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Drug Users' Pride


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I'm trying to set up a drug users' pride organisation but don't know where to begin. The aim being to change the public's attitude to drugs and those who use them in a similar mannar to how the gay community have changed attitudes and policy - no one is banged up for being gay anymore, at least in Britain.

This won't be a cannabis user only organisation but lobby for the rights of all drug users. Everyone has the right to use their drug of choice without automatically being labeled a loser and to not have their employability affected because of a conviction or drug testing at work to save employers a few quid on insurance. Employers need reminding they only own the time they pay for.

So far, I have a twitter account and thats it. I'm planning to make a website but never seem to get around to it. I would like to organise some kind of event for maybe next summer but what do you need to do. How do you organise a protest for this kind of thing when the police would be opposed? They have many powers to shut down or limit public protests. I thought about organising it as a street party but you have to apply to the council to have one. Does anyone know how the authorities respond if they are notified about a protest?

First though I have to find people willing to attend such an event. One problem I've faced so far is an apathetic attitude from people I thought would be interested. That and many sites are impossible to sign up to while using Tor.

Any ideas are welcome.

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While I agree with the whole thing of drug users not being pre-judged etc, it's not really the same thing as gay pride. We choose to be drug users. Yes, the law is wrong, yes we shouldn't be judged for our choice of recreational substance, but it is a choice. To put it in the same language as gay pride is opening it to a lot of flak, because sexuality is (by and large) not a choice - gay people were being discriminated against not because of what they choose to do, but because of who they are, so putting it in the 'pride' kind of rhetoric is going to attract negative stuff from many sides.

Just my opinion. I can just see people making the comparison with gay pride and saying "It's not the same thing, nobody is born a cannabis user."

E2A Sorry to be negative, I applaud any attempt to put the case for legalisation forward, I just don't necessarily think the pride angle would work.

Edited by Boojum
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One problem I've faced so far is an apathetic attitude from people I thought would be interested.

lol well they are drugs users lol

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You'll get torn apart by the gay community if you keep making comparisons with them, and rightly so. Sexual orientation is something you are born with, it's not a choice, but drugs use is. I just don't see how you can go forward with this. Most reccy drugs users, not cannabis smokers, are out to get fucked up, they don't use gear responsibly...it's not something you go out and shout to the world that you're proud of.

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I'm not so sure it is that clear cut as to it being a "choice". I certainly have a preference for certain mental states that are an integral part of my personality, just as my sexuality is.

I can choose to express my drug and sexual orientation or abstain/be celibate and or mix and match if that is my orientation.

As for hostility from the gay community, Peter Tatchell wrote a supportive piece when our Eddie went to court with a broadly similar argument.

And erm....... when I've seen kids arriving all fresh face in y7, it's usually fair easy to work out which ones are going to be pot heads, same as it's fairly easy to spot some of the ones who are gay

e2a since drug use seems to be a perfectly natural "drive" then imo the analogy is spot on

Edited by sam-i-am
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Totally disagree mate. You cannot in any way predict who might use drugs in the future, come on man.When I experimented at school I was always surprised at the individuals who turned up to our little smoking club.

Sexuality - if you can "choose" it, tell that to a gay guy who's getting the shit kicked out of him for being how he is, I'm sure if he could change it he would!


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I'm not so sure it is that clear cut as to it being a "choice". I certainly have a preference for certain mental states that are an integral part of my personality, just as my sexuality is.

I can choose to express my drug and sexual orientation or abstain/be celibate and or mix and match if that is my orientation.

As for hostility from the gay community, Peter Tatchell wrote a supportive piece when our Eddie went to court with a broadly similar argument.

And erm....... when I've seen kids arriving all fresh face in y7, it's usually fair easy to work out which ones are going to be pot heads, same as it's fairly easy to spot some of the ones who are gay

e2a since drug use seems to be a perfectly natural "drive" then imo the analogy is spot on

Editd cos I really don't want to get into an argument, I was a bit full-on (as I can be). But abstinence isn't a choice regarding sexuality, celibacy isn't any kind of choice. Nobody is born a pot user. You have a 'preference for certain mental states', it's not the same as sexuality. To smoke pot or not smoke pot isn't the same as being gay or heterosexual, to smoke pot or not smoke pot is more like having sex or being celibate, regardless of your sexuality. Gay or straight, would you like to be celibate ? Is that a choice ?

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I think Sam means year 7 Booj, (y7), not sure how old that would be.

I agree that comparing drug use to being gay is a non starter though.

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I think Sam means year 7 Booj, (y7), not sure how old that would be.

I agree that comparing drug use to being gay is a non starter though.

Aye, I'm talking bollocks, I edited my post and made no more sense with my edit :doh:

I'll leave it until I'm less drunk :bag:

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Totally disagree mate. You cannot in any way predict who might use drugs in the future, come on man.When I experimented at school I was always surprised at the individuals who turned up to our little smoking club.

Sexuality - if you can "choose" it, tell that to a gay guy who's getting the shit kicked out of him for being how he is, I'm sure if he could change it he would!


Not with everyone, no, but predict with about the same accuracy as sexuality.

Never said anything about "choosing" sexuality, you can't but you can choose when you have sex same as you can choose when you have a spliff. I didn't "choose" to become a pot head, growing up I experimented with various drug orientations but fell in love with the herb, I couldn't help it, I just did. It's as integral to my personality as my sexuality.

When the State is metaphorically kicking my head in for being how I am, I'd change it if I could, but I can't and why the fuck should I?

Editd cos I really don't want to get into an argument, I was a bit full-on (as I can be). But abstinence isn't a choice regarding sexuality, celibacy isn't any kind of choice. Nobody is born a pot user. You have a 'preference for certain mental states', it's not the same as sexuality.

To smoke pot or not smoke pot isn't the same as being gay or heterosexual, to smoke pot or not smoke pot is more like having sex or being celibate, regardless of your sexuality. Gay or straight, would you like to be celibate ? Is that a choice ?

I've separated it Booj for clarity.

How not? What is sex if not an altered state of consciousness that is the result of a deep seated drive? How does that differ from drug use?

exactly my point

e2a and that's before you even start to consider the actuality of the situation for minority drug users- arrest, loss of job/ career even homes, social stigma derogatory prejudiced language etc etc. A cannabis user today is in exactly the same position as a gay man or woman 50 years ago

Edited by sam-i-am
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iv'e been celibate for a long time and its my choice, is much easier than me quitting cannabis.

lol grandad i'd say it's more your wife's choice lol

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Words fail me. :doh:

Please try, how is our criminalisation and it's consequences different?

e2a I've been sacked twice and banned from career as a potential threat to children purely on the basis that in my adult life I'm an out and proud cannabis user.

Ring any bells?

Edited by sam-i-am
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Drug users do face repression just like lgbt do / did and also people that were / are still segregated racially. A lot of people do treat drug users with contempt, It's stereotyping and boils down to ignorance, just like all the ism's. I have also lost good jobs that I have been fucking good at because I won't hide my love for certain intoxicants, bit hypocritical that alcohol is so socially accepted. It is like homophobia or racism to be prejudiced against people for choices like this because it is ignorant to judge a whole portion of society just for their lifestyle.

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