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Why Cannabidiol should be Legalised. Prohibation's not Safer


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How can something that doesnt really get you high, keeps you alert enough and shows anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and more recently shown, Neurogenesis (birth of neurons), be out of our reach here in the UK ?

It is even shown to interact with/ lessen the cannabis high somewhat, making it more calmer.

Everyone smokes/eats/vapes/whatever you do with it cannabis for their own reasons. Some people maybe shouldn't be smoking it all because ofpotential hereditary mental health problems but will continue, as they are Self-medicating.

Id take an educated guess from looking at results and also strains cannabinoid profile that ive tried and bought many a time and say most street cannabis is under 1% CBD,
In the US, access to high CBD strains seems much more easier in some states. Such strains are: harlequin, cannatonic, there are more but i don't want to accidently state strains that are too low.

I watched a review on Cannatonic. The cannatonic appears to be something you can enjoy to smoke throughout the day, as it doesnt blunt your awareness too much, and the girls at the spannabis convention promoting the strain seemed to love it.
Something some guys who reviewed it said was that "this is the sort of cannabis for everyone, especially beginners you cant really smoke too much of this"

CBD will also help with Schizophrenia or psychosis/psychotic episodes, the current NHS meds are not good enough for schizophrenia, how great would it be for a person with it to feel 'normal' again for however many months/years/ maybe even over a decade long.

The UK government are not looking out for anyone by preventing access to this strain. If they released this strain to the public, mental health problems associated with cannabis and also people suffering badly with mental illness may go down.

Ive been looking at obtaining mass amounts of this CBD myself. Trouble is I cant even grow at the moment, so ive been just looking into it, i learnt a while ago that there is a strain in Israel (high-cbd):

AVIDEKEL with around 16% CBD and under 1% THC.
While i understand the THC is necassary for some illnesses, take depression for example. Without that mood lifting euphoria maybe these strains wouldn't help. But for other stated reasons they will.

The important difference is that these CBD strains are less psychoactive and would be better for a portion users out there, my point is that currently access to these is limited and should not be.

One step at a time, i know non-psychoactive cannabis is not everyones cup of tea, nor is it good enough for everyones own individual problem out there, but it would solve a large proportion of problems without any consequences. Of course legalisation of cannabis entirely would also mean access to these strains.

Any Thoughts?

Edited by vape_ninja
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effectively cbd is not actually illegal or controlled but because it grows on cannabis that is wot makes it illegal to grow etc. bit of grey area as far as i could tell.

but yea cbd effectively is perfectly legal here an in other countries. well its not scheduled by the convention of psychotropic substances anyway.

as for finding it in strains then yea most commercial type weed strains have less than 1% or not much higher than that cbd as it has been selectively bred out of them. landrace strains vary in cannabinoid profiles considerably so youl often find high cbd in these strains.

however there are one or 2 breeders around that have started specialising in high cbd strains. cbd crew is the main one i can think of. you should check out some of their strains they are all on average a 1:1 ratio so imo are about perfect for medicinal use.

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there is a chemical process that separates the caninoids, but its probably complicated..........one way i can think of, is to get a digital volcano, and heat the weed to release the thc/thcv,,,,,,then you'd be left with some of the canabinoids, u cud then extract whats left in the weed. but there would probably be trace thc left in it, so would still be illegal,,,,,,

i know theres a proper way, cause it was on a bbc documentary/or mainstream tv program. joolz posted a video clip of it recently.~(i remember seeing the original on tv................basically a female journalist/presenter, gets pinned up with thc(makes her edgy) then the doctor pins her up with cbd's and she starts to enjoy it.

it may of been synthetic cannabinoids, cause it was a long time ago i saw it

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