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simple possession and grow yer own personal.

Guest bc pete

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Guest bc pete

good day eh! i was watching the sky active news this morning and the issue of harm reduction agencies for IV/ hard users including govern ment funded sterile "shooting galleries" with support staff.

david blunkett has warmed to the idea of possession of personal amounts of cannabis and also there was mention of "growing a small number of plants for personal use, would be tolerated".

they are having a interactive poll this morning asking whether addicts should be prescribed heroin and monitored by government drop in clinics.

by making this vote( common sense will tell you which buton to press!). this will pave the way for the next pressing phase, the introduction of cannabis cafes, and tolerance of cannabis.

the police would still have the powers to confront under agers or bootleggers, and of course the beligerant rude assholes who give the rest of us peaceful laid back tokers a bad reputation.

when i worked at the vancouver island  cannabis buyers club. run by ted smith( hempology101.yi.org) we got raided a couple of times in six years. ted runs a bookshop and has a room in the back where people with ms or arthritis, back pain

as long as your doctor writes a note saying you could benefit by using cannabis, you were issued a card, which entitled you to purchase around a dozen different strains of cannabis, the best; KGB was classed as I-AAA and that sold for ten dollars canadian. $65Q. $215oz. should you be broke you were allowed credit of $20 which has a late charge$5 per month

he has also built a smoking room on the premises, the whole operation is quite impressive, and of massive benefit to those who truly need it for their pain. and not the asshole who comes in and buys a gramme for ten bucks and splits it in two and sells it as two grammes for $20 bucks to mr desperate buying downtown.

but for the most part we policed each other so we kept tabs if we saw members reselling. immediate loss of membership.

i could go on , but just wanted to mention the david blunket attitude towards personal possession and a small amount of plants for personal use.

times are a changing!!

happy sundaze, bc pete


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hi Greenies

From the reports am getting etc... Looks like you better get ready to become free to grow your own, But next week should let use know more, fingers crossed all the hard work we/you have put in maybe comeing off  :oldtoker:  (but we will see)

Green days a head me thinks  ;)


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Looks like you better get ready to become free to grow your own,

How sure you about this bongme...? I know you got good sources......

I hope so....

Interesting thread bc pete....


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hi Mono

Am only underlineing how i see things from were i sit and the ppl and reports i get seems to point in the direction of grow your small amount, i have been talking to someone on the phone this morning and thay said if it is not writen in the white paper that you cannot grow this seems to mean that you can grow then, but as you can see its all vary scatchy, but am like you and millons of others all fingers crossed  :(  we are working flat out as from now till the 22nd to see what happens again fingers crossed.

Sorry if this sounds all up in the air its becoue it is at the moment.


anything can happen in the next half hour. (stingray)

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