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'Volunteers needed for cannabis cultivation documentary'


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We are bound to have a Steve DeAngelo type person on this site who could Articulate the ins and outs of medical cannabis. Instead of having the usual blazed looking guy in trainers representing us.

Piece of piss :) could do it with my eyes closed, problem is the program is on cannabis farming and the criminality, they have NO brief to investigate medical issues

And besides, I'm very fussy who I work with

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This makes me feel nauseous. He describes infiltrating a circle of people who probably considered him a friend, and comes across like one of those undercover narcs such as Mark Kennedy or Bob Lambert.

Potter: "As I got to know my existing contacts better, and began to mix with them more in both their social and more private lives, I developed some of them into key contacts and began to conduct formal and informal interviews and observational research on (with) them.

From these I built up some detailed case studies and also improved my understanding of how cannabis growing and dealing worked

within this scene. I gradually got to know some of my contacts’ contacts as well.

I now had a passing knowledge of cannabis growing as well as of the wider drug using and drug dealing cultures overlapping this scene. I also had dreadlocks, dressed somewhat scruffily and had been known to smoke cannabis myself on occasion. In short I was able to slip in to these new circles with comparative ease, very much as an insider, and found that I was soon able to watch my contacts and their connections in various aspects of their day-to-day lives.

Edited by Eddiesilence
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I am shocked and surprised at NORML UK supporting this venture and promoting Potter as an 'ally' of ours

Dr Gary Potter personally 'apologised' via his solicitor to the convicted fraudster and liar Peter Reynolds, Potter now claims this is an error and he claims his solicitor is now seeking legal redress from Reynolds over alledged defamation but he's as evasive as a bag of eels on the subject

By all means read the books by Potter, I seriously doubt anyone from NORML UK has read them because this is how Potter refers to us, the following are some of his published ramblings

in addition, the program's interest is 'Cannabis Farms' and the criminality

PS Dr Gary Potter is a member here, so he can respond at will

Got more of a feeling it's only too show the supposed farms but mainly the supposed criminality Fook that you may as well play Russian roulette . :russian:

TS :skull:

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I want to meet the guy now. See if he still looks like Ali G off duty.

Edited by Eddiesilence
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There is a belief amongst the production team that if cannabis were legalised the links to organised crime wouldn’t exist so strongly.

Really? That doesn't sound like an angle ITV would be interested in. The final cut would be more like'There is a belief amongst the production team that if cannabis were legalised the links to organised crime exist and stoners are all stupid'.

Edited by Ineedweed
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Dear XYZ,

Thank you very much for expressing an interest in sharing your experiences of cannabis cultivation in the documentary being made by October Films. We have been absolutely inundated with emails about this (and as such I must apologise for having to send a somewhat generic response at this stage).

I should be clear at this stage that I am working as an independent expert adviser\consultant on this film in my position as a criminologist who researches and writes about cannabis cultivation. I myself do not have any editorial input – other than making suggestions as to which stories I think are interesting (and why), I will not get to choose who actually gets to take part in the film. But I am sharing all expressions of interest with Marta Shaw from the production team, and have passed on your interest to her.

It will not, of course, be possible to use everybody in the documentary (we have enough material to make a whole series, but the commission is only for a single programme)! Indeed, given the overwhelming response, it may not even be possible to give everybody a detailed response. If Marta and the team are interested in pursuing your offer – and have the time and other resources to do so – then she or I will be in touch in the next week or so. If we do not get back to you then please accept our apologies for not being able to use your story.

Meanwhile, given your experiences and knowledge, I wonder if you would be interested in also taking part in some academic research into cannabis cultivation that I am currently involved in. There will be articles\blog posts about this research appearing on NORML-UK and other UK cannabis-related internet sites and forums over the coming days and weeks, but you can also read details (and decide if you wish to participate) at our project website – worldwideweed.nl.

You may also be interested in some further research I hope to be doing in a few months’ time. Whilst the current research is an online anonymous survey aimed at providing some general information about cannabis cultivators in the UK, the future project will involve in-depth interviews (still anonymous, of course) aiming to improve our understanding of who grows cannabis, how they do it and (crucially) why they do so and how they came to get involved in the first place. If you are interested in this then please let me know and I will keep this email address on file (stored securely) for future reference and contact you when this project gets under way.

If you have any further queries about the documentary, my current or future research projects, or any of the work I have conducted or published previously do please let me know!

Yours appreciatively,


Dr Gary Potter

Senior Lecturer and Course Director, Criminology

Senior Researcher, Crime and Criminal Justice Research Group

London South Bank University

Edited by Loftman
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  • 1 month later...
Potter: Some pro cannabis fanatics even argue that all cannabis use can be construed as medical because people use cannabis to make themselves feel better and to treat physical and mental ailments even if they do so subconsciously.


You mean they actually dare to have a view on medicine which does not coincide with what you were spoon-fed and apparently never questioned!

The horror.

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