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By Steve Atkinson

CLAIMS were made yesterday that the Government's war on drugs was working after figures revealed an increase in seizures.

Statistics show police and customs officers beat their target with drugs with a street value of £789million being seized in 2000 - 10 per cent up on the previous year.

But Roger Howard of charity DrugScope said the seizures had had little impact on availability on the streets.

He added: "The price of heroin and crack has been decreasing for years now. It is obvious that enforcement alone can never solve the drugs problem. Customs themselves admit they stop only a tiny proportion of drugs coming into the country." He called for a rethink of drug policies.

And Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom of North Wales police told the Police Federation earlier this week the war on drugs could never be won and called for drugs to be legalised.

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Guest 123456
10 per cent up on the previous year.

Due to the amounts being imported increasing by over 10%

- how the tell can 'Drugs War' and 'Working' be used in the same sentence?


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