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Fundamentalism, the war on drugs, beheadings and the mainstream media.

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Just wanted peoples thoughts on the medias shock and disgust at the despicable beheadings carried out by ISIS.

And the refusal of the mainstream media to mention or condemn the fact that the war on drugs has produced much more horrific and brutal executions and the fact that our supposed allies also carry out such executions which we happily ignore.

For example the drug smugglers and drug users beheaded each year in Saudi Arabia, let alone all of the other people beheaded for other crimes in the country.

Between 2007-2010: 345 executions by public beheading.

They even still have crucifixions as a means of execution, not to mention the lopping off of hands and feet etc for crimes such as stealing. These punishments are freely handed, out even to under 18's despite that its illegal under international law but you will see no condemnation or even much mention of this in the mainstream media here.

The next and even more brutal example I turn to is the drugs cartels of Mexico, dismembered body parts and heads regularly delivered to family members by the cartels, people hacked to death by chainsaws on camera, head posted on stakes an all to common occurrence! hundreds of people a year die this way. Some from rival cartels some are police/military or simply just innocent civilians made examples of for speaking out.

I see this mainly as result of the war on drugs, the power struggle between cartels and rivals. A game of brinkmanship brutally executing each other to deter the competition, police and local residents from resisting them and their drug dealing operations.

So why so much shock at the beheadings from ISIS, yes they are brutal and totally wrong. but no less wrong or brutal than the beheadings carried out elsewhere as a result of prohibition and failed policy or simply by our supposed allies who follow sharia law and happily maim and behead their own citizens including children and foreigners!

Anyone else noticed the total one lopsidedness when it comes to reporting on these matters?

apologies in advance of spelling and grammar.

Oh and lest not forget the countless of other people executed each year in supposedly more humane ways for drugs offences (or any other) across the worlds 33 countries who still execute for drug related crimes - 13 of which have death as the mandatory sentence for trafficking.. RIP


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