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Women might breastfeed in a corner, says UKIP's Farage

Nigel Farage said mothers could perhaps "sit in a corner" when breastfeeding

UKIP leader Nigel Farage has said women should not breastfeed in public in an "openly ostentatious" way because "some people feel very embarrassed by it".

Mr Farage was asked on his regular LBC phone-in about a recent incident at Claridge's hotel in London where a mother was asked to cover up with a napkin while feeding her baby daughter.

It should be for businesses to decide their own rules, he said.

But he said it was fine for a woman to be asked to "perhaps sit in a corner".

Downing Street said it was "for Mr Farage to explain his views" and it was unacceptable for mothers to be made to feel uncomfortable.

Louise Burns has said she will not return to Claridge's, a luxury hotel in Mayfair, after being asked to cover her baby with what she described as a "shroud" while feeding her.

'Common sense'

Asked about his views on the subject in his monthly LBC phone-in, Mr Farage said he was not "particularly bothered" by women breastfeeding in public.

But he added: "I know a lot of people do feel very uncomfortable. It isn't too difficult to breastfeed a baby in a way that's not openly ostentatious."

Asked if Claridge's had been wrong, Mr Farage, who has four children, said: "That's up to Claridge's. I think it should be. If you're running an establishment you should have rules."

He suggested it was acceptable for a venue to ask a woman to "perhaps sit in a corner, or whatever it might be".

"This is just a matter of common sense isn't it," he added. "I know particularly people of the older generation feel awkward and embarrassed by it"


The 2010 Equality Act makes it unlawful for a business to discriminate against a breastfeeding woman.

Claridge's has insisted that it "embraces" breastfeeding but has urged mothers to be "discreet" towards other guests.

A Downing Street spokeswoman said Mr Cameron "shares the view of the NHS, which is that breastfeeding is completely natural and it's totally unacceptable for any women to be made to feel uncomfortable when breastfeeding in public".

Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper tweeted: "After *that* interview Nigel Farage should sit in a corner!"

Justine Roberts, chief executive of the Mumsnet website said: "It's bemusing that some people have a problem seeing mums breastfeeding.

"It is of course a natural, essential human process and those with an issue simply need to get over themselves - babies need to be fed when they're hungry and there's nothing ostentatious about a mother responding to that need."


Edited by chronic1
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