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E-cig for concentrates/extracts?


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My friend keeps asking me about e-cigs that are able to be used with concentrates/extracts. Any plans on selling something like that? Or any other thoughts on the matter?

Many thanks.

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There are e-cigs available with refillable tanks that can be used to smoke concentrates. Problem is though, the concentrates need to be liquid at room temp and making those is quite a specialist area using chems that are quite hard to get hold of. BHO doesn't work well as it is too thick. IIRC it is acetate based concentrates that work best.

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Guest trichead

Get ya self a varablie volatge battery sum kanger 510 carts take out the pollyfill thn fill with bho shatter watever works a treat thts how i uasly smoke mine expeshly wen out :bong:

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These are all the rage in the States, they're sold under names like "G-Pen", "R U Vaped", "Trippy Stix". The problem is they're all very cheaply made in the same chinese factory, they're not really designed for use with oils and concentrates, they combust rather than vaporize because there's no temperature limitation and the oil is often in direct contact with the element, and they break /fail stupidly regularly, meaning you have to keep shelling out on replacement components.

Vape pens are definitely the future, especially in the states where medical marijuana laws have made oils and concentrates readily available. But the technology just isn't there yet. Give it a couple of years and someone will have come up with a dedicated vape pen for oils and concentrates that actually works (and vapes rather than combusts). But for now, I'd recommend waiting, or using a Solo. Solos are bigger, but they actually vaporize, and they come with a 2 year warranty.

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  • 2 months later...

They sell the G pen close by. I think maybe I'm gonna try one. I tried modding an E cig and it worked well for what I wanted it for.

Nothing like a good quick haul when ya want it .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Use a glass globe and ceramic nail (from fasttech) $5 dollars each if you want to :haveadab: instead of a tank with coil type atomiser. Uses a 510 fitting so will work with most e-cig mods. :ninja:


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