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Growing for my Son <3

Mrs R

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I have read many posts like this one in various forums over the time I have been researching this stuff. I have smiled and cried and had hope and then had it smashed when things didn't work out. I am cynical sometimes and then sometimes I BELIEVE! this can make my sons life better. I heard the day before the scary appointment where they told us things were changing rapidly that the young girl 'Alysha' I think her name was had a recurrence of her brain tumour because she had stopped taking the oil. People are pulling together to help fund it and I think she lives in an illegal State (like most of us) I would like to be one of the people that help.

So is my son going to have to be stoned all the time? Its no worse than the epilepsy meds he's on, infact its a hundred times better because they deplete him and wreck his liver. Will he be able to get back to work? He was 4 years into a counselling degree and just a month away from graduating when he was diagnosed. He couldn't finish his degree because he couldn't be alone with a client incase he had a seizure. Will he get a life back? I guess this diary has the answer in the end :)

Will I be allowed to grow his medication? I am so scared of getting busted but I already have my speech sorted for the judge.

Will I have spent 5 months tending my plants, 6 or 7 by the time they are ready and then mess up the oil?

Will I stop asking stupid questions? lol

I guess this diary will have the answers in the end x x x

hi im sorry to hear your son having such bad problems my daughter has epilepsy and thats hard enough to deal with without cancer to deal with to.

i certainly have more belief in cannabinoid medicine than any pharma drug to treat epilepsy,the cancer who knows? it seems the oil works for some and not for others.

i believe its very dose dependent and you have made a good choice of strain atleast it has both thc and cbd it is believed that the two combined have better effect on both epilepsy and in atleast slowing the growth of tumours.

i have treated 5 people so far using the oil mostly for skin cancer and of the 5 only 3 have had positive results,though often i find this is down to people being scared and anxious taking 1gram of oil a day for 60 days,then if that is working we continue a maintainence dose preferably forever i have learned much from the little experience i have had so far i do not like to see anyone refer to cannabis as a cure for cancer,it is not a cure its a treatment whicheither can or cant be very effective.

each person seems to react different to the oil regime but there really has been some remarkable research going on in madrid at the computense university which has shown promise enough to be worth pursuing using cannabinoids to treat cancers,hopefully now the right people are doing the work we may see some change to the antiquated way we deal with ailments.

if i can help in any way feel free to pm me anytime i wish you and your boy all the luck in the world and i hope the ganja gods smile on you,peace

Edited by duke1
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  • 2 weeks later...

Today we went for the Chemo appointment :/ I hate the thought that he is being given poison. I was always told two wrongs don't make a right but it seems they do with cancer and chemo.

I went to a meeting last week to see a lovely fella talk about how it cured his liver cancer and met some wonderful people there. I was given a small amount of oil to get my son started and he has been taken very small amounts to build up his CBD's etc before my crop comes in. Things are going well with both the indoor crop and the outdoor ones but I have loads of questions, maybe someone can advise?

Its getting colder at nights although the sun in the daytime is doing my plants the world of good. They have nice long flower spikes on two of them and the other two have more flowers all over. I will get photos in the morning.

My question for the outdoor ones is will they be ok outside till harvest time mid october?

The indoor ones are about 4 times the size they were when I put them in my new grow cupboard in only 2 weeks, its amazing! They re vegged perfectly after 11 days on 24/0 They are clones of the outdoor girlies taken at the end of july and almost flowering when I got them inside.

So my question about them is how long do they need to veg before I put them on 12/12?

I really! appreciate all the support and advice I get from all you lovely people. This cancer shit is so traumatic and doing this for my son has given me focus and Hope and I am so grateful to all of you x x x

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Take some pics, remember when you flip to 12/12 the plants will stretch

Outdoor - lets hope the weather keeps going the way it is - take some pictures, sorry, has anyone else been successful with the strain you're growing outdoors at your latitude? I'm watching mine at the moment, hoping for the best

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Sorry to hear your sons troubles @@Mrs R :(

Realistically you will be lucky to get much bud from your outside crop.

If we have another 6 weeks like today you might be ok but you need to keep your eyes peeled for budrot.

How big are your indoor plants?

They WILL stretch twice if not 3 times in height after flipping the lights to 12/12.

good luck! :yep:

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Thanks Mr Chang I have put pics of the indoor ones in the gallery.

My outdoor ones look so good at the moment. I will take pics tomorrow.

I cannot! lose this crop it is vital for my sons medication. How do you guard against mould? is it warm damp weather that causes it? I can move them to the summerhouse but not so much sun in there :?

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morning mist, rain and general dampness that causes mould. the more airflow the better.

the indoor ones want a week or 2 at least i would say. wait until those pots are well rooted out.

looking good though :yep:

good luck!

Edited by mrchang
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Just a quickie re. stretch - not all plants do it quite so much (depends a lot on how well rooted IME) so don't let that worry you unduly. If you start to panic about headroom 5-7 days into flower then post again and we can advise on techniques to help.

I think others have answered your questions so that's all I wanted to add. Stay strong :yinyang:

Edited by mrrichiet
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Take some pics, remember when you flip to 12/12 the plants will stretch

Outdoor - lets hope the weather keeps going the way it is - take some pictures, sorry, has anyone else been successful with the strain you're growing outdoors at your latitude? I'm watching mine at the moment, hoping for the best

Thanks :) I think I know what you mean by stretch, the freebie caseys widow seems to be doing that. I don't think I can use that for meds thou ?

We are not having misty wet nights here at the moment. I think I have sussed the conditions for mould now, warmish, still and damp right?

I havn't found anyone growing the same in South UK but I don't have a lot of time to search to be honest. How much sunshine do they need at this stage?

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just english sept/oct weather in general really is usualy ideal for mould/budrot.

12 hours sunshine a day would be ideal but obviousy your not gonna get that.

just as much sun as possible now will help.

And there isnt any cannabis that CANT be used for meds. just some seems to do the job better than others.


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Just a quickie re. stretch - not all plants do it quite so much (depends a lot on how well rooted IME) so don't let that worry you unduly. If you start to panic about headroom 5-7 days into flower then post again and we can advise on techniques to help.

I think others have answered your questions so that's all I wanted to add. Stay strong :yinyang:

I will get some pics up tomorrow am and hope it looks good from your experienced eye :)

Just wanted to add that my brother, who I don't really get along with has given me the cash to buy a magical butter machine, so it doesn't just heal physically, 30 years of hurt mended right there :)

My son and I had asked his consultant oncologist if we found any oil would he have a problem with it, he said no not at all, his consultant neurologist in control of his epilepsy meds was asked the same. He said no but please be aware of the law.

Today we told the consultants registrar in charge of my sons chemo that we were using a small dose of oil and hoping to build it up, she was great about it but the specialist chemo nurse was the best, she said please when you come back tell us about it.... if you can be bothered lol I know she knows and is positive. She might need educating to the effects other than eating and chilling but. I really hope they can be astonished by his progress, just need a gram a day :o

His next scan will be just before Christmas after 3 cycles of this stuff Temozolomide. We usually have to wait 5 or 6 weeks for scan results but I am hoping its quicker as things have got scary. I have a cd of his last scan but I am too scared to look at it. Will leave it till we have something better to compare it to :)

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Hi Mrs R,

firstly, I hope your son is doing ok, and you and the rest of your family also. You're a brave woman :yes: .

Your outdoor plants are looking nice, are they all from the CBD Crew outdoor mix? Like others have said above it's really down to the weather for them. So long as you water and feed correctly all you can do, if it's convenient, is to move them around the garden during the day to capture the maximum sunlight possible. Keeping the roots warm in the hothouse at night would also be beneficial. It has to be said though I feel; don't count on a massive yield.

I was looking through your gallery and could you tell us a little more about this picture please? Which plants are the clones of the CBD Crew outdoor mix and which are the shark shock seeds (if any) that you mentioned in another thread?


Thanks :v:

Edited by i11
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