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how long do you reckon till cannabis is legalised?


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Absolute complete and utter bare minimum?

4 years. Won't be until part way through the next government's term IF we get a complete miracle. [E2A - I don't think this is a realistic number - the current media noise is almost overwhelmingly on the "things must change" side which may yet lead to a surprise, but I'm not holding my breath.]

At best I expect that will be an attempt at the current (not the proposed) Portugese model... maaaaybe with a hint of Uruguay (?) thrown in as our government just LOVE control.

At worst it won't be in any of our lifetimes.

Could be anything in between.

I think things look somewhat positive when cannabis is back in the pharmacopoeia and public support grows steadily. I think we'll see it legal (properly) within our lifetimes UNLESS the powers that be manage to kill the internet in the way they've been angling at for years. If/when they turn it into something resembling a more interactive version of broadcast media we might as well give up. If that doesn't happen, things will change within most of our lifetimes.

I find it odd that the internet has helped push the cause so much further of late, and may well be its downfall.

The genetics point is a good one.

Seeds can't be sold in the EU unless they are on a "national list". Anything not on a national list will effectively be like fruit and veg "heritage seeds" - swappable, but not marketable. (So, you can's sell them.)

The only ones that will be saleable in the EU are those which someone has paid to have tested, put on the list and pays to keep it there. (Yes - it's a fucking racket.)

Outside the EU it's not much of an issue - and for those who would run a heritage library much like that operated by Garden Organic it's not an issue either.

If cultivation is legalised and the EU decided to turn its gaze on cannabis genetics/seeds though - then the shit would hit the fan. The major breeders/labels would get their stock submitted first, get some strains registered and others not... and anyone who followed with something that wasn't "distinctive" enough would cease to have a saleable line.

Edited by tengreenfingers
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Absolute rot.

What other motivation do you think they have? Do you think they're born genetically evil with anti-cannabis genes?

I love it when there's a patently ridiculous answer - it makes me chuckle!

No; I have no idea why the State persists with its anti-Canna laws - but I would love to have a debate with any (ex)PM about it.

e2a: Grammar correction to Eddiesilence's spec's! :wallbash::headpain::skin_up:

Edited by JemimaPuddleDuck
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The tipping point isn't there yet. The UK will always be a follower rather than a leader. Germany will do it before we do.

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the way some folk act about drugs being legalised they think the world would end, so, im going to side with the Mayans on this one and say it gets legalised on the 21st of December 2012 :bag:

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Legalisation doesn't mean that we will be able to grow our own willy nilly but instead if and when it does happen will be about control and especially of plant genetics and THC levels...

I think you're confusing legalisation and regulation.

Remove all laws regarding cannabis and you have legalisation. Put some restrictions in place too (e.g. only adults can buy it) then you have legalisation with regulation.

I prefer the current system of it being illegal if I am honest as to a certain extent it protects the gene lines at present from the biggest criminals of all and when they do eventually want their share then you can kiss goodbye to the glory days of today where you at least do have a choice as to what to grow and consume.. My 2p

If you don't like whatever rules are brought in what's to stop you carrying on as now? I don't see what the problem is.

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Where's the PFNC when you need 'em?

Normalise before legalise in my ideal world!

I'll have both, they aren't mutually exclusive.

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If you don't like whatever rules are brought in what's to stop you carrying on as now? I don't see what the problem is.

The problem to me and I do realise I am being selfish but I think it is important is the ongoing deterioration of the gene pool and I can only see intevention from national corporates as being a bad thing.. call me old fashioned.. :oldtoker:

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If you don't like whatever rules are brought in what's to stop you carrying on as now? I don't see what the problem is.

The problem to me and I do realise I am being selfish but I think it is important is the ongoing deterioration of the gene pool and I can only see intevention from national corporates as being a bad thing.. call me old fashioned.. :oldtoker:

The way I see it is that currently bulk cannabis production is handled by people operating outside of the law. Under more liberal laws this would transfer to big business. Either way it's people who only care about £££ and not about protecting genetics. The folk who do care will still care whatever the law says.

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The main problem for genetics will not be the major breeders/marketers.

The main problem for genetics will be EU law and national lists.

If the genetics can survive under prohibition, they can survive anything - especially considering under legalisation we could be FAR more open about use of seeds, grow them out and maintain them without any fear of arrest... just like currently happens with heritage seeds now.

Same problem, viable solution, genetics going nowhere and not even remotely reliant on big money to keep it safe.

All things considered, I think legalisation allowing more open work with genetics would make the gene pool safer than it is now.

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The folk who do care will still care whatever the law says.

Let's hope you're right..

Edited by madgiz
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Where's the PFNC when you need 'em?

Normalise before legalise in my ideal world!

I'll have both, they aren't mutually exclusive.

legalisation and regulation are nowhere near normalisation, normalisation is full decriminalisation of possession with no other conditions or regulations for the individual,

legalisation suggests there is something illegal that needs legalised, cannabis is not illegal, its possession without a license is,

it is not the substance which is illegal it is our interaction with it, it is the person that is criminalised not the drug,

it really astounds me that tokers prefer control and regulation and the opportunity to buy overpriced weak weed from a government sponsored outlet to growing their own for a fraction of the cost with no interference from state or police,

we only have to look at the way they are handling the economy to see what would happen to "legal" cannabis,

besides which in case you are living in an alternate universe to the one I inhabit and had not noticed, we are governed and ruled

by the biggest bunch of cunts on the planet currently hell bent on destroying the welfare state and actually killing people with

their vindictive class driven bullshit and have killed a million people in two illegal imperialist wars, protect the police when they beat and murder members of the public.......etcetera etcetera etcetera

and you think or imagine that they will "legalise" cannabis because it helps the sick and is the right thing to do for our human rights??????????????????????????????????????????

wake the fuck up people, they are killing the sick and don't give a flying fuck for anyones human rights,

are you all fucking delusional or what?!, cannabis is a minority issue, the only people that give a fuck are the ones that use it,

the public couldn't give a rats arse for your right to smoke cannabis, the government are attacking honest genuine people

to the point of suicide and death! do you think they give a fuck about people they regard as psychotic fucking criminals

Jesus fucking wept, there is not one single country in the world that has changed its drug laws due to the influence or demands of the public or activists, in every one it has been the politicians that changed it for their reasons, they showed courage and honesty, think we will get courage and honesty from our politicians?, dream on.

Complete decriminalisation or fuck all!, fuck all I expect.

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Never in this country will it be legal not in my lifetime anyway and like a few others I'd prefer it to stay illegal for the reasons madgiz has pointed out. :headpain:

TS :skull:

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