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the popular view

Edwin J

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Phyto, don't run away, stand and fight for your constitutional rights to freedom of speech, belief and lifestyle. If your ancesters had balked when faced with entrenched political and economic tyranny you would have been celebrating the Queen of Americas jubilee and July 4 would be just another day.

ac12uk, you are, of course, correct.  I have said much the same to my fellow American dissidents.  But I, too, vacillate between fight and flight.

In my four decades as a U.S. citizen, the cultural landscape and general mentality of the U.S. has become overwhelmingly conservative and essentially Fascist in nature.  Corporate media consolidation and propagandists have owned the last two decades in particular, and, now, dumb and mean comprise the order of the day.  Concepts of "balance" and "fairness" and "mutual respect despite our differences" are laughable anachronisms.  In their place is the reality that Conservatism Won.

My neighbors -- conservatives all, with the exception of one family -- would happily turn me in to the authorities (also all conservatives) for anything if they thought it would land me in jail.  Why?  Because I'm not like them.  Perceived as a "liberal" I represent a threat to the children -- homosexuality, drug use, and multi-culturalism, socialism -- the cogs which drive their fear.  And, so, in their minds, as well as the minds of the police, they are justified in doing whatever is necessary to "protect" the community from those like me.

Now, I can imagine the extent to which this post will be met with disbelief.  It would be easy to think of me as paranoid or hypersensitive -- but it doesn't change the facts on the ground.  One phone call to the police from a disgruntled "Rush Limbaugh" neo-conservative with a grudge, and my home would undoubtedly be seized and auctioned off because I have a closet full of cannabis plants for my own private use.

I'm over forty and am beginning to tire of the constant pressure.  And there is no "movement" to counteract the neoconservative domination of the American political landscape; if there was, I wouldn't likely be considering expatriation.  There isn't a groundswell of opposition in the state where I live, and I don't see how losing everything I've worked for and ending up broke and alone in jail -- a real and serious possibility -- is going to help anyone.

Cassidy, congratulations on your resolve and thank you kindly for your offer of assistance.

Edwin J, I'm sometimes concerned about blathering on too much about life in the States since this is a UK board, but thanks for putting me at ease.  When it comes to ignorance, prejudice and poor official policy, I suppose some things are fairly universal.

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sorry didnt mean offence but from what ive seen and heard (i have been to america and have american counsins) i just think our (uk) goverment doesnt have any power to abuse, nfortuantly i think yours does hence why teh citizens are suffering.

Amsterdams stil the haven though. ;)

Again sorry for offence caused if it was.

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One phone call to the police from a disgruntled "Rush Limbaugh" neo-conservative with a grudge, and my home would undoubtedly be seized and auctioned off because I have a closet full of cannabis plants for my own private use.

You know it -- rapidly approaching a million people in jail, and most of them there for drugs.  But as the old song says, "You know its darkest, before the dawn, and its that thought, that keeps me keepin' on."  Still, Canada gettin' real, Mexico starting to think on its own, Europe almost in the bag -- pretty soon some US politician's gonna see the writing on the wall.   :mad:

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phyto - maybe a website similar to this but targeted at a US specific audience may start to get a movement going.  Bearing in mind that this place is seriously snowballing!

And no apologies about telling us about the states please!  Its nice to get a view from a real person and not just the international spin network!  These are the things people in the UK don't get to hear about!

How about we do a deal and swap all the (small c) conservatives over here for the (you make me love you love you baby, like a "little l") liberals over there!  Apart from my gran obviously!!

Smoke+work= :mad:

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With all the cannabis news lately, i have noticed what some of the peoples views are on the subject. These people quite a bit older than myself are now saying cannabis should be legalised, even though they don't even smoke it (so there is hope). I'm not so discreet about my smoking of beneficial herbs, but the way i see it, they can't judge me, they drink alcohol (some to large extent). If there is one thing i hate...hypocrasy (if i spelt it correct   :sarcasm:   ) So if these people still don't agree with me i put it down to plain ignorance.

The way i see it is that as generations go on and the memebers of parliament move on for the new ones we'll see the weed laws change. Mind you, half them politicians must be smoking more weed than you or me.... i mean getting in a Jaguar for a lift down the shop or whatever they do   :puke:

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