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Great Spirit


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Amazing and unfortunate how quickly things can change in just 6 weeks. Jennifer is days, possibly hours away from the inevitable as her body shuts down and the Sarcoma has taken it over. Leah and myself have been taking turns sitting with Jen 24 hours a day and the other two kids are filling in when they can. She hasn't eaten or drank anything for at least a month. Blood transfusion and saline iv's for re hydration have made no difference, and even if they did the Sarcoma is showing up at C3/C4 as well as her pelvic / rib area of her spine. She now has a hospital bed in our front room and stronger pain meds have made her more comfortable. All other medications have been stopped and the focus is on no pain and dignity, and we've filled out the DNR forms. We are not available for phone calls; we want all our time to be spent with her. I welcome emails and will respond if necessary when I can. Only medical professionals and our own small immediate family is allowed inside the house now. It is better if everyone remembers her happy smile, instead of what she looks like now. We're not looking for any sage advice, as we've had 5yrs to run this through our heads at every twist and turn that she took with her inspirational fight. I just wanted you to know that her journey is almost over and she will soon be pain free. Thanks for holding our hands, Wayne and Leah PLEASE - NO posts on facebook, Jen has friends that still don't know that are "friends" of Leah's.


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