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The POWER of Cannabis....first hand


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I always thought the whole furor about "Medicinal Cannabis" is convincing, but have never really experienced first hand any "Healing" effects of cannabis if truth be told, im a rec smoker so always bought into the idea but had a small little voice asking me..."Is it really that miraculous?"

As I got older, I have suffered a couple of health scares....this from a guy who hadn't seen the inside of a hospital since birth and a healthy, fit , slim guy that exercises...

I knew it had helped me with pain relief but that's it if I was honest.....

Then my mum at age 65 was diagnosed with terminal Myeloma, Blood cancer for those who don't know, a terminal form of blood cancer.....very bad.

After suffering the usual effects of chemo, radio and a whole host of stem cell extraction through main lines and horrible, horrible treatments, of course, it was obvious that as soon as me old dear was diagnosed, id be getting on the RSO and Oil for at LEAST her nausea and pain and help with sleep and appetite, ALL of which were completely fucked of course......

So. We didn't hold out much hope and neither did the doctors, very few go into true remission with Myeloma, as its in the blood and bones, they cant operate and can only do the usual meds and chems. If healthly patients can "Survive" stem cell, they go on that as last resort but its horrible treatment and not always effective and only those in early stages would be robust enough to survive it. SO not much hope. Thing is Myeloma destroys your capability to produce anything useful like white blood cells, plasma etc as the cells that produce this are fucked....

SO anyway, I got a whole regime of RSO and Oil made up for me mum...although she hasn't taken it as regularly or in as high doses as I would have liked she has vastly improved appetite, sleep, before she has treatments for pain relief and after and she even says helped keep most of her hair!

Today, to the surprise of the doctors after over a year of shenanigans, she has JUST BEEN ANNOUNCED AS IN REMISSION.

The doctors are as surprised as us frankly. We never told them anything, on my advisement about the oil treatments as I know they don't respond well especially when someones having other drugs.....

Its wonderful, surprising news and I have NO DOUBT IN MY MIND, that Cannabis helped greatly and it would have been a way rockier road without this wonderful plant!!

My mother who was as sceptical as the rest of the Daily Mail reading Middle classes now wont live without it.....in fact she keeps hassling me to "Get a grow on" for winter.

Thanks for listening. And thanks for Cannabis and those breeders like UGORG etc that provided the quality of herbage that helped me Mum and our family so greatly!



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Congratulations man, that is incredible news.

With each passing day, I hear more and more stories of how this incredible medicine is helping to destroy one of nature's nastiest diseases.

The future is very bright, my friends. Even though only us enlightened few are working this knowledge currently, in time it will be spread to men and women in all corners of the globe. I feel it is our duty to help the proliferation of this message.

A more religious person might even be justified in calling it holy work. It certainly seems that way.

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Brought a tear to my eye reading that. All the best to your mum, fingers crossed she stays in remission.

Now do as your mother tells you and get that grow on.

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That's great! :skin_up:

Would be interested to know how much/frequently she used it and what you used to make it. Strain-wise and cut-wise I mean. Bud or trim?

Really nice to hear good news chap! :yep:

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Great reading stories like that! :thumsup:

Best of luck for the future hope it stays in remission or even better...

lost my mum to myeloma :( . I'm living far away and at the time was dealing with a nasty bike accident myself (snapped tib+fib), but when I tried mentioning it she was all "no no, it's illegal..." altho she was more afraid of my father's views than her own imo... :no:

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for those who want to know I used both trim AND buds (popcorn only), from these grows, Super Lemon Haze, Barneys Blue Cheese, Northern Lights x skunk, Cotton Candy and UGORG1.............

I usually made up about 3 odd grammes and she would get about 10 doses off that maybe more, she used it sparingly. When she ran out of oil she just swallowed a small piece of my bubble hash I gave her or ate it with food from the above.....

I used ISO and BHO extraction techniques, as well as the usuall bubble runs with bags... (Got ISO off net and got Newport Butane from the newsagents down the road who stock it and used the caffietierre technique), I found ISO the easiest although the finished product was hard to handle....my mum would swipe it on a tiny bit of bread and eat it....

Thank you ALL for you genuine kind words, it makes my day!

Cheers guys! Time to celebrate....!!!

Edited by thedemon
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