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Cannabis Oil v. Excruciating Spasms


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i woulndnt hesitate to advise another dose in the daytime ,

if last nights dose has wore off so to speak me personally would top up , as it seems to have had the desired effect

would also be easier to monitor there relive

maybe a half dose if needed

:yinyang: :yinyang:

i tend to agree, do u think u could split the doses up to twice aday?

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Day 2

Another great night's sleep was had last night and they didn't look hungover like they have in the past when given meds like Calcold/Calpol Night (both now discontinued). They have had just one spasm all day and this was mild and only lasted a few seconds. It's early days but their overall tone seems more relaxed and no negative side-effects have been witnessed.

No need to double up yet on the dose since the <0.1g of oil per suppository is having such a positive effect!


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It's made everyone's Christmas much more enjoyable Tony. :thumsup:

Their carers say the only downside so far of the cocoa butter and oil suppositories is that if you don't get it in quickly it melts so fast on your finger-tips a second pass can be tricky. They lost a little this way when giving them their 3rd dose tonight so fingers-crossed they got enough. Prepare the position properly before attempting!

This is where the gelatin capsules might be better since they last a little longer before melting on skin. I'll have some of these soon to experiment with. :yep:

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can ya sum how freeze it into an ice cube or sumthing ?

Wouldn't fancy shoving an ice cube up me jacksy lol

The worlds a better place for someone thanks to you rubba.

Top work.

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Thank you for sharing your story and helping your friend in this way. It's very brave of you to have raised the idea with his carer and amazing that he has a carer that is willing to try.

I remember seing that video clip before. Can't remember were but it was a few years ago at least.

Tell your friend that im thinking of him and wish him well in his new treatment.

Cheers tico.

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Day 3

Last night their carers lost a little when giving them their 3rd dose. This translated into a slightly more restless night than the previous nights with a couple of awakenings and a few mild spasms. Still much better than before though.

Their carers are annoyed they cocked up this dose so in future my friend will be better positioned before the suppository is inserted.

Some other good news: After the last few days and even with last night's slightly less effective dose their carers have decided to reduce their daily steroid dose to alternate days. If the positive effects continue the steroids may be discontinued altogether. :thumsup:

These suppositories are kept in the fridge.

@Jiffa @mslazy: If they were kept in the freezer wouldn't they burn when being put in or because they are so small melt super-fast before inflicting damage? My friend squirms a little with the refrigerated suppository so I'd imagine a frozen one would be even more uncomfortable!

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how about bro if you was to get a cod liver oil cap and empty the case and use half of this capsule as a lil cap for the suppositiry ??

would that work do you think?

amazing news about the roids bro :yinyang: :yinyang:

now i this is a mad suggestion its not mine but my mrs suggested this she says check a thrush cream applicator thing


may help it not melt ??? easy to get from chemist to

Edited by Jiffa
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