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Cannabis Skunk Sense

forest dog

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Browsing another thread I cam across an angry quote from a woman who was from the Cannabis Skunk Sense crew. This was a new one to me so a quick google and I ended up on their web site.

Now, I found myself in a very worrying place indeed.

One of the first things that drew my eye was the headline-

'The Legalisers are on the march again.' with a big red cross through the writing. They go on to say

'For the sake of our children, we must fight back now.'

They have some childishly simple pieces of work they are trying to pass off as scientific articles one of which starts off-


Cannabis (skunk, marijuana, pot, grass, weed, joints, spliff, hashish, blow) is a hallucinogen, a depressant and our commonest illegal drug.'
Oh, and Mary Brett (founder) has a new book for sale - Drugs - it's just not worth it, which she claims should be part of the national curriculum (a nice little earner).
There is mention of random drug testing in schools in another book they promote and talk of 'prevention at its core, over harm reduction' which sound worrying to me.
So anyway check out their name Cannabis SS, coincidence? I think not!
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Mary Brett is a well known rabble rouser. Just file her alongside Peter Hitchens and "Mad" Mel Phillips in the round filing tray and you won't go far wrong.

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Just had a look at the minutes of their last meeting, what a bunch of dangerous lunatics. They seem obsessed with getting into schools and seem to be mightily pissed off that they're only allowed into schools if they disguise themselves as being part of the Amy Winehouse Foundation. :fear:

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you can't argue against lies or you just make the lies look real, you bring them into life, talking about the reality is the only way around it, being dragged into a point of view, trying to prove innocence against non sense, is doing exactly what these fucking idiots want, like the whole idea of "oh well look it's great people are actually saying cannabis is alright, even obama guys" is pretty much what i'm talking about, it seems VERY obvious that cannabis is fine, you kinda realise that after the first time you have it because of all the bullshit you've been told in contrast to whats actually happening, of course it's good, it's good people say it aswell obviously but acting and saying it as if you've just noticed that is ridiculous, pure holding back time, trying to claim it's benefits for themselves, it's like saying "you know guys, a man in the sky, whom controls all, doesn't exist" after loads of people say "HE DOES, HE DOES, HE DOES" and then assuming you're somewhat enlightened by something so fucking obvious, you don't need to prove to IDIOTS that they're stupid, you just need them to answer YOUR version, instead of trying to make sense of utter bollocks.

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Ring ring ... Ring ring

Peter- Hello Peter Hitchens, righter of imaginary wrongs and poster boy for the Daily Heil.

Mary- Shitkins you miserable old bastard, its Mary, chief hand wringer and thinker of the children.

Peter- Well Mary Breast, as I live and breathe, how the fuck are you and what can we ruin together.

Mary- Well, I'm becoming increasingly worried about the skunk, its now stronger than methlambrettaphine from off the telly and twice as addictive as crywanking over shit than need not concern us.

Peter- I know, I must crywank over the skunk at least three times a day, just as well I dont smoke the skunk, eh, I'd be at it all day HEE HAW HEE HAW HEE HAW *the closest he comes to laughing*

Mary- Well I think it should be banned, waddya reckon?

Peter- I think its already banned, in fact I'd go as far to say its probably illegal.

Mary- Well can we get it double banned, or triple illegal and punishable by public stoning?

Peter- Oh the ironing. No I've already tried that. Ended up giving call me Dave a blowie and he couldnt make it happen. If I recall he couldn't make that happen either, said something about me looking like the offspring of a giant tortoise and a massive cock and just zipped off and walked out the toilets.

Mary- How rude. Well in that case I'm going to write a scary fairytale about the dangers of skunk and get it in every school up and down the county, even if I have to sleep with every caretaker and governer the land over.

Peter- You do that and I'll continue being a massive all round cunt. Bye sweetie.

Mary- Later cockface.

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These twats are really lobbying the "Please think of the children" bullshit in parliament.


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Awww man, came in here expecting it to be a thread about some clever sixth sense thing that warns you when plod or rippers are about.

You know, like Spidey... My "Cannabis Skunk Sense" is tingling... and all that.

Oh well more nutters instead.

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