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TED Graham Hancock - The War on Consciousness


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I liked that :)

@@catfish have you read Terence McKenna ? if not I recommend you do. He said the same kind of things.

IMHO it's not just ayahuasca and tryptamines, Salvia Divinorum also gives you a contact with the 'other' that can make you see things from a different place :)

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Would love to try it sometime in my life!

maybe but it would have to be done and for the correct reasons .

I liked that :)

@@catfish have you read Terence McKenna ? if not I recommend you do. He said the same kind of things.

IMHO it's not just ayahuasca and tryptamines, Salvia Divinorum also gives you a contact with the 'other' that can make you see things from a different place :)

i didnt like the saliva but maybe done for the wrong reasons in the wrong situation .

no mate ive not read but i will cheers booj ;)

Edited by catfish
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Salvia is NOT a recreational drug. It's a total headfuck. But it's a trip that you can learn from. The Salvia experience scares the fuck out of me, but I do it occasionally, when I feel strong enough, and I always come back having learned something. I also come back thinking "I am never going to do that again." cos it is so full-on, and utterly terrifying. But you pay the price, knowledge doesn't come for free.

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If you find the Salvia smoking too bonkers (and the vast majority do and find it rather disphoric)why not try chewing re-hydrated leaves ?

I had a powerful yet controllable 30-45 min trip which was unparalelled in spiritual and visual intensity.

You soak the plain leaf for 1 hour or so. Then brush the inside of your mouth with a alcohol based mouthwash to clear dead skin cells and reduce the natural barrier against absorbing things through your skin. Them take 10-20 leaves and chew them. Some people have a tricky time to "break through" on chewing leaves but if you ask with al your heart and present your good intention as a seeker of inner knowledge, it will happen. It is extremely bitter tasting and you just hold the fluid formed in your mouth (not swallowing). and after about 15-20mins if you break through by absorbing the Salvinorin A through your skin into your blood stream you will trip for 30-45 mins. Still best to have a sitter ( a person who keeps an eye on you if you get up and start moving around). Best to start ona nice soft bed and just chill out. I prepared well before hand respected the leaves and what it's native use and origins are and was treated relatively gentle compared with the teens that smoke it and go on a terrible dissasociative trip. It is still edged with a decent dose of humbling disphoria but much more manageable. I still recall it will very fond memories despite being very strange indeed. I did have a bit of an odd head for 4-5 days after but that subsided and I went back to normal.

Oh and it it is one of the most potent psychedelic substances known to man and completely legal in many places including the UK currently.

This lady knows a thing or 2 and I got my inspiration from reading and watching videos, don't smoke it chew it.

Not to be taken lightly but prepare well and take with care and forethought and it might be an extremely memorable experience.

The visuals I experienced were on par or greater than LSD.

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Good video this..He it of a light weight with the ganj tho ;)

Iff you havent read it,The Cosmic Serpent -D.N.A and the origins of knowledge.by Jeremy Narby..is a good read,and covers all of this and more..Recommended off here :)

eta,cause i cant spell.

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My "Tripping" days are done, I find the whole thing gets w a y too scary for me, and threatens to break down the thin walls within which I have imprisoned a rather nasty depression. My last true Trip was staggeringly instructive and visionary, and will last me till I'm gone. As I came down from it, I knew it should be my last Trip. Now the very thought fills me with dread, and the few mushroom doses I have taken since did not go well.

As someone has said, these are not "Recreational" or "Party" drugs. They are extremely strong substances which should be taken with the greatest respect and in real humility. Otherwise your head will get a sound spanking, and you will taste fear like you never knew before.

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I think it was Bob Marley who said "The herb reveals you to yourself", I guess the same can be said for psychedelics as a big ego on a trip does not do you any justice.

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