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What's the worst that could happen?

Freewheelin Franklin

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I'll just have a dr pepper please, what's the worst that could happen?

Edited by indicatoker420
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I think what is happening here is a confusion on local terminology. Being from the USA, marijuana users have had our hopes of removing restrictions on marijuana use, possession and cultivation for years. In the early 1970's, many of our states began "decriminalizing" marijuana. To most Americans, "decriminalizing" means reducing or removing the jail sentences for users for petty crimes like "possession" of small usable quantities of marijuana. Decriminalizing was thought to help the every day users from jail sentences while still keeping marijuana production and "cultivation" illegal with stiffer penalties attached to those "crimes". Marijuana smokers have been fighting for the outright "legalization" of marijuana for years. To most Americans, legalization of marijuana means taking the government restrictions like criminal penalties for possession, use and cultivation off the books completely. Free the weed! I am all for the legalization of marijuana in the broad sense of being able to use, possess and grow your own marijuana and even share it with your friends (which is highly encouraged). Regulation is the term we are really debating here. Just because a substance is legal does not mean it will escape without some sort of government imposed regulatory restriction such as taxes. In the USA, alcohol like beer and wine is legal and can be produced in our homes in limited quantities. You are free to share it with your neighbor and friends but do not "sell" it. Uncle Sam frowns on not getting his nickel. Marijuana should have never been made illegal in the first place. To most Americans, the term "legalizing marijuana" means turning the clock back to a time before it was ever controlled and regulated by the US government.

Edited by NugZZZ
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Splitting hairs chaps. Just reading this and the differences of opinions makes a worrying case on how we are all united for the de classification of the herb.

Surely all that is wanted is:

You won't be prosecuted for personal amount.

You will be able to cultivate a personal amount of ganja plants.

It won't be legal to smoke anywhere, just in certain areas.

We don't want it sold in shops but at designated outlets that have strict 'door policies'.

The government need to use its anti cannabis budget for the research of medical uses of cannabis.

Lets not forget that although this is a plant it is still an extremely powerful one that needs guidance incase the wrong type of person uses it. Peanuts,sugar,milk have all got their legions of people who are allergic to them and thats how I see weed, some people just should not be smoking/using it they will have a reaction, it is not meant for them.

Unfortunately time and time again Brits show they are not very good at behaving when given unlimited freedom and to have everyone puffing on the streets will make this country an international joke.

We need to show we can behave before given free rein.

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I thought legalisation means creating a legal fiction (control) for cannabis. e.g. I'm a free man, but my birth certificate is my legal fiction (i've been legalised) so that I can be controlled. Without the legal (fictional) me they can't control me, I have to accept this control, which I inadvertently did when my parents signed to say my legal fiction would represent me (I would have remained a free man if I hadn't been legalised).

It seems a hard concept, but it's absolutely simple when properly explained. This is no conspiracy theory, I've studied law at uni and this is the basis for British law (adopted by nearly all countries). It's very important that people get to grips with this, especially those saying they're for legalisation when what they're actually saying is against it.

Anything 'legal' is a control. Read a few law books it's fact.

Have you tried a freeman defence in court then ?

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Have you tried a freeman defence in court then ?

I'm gonna burn my birth certificate and if I wind up in court i'll say i'm not a legal, controlled person of the system, i'm a freeman of the land. Good thinking sir.

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I'm gonna burn my birth certificate and if I wind up in court i'll say i'm not a legal, controlled person of the system, i'm a freeman of the land. Good thinking sir.

I was asking him , I don't advise anybody to do it

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You won't be prosecuted for personal amount.

You will be able to cultivate a personal amount of ganja plants.

Issue #1 right there. Who gets to decide what "personal" means?

If it's set too low, heavy users will be forced to grow indoors (expensive and not always practical) because growing a year's supply outdoors would be illegal for them. If it's too high it's meaningless and shouldn't be on the books at all.

What about growing for your friends and family? That's definitely not "personal".

What about growing a load for recreational use and also growing a load for turning into oil for the medicine cabinet/freezer?

It won't be legal to smoke anywhere, just in certain areas.
Why should it be illegal to smoke anywhere?

I can see it being against company policy to smoke at work (like drinking there) but illegal? Why?

Alcohol consumption is prohibited at football matches and in some public areas because some people cause no end of trouble and mess when they can do that. I don't see that with cannabis though.

We don't want it sold in shops but at designated outlets that have strict 'door policies'.
Why do we need designated outlets? Look what the Dutch government are currently doing to Coffeeshops. No matter what they claim, their efforts are an attempt to kill the coffeeshop. Restricting sale as strictly as that sounds like an open door for government to heavily restrict the cannabis market for entirely political reasons. (There's no strict [by law] door policy on off-licences or tobacconists - why for cannabis retail?)
Unfortunately time and time again Brits show they are not very good at behaving when given unlimited freedom and to have everyone puffing on the streets will make this country an international joke.

We need to show we can behave before given free rein.

We need free rein to learn to behave.

There's a very good reason we see much more alcohol related trouble in the UK than in the rest of Europe. Licencing laws.

If you go to France, Spain or just about anywhere else the atmosphere when you're out and about in the evening is FAR more relaxed because culturally they have MUCH freer access to alcohol. Kids drink wine with their parents. Workers pop out for a drink and a meal in the middle of the day. You can get a beer in all sorts of places from some Tobacconists to cafes, McDonalds and late-night takeaways.

In the UK we've always been told we must do our drinking between 11am and 11pm. We treat it like forbidden fruit around kids and so on. It's arse about face.

Brits act like rebellious teenagers on the sauce because we're TREATED like children by the government.

We have alcohol related problems in the UK not because we have too much freedom, but because we have almost none.

When a teenager starts rebelling they don't learn lessons by having less freedom, they learn lessons by having MORE. Same with adults who live under such a bullshit, individually-meddling political system as we have here.

Edited by tengreenfingers
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I don't understand why certain people give the government so much power.it is not theirs to control, they have no right over plants,Mother Earth gave us these plants nothing to do with governments.

It's all about controlling you,forget about trying to Legalise anything,just free your mind, and do your thing.

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I was asking him , I don't advise anybody to do it

lol i'd never actually do that. Somebody in my town asked the court to phone the Queen and David Cameron for evidence he's a freeman of the land so he can't go to prison for growing weed.

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Nothing to do with hippies,just your freedom.

No, nothing to do with hippies. There's a deeper message though and not too dissimilar to the one you're conveying. I think we're on the same hymn sheet.

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Splitting hairs chaps. Just reading this and the differences of opinions makes a worrying case on how we are all united for the de classification of the herb.

Surely all that is wanted is:

You won't be prosecuted for personal amount.

You will be able to cultivate a personal amount of ganja plants.

It won't be legal to smoke anywhere, just in certain areas.

We don't want it sold in shops but at designated outlets that have strict 'door policies'.

The government need to use its anti cannabis budget for the research of medical uses of cannabis.

Lets not forget that although this is a plant it is still an extremely powerful one that needs guidance incase the wrong type of person uses it. Peanuts,sugar,milk have all got their legions of people who are allergic to them and thats how I see weed, some people just should not be smoking/using it they will have a reaction, it is not meant for them.

Unfortunately time and time again Brits show they are not very good at behaving when given unlimited freedom and to have everyone puffing on the streets will make this country an international joke.

We need to show we can behave before given free rein.

We need to show we can behave before been given free rein ? :russian:

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