask.

See here for a better example of what I'm saying (Click Here)

Your document should begin with something similar to this:

"I am writing to express my anger and disappoint at the government's stance regarding the legalisation of cannabis" ... (or something like that)

The above is in no way a criticism of you, just a few pointers to ensure your document is credible and creates the maximum impact.

We see a lot of people here writing letters to their MPs but so many of them fail to make any impact as the argument is lost in a sea of poor grammar and lack of factual information.

Good luck with it. We need a lot more people lobbying their MPs. Just try and do it in a way that gets noticed rather than thrown in the bin.

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I share your sentiment dude.

The difficulty with these sorts of letters is making an impact on the recipient.

Consider this - a statement, a letter, a CV should all make an impact to whoever is reading them within the first 6 seconds of your document being read. If it is riddled with punctuation or grammatical mistakes it will not only lose its impact, it will lose its credibility. It'll then find itself being tossed in the bin before it's been fully read.

There are a number of issues I see with your document.

Firstly, as with any statement or article, it needs a beginning, a middle and an end. The first part should be used to introduce the topic you wish to discuss, you can usually start with some history. The second will be the topic itself and will cover most of the complaints you wish to make. The third and last part of the letter will wrap the 3 pieces together and provide a conclusion and any recommendations you may have.

The other important thing to consider are the statements you're making. You need to back these up with facts and links to studies which prove them to be correct. Your statement is very heavy on personal opinion but light on actual facts or references.

A lot of writers use this system for structuring







If you can include all of these elements in your document you will have a fairly concise article which leaves the reader with few questions to ask.

See here for a better example of what I'm saying (Click Here)

Your document should begin with something similar to this:

"I am writing to express my anger and disappoint at the government's stance regarding the legalisation of cannabis" ... (or something like that)

The above is in no way a criticism of you, just a few pointers to ensure your document is credible and creates the maximum impact.

We see a lot of people here writing letters to their MPs but so many of them fail to make any impact as the argument is lost in a sea of poor grammar and lack of factual information.

Good luck with it. We need a lot more people lobbying their MPs. Just try and do it in a way that gets noticed rather than thrown in the bin.

Thank you very much for the feedback!

I was trying to keep my letter short and effective! I am aware that my English/grammar is terrible and Looking for evidence will be very easy!

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The last letter I wrote to my MP about another issue received the response "thank you for your concern, I am dealing with this issue". So I don't think they spend that much time reading.

I'm trying to write one with simple bullet points and references to key arguments. But it's never been my strong point.

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The point I was trying to make is that we are individuals who should be able to make our own choices in life, if one wants to smoke weed, eat it or make oil, they should be able to! It's just a plant!

My argument was that there are more hazardous things out in the world that is controlled by the government which kills people and than cannabis doesn't!

People just need to wake up!

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The point I was trying to make is that we are individuals who should be able to make our own choices in life, if one wants to smoke weed, eat it or make oil, they should be able to! It's just a plant!

My argument was that there are more hazardous things out in the world that is controlled by the government which kills people and than cannabis doesn't!

People just need to wake up!

I got your point mate. Like I said, it wasn't a criticism, I shared your sentiment.

I was just trying to let you know that your letter would make more of an impact if it was structured in a better way. If you want to get your message across you need to consider this.

Unfortunately no one want to hear rants. They serve the purpose of letting everyone know you're pissed off but that's about all. Facts and information tend to get a better reception. You need to factor in how things could change, why, and what the benefits would be etc.

Firing from the hip rarely hits the target. Take your time to construct your complaint by aiming for the maximum impact by making it hard-hitting, credible and factual.

Anything less will be consigned to the MPs bin.

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You need to state that kids under 18 can get cannabis easier than cigarettes and alcohol, adults can make their own choice to ingest it if they want, just like alcohol or cigarettes and say Tobacco use is falling without locking anyone up but educating people instead.

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I was going to mention something like that because when I was about 13, people would go in the shops for alcohol for me! But I didn't want some smart arse thinking: the same could happen with cannabis! But in reality a 13 year old could get canabis off a "drug dealer" that could get them in to trouble (if they got in to debt) so yeah, it would be a lot safer for the youth to get by asking someone to go in the shop for them than the dealers!

I'm going to re write the letter later and I'll mention it! Thanks for the advise man!

You need to state that kids under 18 can get cannabis easier than cigarettes and alcohol, adults can make their own choice to ingest it if they want, just like alcohol or cigarettes and say Tobacco use is falling without locking anyone up but educating people instead.

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  • 4 months later...

Ime MPs dont read letters sent to them, their assistants deal with that stuff, and even then they tend to have an idea of whats on the MPs to-do list. So I think the minute they see it the mention that they've recieved a lette about Puff legislation then just throw it in the bin


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