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Xbox One Installing Games


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One thing I've noticed about the Xbox One is that you seem to have to install every game by default - put a new disc in and it starts installing. I always used to install Xbox 360 games, purely because it was a really badly designed console and even once they sorted out the overheating problems the disc player could still ruin discs if you played from them. But they were all less than 10 gigabytes full install (with the exception of GTA5). But Xbox One games are fucking HUGE, some are 20+ gigs. The 500 gig HDD sounds big, until you realise how big the games are to install. What I'm thinking is that the having to install is deliberate, so if you want a lot of games you have to buy an additional HDD. That's a bit shit, really. It also means you have to wait about half an hour to play a new game :doh: when I buy a new game I want to play it when I get home, not wait for bloody ages for it to finish installing :doh:

E2A And once they finish installing they all seem to need an update :headpain:

Eagain2A Oh for fuck's sake, Dead Rising 3 needs a 16gb update. That's just fucking stupid :frown:

Edited by Boojum
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Fuck's sake, it's STILL updating :doh:

E2A That's another thing about the Xbox One, its use of wireless internet is fucking awful (at least with BT internet and the 'home hub'), my Xbox 360 connects much faster and more reliably, as does my Wii U.

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i think its more to do with the fact the hardware on the new consoles ps4/xbone are more similar to a pc so games an software require installation. effectively the disc is only used to ensure the game is legit an maybe run some other stuff from the dvd to save processing power. im assuming the mandatory install of every game is working in a similar way it does with pc games in that you have to install the game to your hdd before you can run it.

i dont think theres any real conspiracy to make people buy bigger hdd's or larger models in the future effectively buying the console twice.

i do agree tho its slightly annoying considering the size of each game can be up to 50gb an then some of the save data for some games runs into gb's aswell.

i can still manage to have quit a few games on my ps4 at the same time tho. so its not a real issue at the moment. an i suppose by the time my hdd is full there will be many games i wont be playing anymore or much so they can be deleted to make way for new games. i had to do this jus a few weeks ago when i purchased several new games. i found i could only get dragon age installed an had to delete some stuff for space.

i may upgrade to a 1 or 2 tb hdd if i can have a 2tb size work in my ps4 but the 500 will do me for now at least until the main warranty expires.

i dont have any issues with the wireless on my ps4. seems to work like any other device an is not very slow.

is there any specific reason you decided to buy the xbox instead of a ps4? an please dont say it was only cos the xbox was a lil cheaper. lol.

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To be completely honest, and I know this is a fucking stupid reason, but I chose the Xbox One cos I really wanted to play Sunset Overdrive, which is an Xbox only title. And it's a superb game :) But it's really fucking short, I only got, I dunno, something like 20 hours or so of gameplay out of it, and that was kinda milking it :( And also because I've already got an Xbox 360 with Xbox Live Gold, and that covers both the 360 and the One, if I'd got a PS4 I'd have had to choose between paying for Xbox Live Gold or paying for the Playstation one, and you get 2 free games a month on the 360 with Gold and 1 free game a month on the Xbox One. But I am kinda peeved with myself, cos I'm never gonna use the multimedia/entertainment stuff on the Xbox, I'm a pure game player and in my heart of hearts I know that the PS4 is a much better pure gaming machine - they are both much of a muchness now, but a year or two down the line I know that PS4 games are gonna be better (in pure technical terms -speed, graphics, that kinda thing) than Xbox One games. I made a rash decision when drunk (cos I was TOTALLY wrecked and just went to the Argos website, cos the Argos card gives you £700 of credit, and applied for the card & ordered the console, basically taking the piss - I didn't expect them to approve the credit. Then the console arrived 2 days later lol ).

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I also bought a Wii U a couple of weeks ago using some more of the credit (again, very drunk :doh: ). To be honest I'm much happier with the Wii U at the moment, it was worth it just for Mario Kart :) But I'm now about £500 in debt lol

Drunk in charge of the internet lol

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This is one of the reasons thats putting me off getting a next gen console. 500gb hard drives simply don't cut it when the games have large mandatory installs, some of over 50gb + mandatory update on top! :eek:

I'll wait till the inevitable 'slim' versions with bigger hard drives get released...

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At the moment I really wouldn't bother with an Xbox One (can't speak for PS4, but I suspect it's the same). There aren't that many good games, and the ones that are good don't look or run much better than Xbox 360 games. But that's always how it's been with a 'new generation' of consoles, the first year or two they really aren't worth forking out the money for, much better to wait a while until there are loads of games out and you can pick a console up relatively cheap second hand.

Edited by Boojum
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you wait until dead rising 3 finally installs and then find out its a pile of crap lol

mine took over 24 hours to install including downloading all of the updates, it got 10 minutes of gameplay and was uninstalled and chucked on ebay

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Played about 20 minutes of it when it finally finished fucking about. Can't say I was impressed. The only plus I can say is that, unlike Dead Rising and Dead Rising 2, at least you don't have a timer on everything (I fucking hate timers in games, I want to play the game at my own pace).

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Try having a 2 meg download speed. If you connect a usb 3 up t the xbox one then the whole thing gets a speed boost, seen the tests done on youtube.

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So you have to install games to play them and you can only install about 10 ? That does sound bad , I often just want a quick game of something I haven't played for ages

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yeah the HDD space sucks on xbox one, i filled mine up ages ago and am having to delete games to make way for new ones. Me and a friend do the game share thing so anything he downloads i get, and vice versa, so it didnt take long to accumulate too many games between us. 1 of the lads i play with uses an external HD plugged into his, but he says it has to be USB 3.0

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  • 8 months later...

I'm thinking about getting an Xbox one this weekend, I fully expect to only play 2 games, forza 6 and PES, but am keen to have it form part of my living room sound system, does anyone have any experience of it for such a purpose, I understand you can plug USB 3 sticks in which is a cheap way to hold your record collection.

Will be buying a soundbar / speaker set-up as well, recommendations welcome. A bit rusty on tech these days.

If they get another guitar hero out, I may push the boat out and play 3 games.


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Dunno about using it as a sound system.I think that there's a Guitar Hero game due out on Xbox One & PS4 soon - Guitar Hero Live. And Rock Band 4 is due out sometime in the next month or so (but it's fucking pricey, about £100 with the guitar controller, almost twice that if you want the drums too :ouch: ). I love Rock Band & Guitar Hero after a few beers :) Perfect drunk gaming lol But at that price... :nea: That's what a console used to cost lol I'll wait for a few months until there's a second hand one for a less stupid price.

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For pure gaming (and I'm saying this as an Xbox One owner) I'd go for a PS4. For a 'multimedia entertainment centre' then the Xbox One is probably better.

E2A I don't care about multimedia, I'm a gamer, I just got the Xbox One cos it was cheaper.

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