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'Hundreds Of Epilepsy Deaths Were Avoidable' Says


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Monday May 20, 2002

Hundreds of deaths by epilepsy sufferers could have been avoided but for inadequate care, says a report.

Nearly three out of five (59%) child epilepsy deaths were potentially avoidable, as well as around four in 10 (39%) adult epilepsy deaths.

Launching the report in the House of Lords at the start of National Epilepsy Week, the Government funded research found inadequate levels of care in 77% of child cases and 54% of adult cases.

GPs and specialists also come under fire for not maintaining contact with bereaved families in the report carried out by the charity Epilepsy Bereaved.

Drugs were also mismanaged in 45% of child cases and 20% of adult cases, according to the report.

The charity is hoping to raise education among sufferers and the medical community who believe epilepsy to be a "benign condition".

Epilepsy affects around 300,000 people in the UK, and kills around 1000 every year. Of that number, it is believed that around half are sudden and unexpected deaths in otherwise healthy people, especially the young.

Professor David Fish, Consultant Neurologist at the National Hospital, London, one of the lead authors of the report said: "The report found failures in the provision of care all through the system."


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