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King Arthur's realm ?


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Difficult to understand if I have been in a time warp or not,

The days of old from history known were that a simple family living off the land taking care of their offspring should be able to live in relative peace, until

Horsemen arrive swords drawn " 5 chickens and 2 pigs ye shall give, for the king "

Some family had a bad harvest this winter but the king shall be payed anyway say thee,

Now I am reading all these story's In news that men an woman are being taxed, fleeced legally robbed in exactly the same way, which I can only draw the conclusion I am in a time warp,

Point being someone's home , door is kicked in ,not horse men ok, but men in black coats , then pilfering any cash and herb stuffs they deem in their view illegal but in your home ? Wtf has any one got the right to say what is allowed behind your space is allowed, (not condoning sick actions) but growing your own herbs for Christ sakes..........

So the men in black coats decide that the money they found in your draw is now theirs, like wtf? What you going to do about it? Not much unless you can show where you printed it hey,,,, And went to a manager who called him self the judge , he says the 1500 gold coins you had that the men in black coats took may have been obtained by selling the herbs you were growing and they not going to,give it back,,,,

Bum fucked and legal to only those in the higher number s,, what a joke,,,, when wil this bullshit end, Prohibition, Achol headache aces and idiots attacking people,

Herb, cool well thought out ideas , or a great laugh,,, But the tax? They call it their legal tax, whom has the right?

Thought I was back in the day of kings with this ,

Shared as I know some will understand

Maybe in the next world hey

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