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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Casey Jones

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Triss and Yenn

So I told Triss I loved her and so she stayed, because I'd not even met Yenn again at that point in the game, so now I've just felt honour bound to reject Yenn after the Djinn removed the spell. Felt really bad about it :sadwalk: Definitely gonna play through again, if only to reject Triss and tell Yenn I still love her, cos though I've not read the books I think Geralt is supposed to be with Yenn. First time I've actually given a toss about a character romance in a game, it continues to surprise me.

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Just downloading this now, 79% cant wait... just hope me PC can handle it - CPU doesn't meet the commended specs but its OC'd a fair bit so fingers crossed - otherwise tis a good excuse for a long overdue upgrade.

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Taking all things into account, this game is the best game ever made imo. It's absolutely outstanding in so many aspects. I keep getting side tracked though, and should be doing level 6 main quests, but am level 9. Really enjoying the Gwent sub game too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you grey out monster dens, killed all the nekkers in the one I've just been in but still showing as active???

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Half way through a second play through, this time on death march. Gone for a sign build this time with the Griffin Witcher gear, this game is massive beyond belief, they could have sold Skellige as an expansion (glad they didn't) I have ordered the 2 expansions to follow so think I'll definitely get my money's worth with this game (not always the case these days with an abundance of 8hour games of late)

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Can you grey out monster dens, killed all the nekkers in the one I've just been in but still showing as active???

You've got to blow up the den to get rid of it. You need to have a bomb (there are 3 kinds of bomb you can use, I know samum is one of them, I forget the others). After you've killed all the monsters around the den, if you walk up to it you'll get an onscreen prompt to use the bomb (if you've got one in your inventory).l Then once you've blown it up go back and search it, cos you'll get a load of crafting bits based on the kind of monster.

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Sorry, that's monster nests. Dens are the cave things aren't they :doh:

It's pretty much the same thing, if there's a nest in the cave you need to blow it up, but dens often have treasure chests & stuff in them. The icon on the map will grey out once you've found everything in the cave.Basically if the icon on the map is still showing as active then it means there's something there that you haven't collected yet.

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Xbone ordered, should arrive tomorrow to see what all the fuss Witcher 3 is about. I must admit, I'm not all that great at RPGs, they're a bit complex for me lol

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Keeps getting better! lvl 16 some of the fights are getting easier. I'm sure Ray Winstone has done quite a lot of the voice acting for the heavies in this game.

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After about 70 hours of game play I'd now call this game a glorious failer. 10/10 for some things but the biggest element that gets 0/10 is the amount of story that gets told through cut scenes.. Now if I want to watch a 2 hour film I'll watch a 2 hour film I don't want to, when ever I'm doing a main quest line, constantly have 10 to 15 minute interactive cut scenes. These cut scenes are interactive to the extent you often get 2 dialogue choices but when one piece of dialogue is finished you are left with the other piece so there is no point and no choice. These points of 'interaction' I suspect have been put in to try to keep you involved in what is just exposition and having a 15 minute section of cut scene would irritate, more than giving people the illusion of interacting. Thing is , with all these cut scenes, in a film you have first class actors and first class directors that bring drama and tension to a piece. Even though the NCPs look fantastic they can't act! Even with some great Ray Winston voice acting for many of the heavies. Because of this the cut scenes are flat and uninteresting. Better to do a piece of exposition in one short 3 minute cut scene rather than the dull flat supposedly interactive sections you have to play through. I think at this moment in time I have had to go through 4 or 5 hours of 'interactive' and stand alone cut scenes. They take the pace straight out of the game , it's as if every 2 minutes you just sit back and watch for five minutes then 'interact' then sit down again for 5 minutes and so on. Brings the direction and energy to a staggering fullstop. Some elements are brilliant but the cut scenes are ruining it.

e2a: So frustrating, I loved the first Witcher. Better game imho. 2p

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Only been playing a short while, haven't even fought the griffin yet... Stunning looking game though...

Quick question, how do people alocate their points when leveling up, ie, go all out to strengthen one or two areas or spread them out evenly?

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Only been playing a short while, haven't even fought the griffin yet... Stunning looking game though...

Quick question, how do people alocate their points when leveling up, ie, go all out to strengthen one or two areas or spread them out evenly?


If you do all fast attacks in a tree of three and add a red mutagen you'll get 40% attack bonuses eventually, with the top red mutagen. In another tree have axii maxed to give other dialogue choices and to stun powerful attackers. Your not tied to your choices, you can move out choices from the tree. When you get enough coin you can even buy a clearance potion and reassign your points, cost 1,000 coin.

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