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how very clever....when will these people stop winding up the pig's,..it does a total disservise to the cause.

we are trying to change the mind set of joe public and stupid stunts like this will only serve for to help the people who oppose any move to change the criminal law..if you want to generate publicity then generate GOOD publicity...dont let the generale public think were all dickheads..

spliffdaddy   :mad:  :)

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Quotes from cops would be good, also you could link to Eddie Ellison's speech at last years LCA conference. He's ex-head of Met's drug squad. The speech is at www.ukcia.org/mp3s/EddieEllison.mp3

Well worth a listen.

Here's a few quotes to get you going:

Edward Ellison, Former Head of Scotland Yard's Anti-Drugs Squad : Daily Mail: Tuesday March 10 1998:

"As a former drugs squad chief I've seen too many youngsters die.  I'm determined my children don't get hooked - which is why I want all drugs legalised."

Keith Hellawell, the UK Drugs Tsar:

"The current policies are not working. We seize more drugs, we arrest more people, but when you look at the availability of drugs, the use of drugs, the crime committed because of and through people who use drugs, the violence associated with drugs, it’s on the increase. It can’t be working."

The Guardian, 23 May 1994.  (He was then Chief Constable for W. Yorkshire.)

"There's a myth that if we legalise a substance it would somehow take the illegality out of it".

BBC Online, June 1999

"I am not saying we are being effective with the approach, but it is all part of our strategy."

The Guardian, 19 September 1999

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I have been trying to talk with the police since jan 11th when I announced my plan. The Chief Constable agreed to meet with me but only because he was in front of people from the media at the time. He then sent me a letter two days later saying he would n't meet me, no reason given.

Since then I have read in the press that he cannont speak to me because I am on bail, he has also said he will arrest me on opening day, bet they'll be able to speak to me then! They are using the fact that I am on bail as a cop out (no pun intended).

If by embaressing them they contact me to arrange the transfer of the domain name (for free) then my actions will be justified. If I do not use the name they will have no incentive to contact me, all I want to do is talk to them, after all they are supposed to be public servants and we are supposed to live in a democracy, or is it a Police state now?

As too winding them up, what do you think they are doing to me by arresting my friends who use cannabis for medicinal reasons. What about Colin Davies kept in prison for seven months for helping sick people?

I have had a letter from the Home Office stating that it is up to the chief constable how he enforces the law, the Home Office cannot dictate to him, so we could be allowed to operate if the chief constable wished it.

And another thing, due to the publicity last week we have been contacted by 8 medi-users who have all asked for help. The use of the e-mail address will ensure more publicity and therefore more people out there can contact us for help, or should we stop helping others because we are okay?

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