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Thinking & Thoughts

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i don`t know, what do you think? :trumpet:

I think I think too much lol

But then we all do don't we? I remember at times when I was younger and in the grips of depression and anxiety, feeling like I must be loosing my mind with the incessant chatter seemingly going on in my head, but then I realised everyone has the same chronic chatter, commentary, accessing, intellectual pigeon-holing etc... going on.

Thought is a useful evolutionary tool, it gives us the ability to plan and predict but also binds and traps us.

It is a process that lets us we are here and now, but generally tends to keep us out of the here and now, as in worrying about the future and mulling over the past.

Are our thoughts our own, or a bunch of unconscious chatter made up from a life of sub-conssious absorbing of our society, culture, from being told what to learn, what language to use and therefore think in, what is expected of us and in others, how one should behave and so on, or based on our image of ourself, our 'ego' created by these factors.

Then split that down, a thought flows into your conscious attention, thus you become aware of it, focused on it and escalate it, is it unconscious until you attach a conscious thought or attention to it, or attach yourself to it?

Memory and thought seem to be one and the same, with memory being like a thought-echo.

Could we call thinking the act of willing thought a certain way, like the jet vapour from a plane with a goal, destination, route to follow or go with... while thought being an act such as clouds coming and going over head?

Then thoughts bring into exsistiance everything, from manifesting objects to feeling pain and sorrow for instance.

It's a fascinating topic with much more to delve into.

Edited by Floyd
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Kudos for the great post, Floyd!

I am forever fascinated with the "esoterics" of thought processes: consciousness turning the focus onto itself is famously where contemporary Western philosophy has stalled of now... :yinyang::yep:

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I love thinking, getting lost in the moment of whatever it is to think about. I think thinking about thinking is fucking brill, as it also makes others think that your thinking is thoughtless yet your thinking process out thinks others thoughts. :woot:

'Over thinking' .... Is there such thing? I do find myself thinking about this often as I find myself wondering if people with less or no apparent compassion think as much? Hmmm :g:

If we think for a moment about what happens when we think... Our brain is producing a wave of energy, electricity and I think Alan Watts said along the lines of, "thoughts running wild is like feedback through a microphone" which I think is a great analogy.

Thoughts fuelled by emotions ofter, I find spiral out of control... but they always go, the mind always returns.

A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thinking, this I feel is something I use to do, I spent and can spend more time in my head, than with the person/people I am with. :russian:

The process of letting go of thoughts is a tricky one, whereas attaching to them is almost a compulsion.

Thoughts seem to feedback more and more, the more and more one try's to stop them.

As if I say to you, don't think about a 'yellow elephant', you will think about a yellow elephant and trying to stop thinking about it, only brings yet more thoughts about yellow elephants.

Letting thoughts form, pass and disintegrate like clouds, let the chatter be a noise like birds chirping and the wind blowing, without

actually trying to let go of them or trying not to let go of them, is one way to find space.

Edited by Floyd
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Letting thoughts form, pass and disintegrate like clouds, let the chatter be a noise like birds chirping and the wind blowing, without actually trying to let go of them or trying not to let go of them, is one way to find space.


A defrag of the brain to optimise it.

A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thinking, this I feel is something I use to do, I spent and can spend more time in my head, than with the person/people I am with.

Boring bastids aren't they! :rofl:

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I agree with you Floyd, the incessant chatter is, i think, the driving force behind my passion for gardening, and the need to be outside involved with nature on some level, to slow or even stop it and just be, i like thinking about things a lot but hate it when my brain has the rains and is in a bad mood lol

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In my hallucinogen days I used to think a lot about thinking and how we kinda internally vocalise thoughts, but that that's only the kinda 'top level' of thinking, the surface level, and before that we get the 'subconscious' thinking, the deep level thinkling were the ideas are actually 'born' that don't become 'thoughts' until we kinda internally vocalise them, put them into words in our own head, actively think about them. And I used to try to catch that 'birth of an idea' stage before it actually becomes a though. It twists your head, cos as soon as you start thinking about thinking you can't do it, cos you are already thinking at that 'top level', far above the deep place where the ideas form :headpain:

lol Dunno if any of that makes any sense lol

Edited by Boojum
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I remember reading a book by Eckhart Tolle (okayish book) about 8 years, and some where around the begining was this paragraph, - “I cannot live with myself any longer. ”This was the thought that kept repeating itself in my mind. Then suddenly I became aware of what a peculiar thought it was. “Am I one or two? If I cannot live with myself, there must be two of me: the ‘I’ and the ‘self’ that ‘I’ cannot live with.” “Maybe,” I thought, “only one of them is real.” - whitch at the time, a low point in my life, it gave me some relief, that it was not just I that were at odds with myself, that paragraph sparked a new awareness and many questions which I am enjoying pondering and delving into.

It seems stupidly simply in retrospect, but in a state of depression, anxiety, thoughts spiral and keeping it to myself was my first priority, as I though I was falling apart, I didn't want to burden others. If I have opened up to someone, anyone I am sure I would have had the same effect at putting my mind at ease, rather thinking about thinking, about thinking. :ouch:

Or joining this site 8 years earlier lol. ...I must say, joining here was one of the best things I have done, it has opened me up and helped change my life for the better, and is continually doing so. Cheers to you all :yinyang:

Edited by Floyd
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Guest bazzad9

Memory and thought seem to be one and the same, with memory being like a thought-echo.

memory is a really interesting one ,although i may not do this justice tonight

memorys are not stored in a part of the brain to be pulled out when we want to "remember it " we seem to formulate the memory everytime we remember it ,the neurons fire as in a thought ,but they are new evertime (thats how we get lots of details wrong and memorys change ) are memory is never as good as we think it is

but the bit that is fascinating me at the moment is if these "memorys"are formulated everytime as new ,and they are normally pretty close to what happens we must have a vague memory of the memory to re formulate it so close to what actually happened

probably going to change this tomorrow :wassnnme:

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It's a lovely mind-boggle :hippy:

ETA: while I remember...

The sense of 'I', that in itself seems to resonate only from the echo's of thoughts or memories, (out with social interrelations and interreactions) for without them, would we know that we we know?

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Think less, be more...

Think positive be positive.

Think negative, manifest negativity.

Your thoughts create reality.

End of story....

As such, my final word.

Make sure ur not thinking someone elses thoughts, turn off the tv, status quo enforcing shit...., u might be broadcasting...projecting, supporting, manifesting something that is someone elses reality....unless u have genuinely original thoughts from the ether...

Thats why mediation, thoughtless zen is paramount.

Stops u projecting the fake reality when u is thoughtless.

Only takes the square root of global populus to be meditating all at once to 'block' their signal...

Only lennon almost did it with the 'sit in'...

So a dark force puppet shot the 'lightsides frontman'....

Easy peasy.

Stop thinkin 'their' thoughts.

Zen out some of ya own.

Setup ur own 'mast...

I have...im now running hereford with my thoughts....

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