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Writing to Local MP - Should I?


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Has anyone ever wrote to their local MP about the cannabis laws?

Is there a point?


Well it can't do any harm ... you'll probably get a pro forma reply thanking you for your letter, telling you that the government take the issue very seriously and are working to ensure the best for you and society.

If you're very lucky you might actually get a reply which shows they read your letter, and bang on about the right approach, it's working etc etc.

Of course the downside for the paranoid is you will get your details on a security services file. I leave it to you to decide if that's a good or bad thing.

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I did and actually got a personal response from him.

He agreed with the vast majority of the contents of my letter. I'd pointed out to him in mine that boundary changes meant he would most likely lose his seat at the next election and this should spur him on to do something as effectively he had 'nothing to lose'. He used the boundary change to argue that it would be pointless starting something.

That was that lol

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Of course the downside for the paranoid is you will get your details on a security services file. I leave it to you to decide if that's a good or bad thing.

lol I like a lot of what you say JP, but you do make me chuckle sometimes.

I'm worried now that MI5/MI6 - which one looks after this sort of thing?? - has got me in their sights and it's just a matter of time now :fear:

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lol I like a lot of what you say JP, but you do make me chuckle sometimes.

I'm worried now that MI5/MI6 - which one looks after this sort of thing?? - has got me in their sights and it's just a matter of time now :fear:

*Shrug*. Probably special branch in the first instance - it's what they were set up to do. Of course if you think you're that important to them, you have more problems than just MI5 being after you.

I don't see anything especially sinister in this. I'd wager that back in caveman days, the group leader would have been keen to know if anyone in the group was less than content.

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MI5, 6, and every other secret police body must have all my details by now. Member of CND, PPU and various other left wing orgs.



Thought not.

<Waves at whoever is monitoring me today ~ Hi, bet I'm enjoying myself more than you :wink_kiss::nenenenene: !>

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Anyway, to answer the question ...

I have written to my MP, and got a reply. But it was about a local issue. I also wrote when that Tory cunt said that disabled people should be paid less than able bodied people. I got a reply within an hour, saying they couldn't believe their ears when they heard it (they were on the way to an official engagement).

Sadly though, despite being Labour, my MP is actually as much use in opposition as a chocolate teapot. They voted with the Tories to amend the benefits law to prevent workfare claimants getting damages. Something anyone who contemplates voting labour would be well advised to remember.

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I had an issue with HMRC a while back, wrote to MP, he sorted it, happy days. :thumbs:

not quite the same though is it

i wrote to Jackie Ballard back in the day about the badger cull the first time round, got a shitty short letter saying nothing much tbh

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone ever wrote to their local MP about the cannabis laws?

Is there a point?


absolutely no point

the current regime knows puclic opinion, they know that the public are generally in favor of decriminilisation, they know this and have known that for years

to write to them would simply be pointless,

i always speak my mind but this particular issue is a joke and you would be wasting half hour, a piece of paper and a stamp pal

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Rex Mundi

As Arnie said,



but I might add, I have then followed the letter up with a visit to the surgery to actually argue my point... several times with every local MP.

Does that make a difference?


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Not an MP, but I have got the Advertising Standards Authority to admit that Government 'warnings' about the strength of modern cannabis were misleading... completely pointless though as they also say that it's ok to mislead for the greater good that it does.... and like Arnie I'm probably on every list going, probably classified as the harmless nut that I am :rockon:

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I wrote to my tory MP (well actually I sent a rant, I was a bit manic at the time). I got a letter back from his secretary, or some other civil servant thanking me for my letter. It was absolutely clear that my letter hadn't got anywhere near him. Waste of a good rant.

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I am in regular contact with my elected representative, here is an excerpt from an email I recieved;

Many thanks for your response, and I appreciate your comments, and the spirit in which you made the original enquiry. It is right that the actions and motivations of elected representatives should be constantly open to challenge and enquiry.

Always write to them as it demands an answer. Just remember to be courteous and refrain from abuse towards anyone.

Cheers :smokin:

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