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Spirit Science


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I don't think it's really completely lied to you, though I agree opening with the statement "Something big is about to happen can you feel it?" is a bit strange and is probably designed to captivate the viewer (well done you for not falling for it)but then basically the video goes on to talk about thoughts and I think it makes sense that positive thinking manifests positive experiences, I think "DMT the spirit molecule" and the like screwed my view of these vids a bit because when I think about most of it I relate it to how the brain perceives things to be good and bad. Because reality is just what your brain decides it is, even with factors that it can't control you do create your own reality so in theory positivity could create positivity, maybe all this stuff is just to do with promoting certain brain function/chemicals through factors that have been confused and religion and stuff is just a different way of explaining it.

Who's to say the Chakra's arent just points of the nervous system that regulate certain brain function, meditation has been monitored to affect brain activity perhaps their are other physical things that do, do you see what I mean?


EDIT: oh hey more replies, thanks for the wiki link and to you for the video piffy il watch that later.

Edited by iBMe
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Guest bazzad9

Mate the whole site is just every psuedo science there is ,he seems rather big on chrystals ,yet more rubbish

The thing is all the stuff he says is not new stuff he has picked bits he likes or fits his narrative and goes with it

Even as these videos go this is a pretty poor one

As for chakra points in all the years of studying the human body no one has ever managed to locate them ,and depending on who you ask they are often in different places or do different things ,and under testing they simply do not work

Im not sure lie was an understatement ,he is not telling the truth

What makes you think a 20 odd year old kid has more understanding of the brain and thoughts than a neuroscientist ?,i know which one i will listen to ,and add to that the bullshit he has already spouted why would you listen to him at all

Its akin to the daily mail lot maki g stuff up about cannabis ,it is absoloutly no different :hippy:

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Guest bazzad9

"Most people in the world don’t realize that there is an option between Religion and Science."

No there isnt they are two seperate things

"You’re either one or the other, and both of the sides don’t give a complete image"

No plenty of religious scientists ,one give as best view we can for the moment the other tells us nothing

". With religion, were led to believe a bunch of really bizarre stories without any context at all, and that you can’t be scientific about how you think if your religious"

And you are trying the same trick ,yours is not scientific either

. "Then on the scientific part of things, we assume that the entire universe just exploded out of nothingness a few billion years ago, and randomly created this entire thing we call reality completely at random. "

Just a basic strawman

"You also don’t have anything to live for, because when you die, you just rot in the ground"

Strawman number 2

Thats just the first sentence

If this bloke said the sky was blue i would head for a window and check

How many books is he selling ? Not checked that yet :smokin:

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