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Cannabis for my on going battle


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Hi, just thought I'd get some advice regarding the use of cannabis and whether or not I can help me.

For several years now I've battled some crippling bouts of depression for which I've received help and medication. They vary in severity but at their worst, I basically just can't function and would rather die than be part of society. I've researched the illness greatly and learned to cope a little better with it recently. Medication can help but the side effects can often be horrific, including anxiety, sleep paralasis, weight loss, insomnia.... The list goes on.

Related to this I also suffer from fibromyalgia, a chronic back pain where I often get numbness in my limbs, not great when I'm at work. I self medicate with alcohol but this obviously doesn't help.

I wondered if anyone could advise me on which strains may help and how to go about obtaining them. Has anyone had any success in a similar scenario?

Thank you

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I suffer with CFS, Fibromyalgia, IBS, scoliosis, spondylosis, nerve damage PTSD, depression and anxiety.

I can no longer tolerate medication and have never been able to tolerate alcohol.

I discovered (by accident) that cannabis helps enormously. It helps me with pain management, depression, anxiety and nausea.

I'd look into all the different strains available and start off with a small amount if you're not used to using cannabis.

I've not been able to get any for a while and I'm suffering at the moment :(

I'm hoping to grow my own as then I've got control over the strain.

I think if you're still working and need to function then a sativa dominant strain with a medium/high THC content as well as having a decent amount of CBD may help.

Everyone is different though.

Indica dominant strains are best suited to evening use and can be useful as a sleep aid as they can have a 'couch-lock' effect.

I'm keen to try 'girl scout cookie' I've heard it's a good medicinal strain. Not sure how true this is, but I'm sure there'll be others that are more knowledgeable than me on the subject. I'm still a rookie!

Good luck in your quest! I hope you find something that helps with your illnesses.

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Cannabis will help you sleep, give you an appetite as well as euphoric 'nice' feelings. Being happy is a big part of being well.

Best advise would be to grow your own mate.

You will get what your given on the street, you wont have the luxury of a choice and a lot of times it will be poorly grown, full of chemicals and possibly contaminated.

With regard to strains will be trial and error I suppose mate.

Sounds like you don't have access to cut's? So just start looking round different seed companys and try a few things.

I suggest looking at a 1:1 CBD strain, an Indica Dom. and maybe a hybrid just as a comparison, see what works best for you and go from there.

I'd stay away from racy sativas if I your having anxiety issues.

I have a GSC x on at the moment. It is a very heavy (almost pure Indica) so not a daytime smoke but great for melting into the sofa on an evening.

+1 on suppositories - they work very well with very little (if any) of the other (possibly unwelcome) effects.

Also have a look into edibles and infused cococnut oil (can be made into caps).

Good luck on your journey bro, wish I could help more and I hope Canna offers you some sort of relief!

ATB - iBD :yinyang:

e2a a trip to Amsterdam might be a welcome break and you will be able to try a few different things ;)

Edited by iBD
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Weed taken Alongside excersise is the best thing in the world for depression imo. Haven't tried a strain yet that didn't help.

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Yeah I'm just worried about the consequences of growing?

Just keep it small for your personal use.

I suffer with Ankylosing Spondylitis and on diagnosis was told 'to jump straight into a swimming pool', regular exercise is a big part of my treatment to keep my body from stiffening up.

I take one anti inflammatory tablet in the morning and self medicate regularly during the day.

The combination of all three helps me manage my condition very well

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i am currently back growing after having a 10 year break from smoking it at all due to me being off work with anxiety and depression. Even the act of growing is surprisingly therapeutic. The medication i am on makes me feel worse most the time so i thought i would give the herb a shot ;). have a look at some of the stealth grows in cupboards and the like they are quite ingenious these days as opposed to a huge tent

Edited by Silvestris
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