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Judge Napolitano: How to get fired from Fox in under 5 mins

The Mind Unleashed

on 3 January, 2014 at 02:46



Asking questions as Judge Andrew Napolitano did in a recent broadcast on his now cancelled daily show may very well be the reason behind his recent dismissal from Fox. Though specific details are hard to come by because the Judge has yet to give any interviews on the matter, it’s believed that his refusal to bow to commonly manufactured media narratives is among one of several key reasons he his no longer with the network.

The following 5-Minute Speech that Got Napolitano Fired from Fox News is one that should not only be forwarded and shared with every single man, woman and child in this country, but taught and expounded upon in every social studies, civics and government class from first grade through college.

Source: http://themindunleashed.org/2014/01/judge-napolitano-get-fired-fox-5-mins.html

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wow, you`d never see that on british tv, top marks for not caring about his tv career

You dont see that anywhere that is the main problem. I've looked into this and the guy still works to Fox but that show is off air after that episode.

Bottom line, TV only shows what they want us to know. Internet has pos and cons but we need to look at it as it is the motor for own consiousness.

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You dont see that anywhere that is the main problem.

Bottom line, TV only shows what they want us to know.

yep, that`s why i dont have a tv connection anymore, and vet what i watch for entertainment via d/l

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That needs saying on big public arenas again and again and again, by people of substance , until the voting public realise that the Western model of democracy is a sham, a well managed illusion of freedom and pluralism with the people making the decision largely invisible and replaced each generation with people of exactly the same agenda so nothing can or will change because the system isn't set up to enable change. The very opposite in fact, the system is set up to maintain the status quo, which means the rich stay rich and the remaining 'dregs' are dispersed amongst the unwashed and some what slightly dazed, the masses. "Can we have some more gruel please....". "MORE!"

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yep, that`s why i dont have a tv connection anymore, and vet what i watch for entertainment via d/l

That is two of us mate, my tv is used for Xbox and to connect laptop through hdmi and watch programs on internet. Mindwasher is what tv nowdays is 😉

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Judge Napolitano has been gobbing off like that for as long as he's been on Fox, it's what he does. Still, it's a pity that apart from the occasional appearance by Russell Brand there's nobody like him on British TV.

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Cor! I wish I could join you and ratty but there's the other half to consider.

When I met her about 6 years ago, in her mind, weed was a drug, full stop, :wallbash: bad, full stop. :wallbash:

Being around me, It didn't take her long to realise that it actually makes me and many others a better person,

unlike her drug of choice, which was booze which can have the worst of effects on some. :furious:

She has now done a 180 deg turn insomuch she lets me grow a couple, trust me I'm getting to the point... :yes:

I've also managed to wean her off the soaps and almost all the reality shite, the least I can do is let her

have whats left to watch.....Gives me time to go tend to the girls as well :rofl:


stu :oldtoker:

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Bro I feel ya..

Tbh We, me and my other half, are in the middle of a shift.. consciousness and therefore in our way of living.

It has been 3 years since we are together and we started realizing about all the bullshit there is around us..

I've always smoked and use to drink every weekend, she used to drink occasionally and never smoked.

Now we stopped with the drinking and smoking tobacco, all we smoke/vape is cannabis :)

No need to say I found the keeper and when growing was mentioned she did not oppose at all ! :yahoo:

To the point..

We thought about becoming self sufficient (at least try our best to get as close as we can) this year as we have a really nice backyard in the countryside, we buy most of our stuff from farms and farm shops, we started making our own stuff with organic products (for example toothpaste, shampoo etc..), as said we already got rid of TV (News, adverts and reality(?) shows are designed to drive your attention away to something that is not real nor important)

At this point of my life I just cant stand to give more money to big corporations and I don't feel like "following the pack" anymore.

My to do list also includes things like no phones and no job but unfortunately that step is still a little bit far a away lol

Gimme :v:

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