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Ancient British Spirituality

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Liminality, procession, ritual landscapes, votive offerings, barrows, Seahenge: are the practical applications of spirituality what we're missing today?

It amazes me how our ancient ancestors went to so much trouble to erect these monuments, and what ideas the foundations of those monuments were built on. I'm also struck by how easy it is, in our culture, to confuse these probably very philosophical practices with theological notions. Surely these rites of passage - mostly in death, as that's what we've got evidence for - were appropriated to enforce ways in which one should live in order to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. Personally, I think when you bring gods into these processes you start to diffract the true meaning; whilst personifying things ultimately lends to a more comprehensible notion, does it not also invoke too much self-reference? Maybe that's the next cultural step, to learn how to not detract from an idea, to lock it down.

I'm not even blazed.

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I firmly believe we are returning to a more spiritual state as a species but with a mordern perspective. Human Spirituality 2.0 if you will.....

Im proper blazed

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They saw the energy world.

Bright light.

Then came the Romans.

They killed 'them all'..

All the light people.

The light people are being reincarnated atm.

We are fucking pissed off with the romans darkages.

Welcome to the new age of light.

If i stand at these sites i feel the 'force'....meditate on them i start to see 'energy moving.

Ive seen it too, elsewhere....

Its coming back. Reality...absolute...almighty...

Coming at ya, cleopratra?...

Whether yas likes or not': u will ALL wake from the romans slumber, they has most folks in 5th sense delusions. Material prison. :trumpet:

Welcome to 6th and 7senses, beyond matter, where things REALLY do Matter....

.....the dudes who built these sites had, more sense.

Then the Romans stuck us all in a black maze. Romans were pure demons.

Lucky me and a few others escaped and have a map.

The 'Empire never ended. lol

Did actually, last september.... but they got masses going through the motions, still......the limiter is off, but they, the sheep...they choose now to live in the Roman Matrix by choice.

Stick with what ya know, babababa....

The penalty shootout ended, light forces Won.

Lets roll, the new age is now unlimited...... bar by those who choose to sleep and vibrate in fear, anxiety and terror....these people are a majority. Sooner they 'crack....the sooner they will release us from their drag down energy blackhole. Status Quo enforcers, unconscious.

Sheep drag us down.

U can only be a 'high as the 5 people around u, etc....drag down, drag up. We are held down by armies of fuckwits they all consumers citizens, normal people....

Hmm...the average joe..they is so disempowered they walks in a spiritual void, sucking the lifeforce from anyone spirited to replace his or her own empty void. Thats how it works. Dumbing down, energetically....

Thats why we get depressed, surrounded by voids and leeches, gaps in the psychic networks....see? Probably not. U will...

SEE. Bet ya. My life.

The better for us all if they go mad. Open the signal. Be a beacon not a void.

The vibration of one 'witch is worth a million sheep.


Edited by BiPolar Dave
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I firmly believe we are returning to a more spiritual state as a species but with a mordern perspective. Human Spirituality 2.0 if you will.....

for some of us maybe. but some of us are taking the more logical route. i.e. believing what can be categorically proven. not in hearsay and communal good vibes :yep:

edit- these ancient edifice's are a reaction to our inbuilt superstitions and paranoia in an effort to explain/validate our exsitance before we had a better understanding of how things work imo.

Edited by Sancho Panza
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Part of the 'trip' is loosing ur 'trained sense'.

Confusion is often part of the ride....



"The older I get the more I realise there are no grown ups and nobody knows what the fuck they’re doing"



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edit- these ancient edifice's are a reaction to our inbuilt superstitions and paranoia in an effort to explain/validate our exsitance before we had a better understanding of how things work imo.

'I'....see the 'reverse'.

No mirror here.


We got lost.


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into the living rock...

of Stone'enge" lol

They are compelling though these ancient monuments, particularly because so little is known about them.

Some things are known though. Did you see the programme about the rock 'striations'? There a huge 'processional' way leading up to stonehenge, the cursus, aligned as stonehenge is with summer and winter solstice sunrise and sunset or whatever, and they found out it was older than the stones, and on the bank that stonehenge faces, along the cursus, there are huge natural features in the chalk, like deep gashes, that are also aligned in the same way. These would have been exposed at the time. So it looks as though the landscape there would have become sacred because of these natural features which would have seemed guides to the passage of time and the change of the seasons, perhaps guaranteeing the return of summer, as naturally there would be a fear each winter that life-giving summer would never return.

I recall a rather out-there theory that stonehenge was once roofed, making a huge conical structure, the horizontal tops of the stone structures being supports for rafters. Probably bollocks but it does give an explanation, probably only attractive to modern scientific minds, of why you'd go to the immense effort of raising those lintels. But I guess the real answer is more like the reason medieval cathedrals were so unnecessarily tall - ie for the greater glory of whatever god, gods or natural forces were being thus communicated with or glorified.

Edited by Ishmael
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They built Stonehenge so you could sit and stare at it for hours, whilst tripping on Mushrooms :)

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When u get high enough im sure the stones gave way, as did matter....

Sure as hell...

Youd see 'it'....

Im lucky to have White Leaved Oak right by me.

Very very high energy. U can be in 2020 there already when on ya own...

Dont take a sheep, youll be stuck in 2016.5?


Energy is welling up.

5th dimension comes.

3rd is 'melting' or being overrode by 5....

The lucky ones can already pick up 5....

Or its energy.

Its great to be alive.


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Old wells are nice too, pagan sites often christianised with churches nearby and saint legends etc. I was at the one in Cerne Abbas recently, at the back of the old abbey graveyard, beautiful place with nice clear water welling up in a bed of stones with medieval masonry enclosing it, apparently there was once a hermit there but I'm glad he's gone, it's not really a christian place at all. Probably it is the first reason why people settled there, a nice reliable source of good water. Strong in iron apparently, there are legends about fertility and pregnancy which the iron would have helped with.

If you're up there it's not marked in any of the guides but there's a sign on the wall in the graveyard that talks about it but doesn't guide you to it so it's quite private and secret. There's a seat you can sit on and look at the water, and someone put a kind of carved stone altar thing there at the millennium that doesn't really spoil it. Lovely place to be, I felt better for my half hour there. You can't help thinking about the generosity of the earth as you watch the clear water welling up giving itself to you. People had tied ribbons to tree branches around it, I don't know why they do that? A bit like lighting candles in churches?

I remember I found an old well in County Kerry once, with a circle of celtic stonework around it, it was late summer and someone had carefully placed blackberries symmetrically around the rim on the stones, some folk practice half pagan half catholic maybe.

Think the celts carved this with mushy's in mind ..stunning piece of art


lovely, where's that then? eta it might be a mushie and it might be a big hampton lol

Edited by Ishmael
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Its near a little village called whitford in north wales, not far from The Gop cairns. Quite a lot of random standing stones and the like dotted round north wales :smokin:

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It is so hard to infer anything about belief or spirituality from objects devoid of a cypher. Would a modern wishing well in 3000 years be interpreted as a place of spiritual pilgrimage, where devotees made financial offerings to their gods?

We like to think of our own religious monuments as great collective devotions to our chosen diety, pious works of great ordeal raised to the glory of our god but is that really the truth? Take the great cathedrals of Britain, Lincoln Cathedral for example, erected on the ridge, bought and paid for by the catholic church, painted in bright colours and dominating the landscape for as far as the eye can see, especially with it's original tower. These are statements of power surely? If so then little different to a modern tower of glass emblazoned with a company logo. Not saying Stonehenge was the headquarters of Bronze Inc, but great monuments are often created by the powerful for reasons of power or because they have the wealth to do so, not through a sense of great piety. I can't think of an example of a great monument that was erected through the collective urges of society to just come together and create spontaneously, and I don't think we can transpose that mindset onto the builders of the great prehistoric monuments when there is no evidence for it in written history.

They saw the energy world.

Bright light.

Then came the Romans.

They killed 'them all'..

All the light people.

The light people are being reincarnated atm.

We are fucking pissed off with the romans darkages.

Welcome to the new age of light.

The Romans didn't come here and carry out mass genocide, the islands were already enduring a major power struggle between some tribes and the Romans invaded with a native King in tow to be reinstated as King of the invaded regions. The Roman empire in some ways is a cultural transformation in the areas it penetrated, a set of memes and new aspirations, not like the europeans slaughtering and corralling the native tribes of North America, more assimilation than destruction than that... imo at least

ETA I just withnailed part of my post, I shouldn't have said what I did and I sincerely apologise to you Dave for posting it

Edited by distracted
remove stuff I shouldn't have said..(Sorry Dave)
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