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Yahoo and other internet search engines with home pages and comment se

Baba Blacksheep

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It has been noted as late that as soon as there is a drug news article on yahoo news or other internet search engine home pages the prohibitionist are out in force with their ignorant, illiterate and damning comments.

They are occupying the comment sections in force with all thumbs up to barbaric comments like 'All drug dealers, users and such like should be shot, hung, drawn and quartered."

Now disregarding ones own opinion on dealing I feel that the non-prohibitionists should step in with a show of force with comments that reveal the idiocy and lies that continue to prop up prohibition. Because for a fact these comments matter and the majority at the moment are the anti-drug zealots.

So the word should be spread that we must counter these senseless comments with well constructed and logical comments that expose these idiots for what they are.

I am convinced that they are somewhat organised in their quick response to whatever drug news article and congratulate each other readily for the ridiculousness of the comments they submit.

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Mate, it's only the internet, full of trolls and fuckwits with nothing better to do than spew their ignorant shite all over the place.

Fuck them, it's their loss if they don't appreciate the many positive aspects of using certain substances. I certainly ain't gonna waste any time trying to enlighten them, it's time I could put to better use rolling up a fat one and conversing with people with similar interests.

Edited by Guerrillero
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Mate I'm fully aware it's the trolls at work but these comments add up and some of the unenlightened read them and believe in the crap that they say. So it's just beating them at their own game.

If we display lassitude and a can't give a fuck approach then things won't change because they just don't happen on their own.

If it was 45 years ago the troll would be having them same attitude with gays, imagine they responded in that way to a gay thing now; their IP would be taken down and they would be prosecuted themselves.

Womens Lib, Suffragettes and suchlike had passion in what they believed and fought the system and the shitty trolls.

This is the easiest way with low retribution levels where we can protest without even getting off our arses. But if we can't even be bothered to do that well what hope is there of change.

I do believe change is on its way and these are the death kicks of prohibition but I am an eternal optimist and I was saying the same thing 20 years ago.

Edited by Baba Blacksheep
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I do get where you're coming from and I don't mean to piss on your chips mate. I dunno, it's just the internet is such a big place that to fight against the tidal wave of muppetry seems a futile battle.

I post on some non cannabis related boards where people aren't generally anti cannabis but the odd "kill all dealers" morons pop up now and then. I just take the piss and wind them up a bit really, it's all can be done, you won't change their mind through a computer.

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You are right in the the fact that their mind is made up, the idiots I mean but if there is a relative and substancial counter arguement then those who skip through the comments will see a positive ratio of those against prohibition.

For example they ran an article on the English 21 year old boy who was selling a relatively small quantity of herb with two other more local associates in the UAE, these trolls where in support of this boy hanging and the were out in force. Couldn't believe their attitude in sanctioning legal murder for a relatively harmless substance.

The fact is people are influenced by others and if there are only idiots on show then who is there to teach the truth.

That is why everyone who supports legalisation, decriminalisation or just an ease up on the laws surrounding drugs and has a computer they should be flooding all these comment sections with supportive anti-prohibition messages. The Mail's comment section had a good turn-out of 'us guys' but there needs to be more impetus throughout.

The internet may be a big place but the effort is not really lost. Cheers

Edited by Baba Blacksheep
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Guest O.M.G

I usually just quotes Steve Jobs

"Taking LSD was a profound experience, one of the most important things in my life."

Then politely remind those disgusting creatures Apple is one of the most successful material companys in the history of Humanity, it is the largest publicly traded company in the world by market capitalization, as well as the largest technology company in the world by revenue and profit, whos profits beat both Microsoft and Google combined. Not that that means anything in the REAL world.

Then i usually mention the fact the U.N under command from the Rockefeller family, made these drugs illegal @ the end of the 60's just as humanity was really starting to blossom, before then they were perfectly legal and even encouraged by the middle class.

For those who have never taken LSD, DMT, Psilocybin and the latest fad Changa (Ayahuasca x DMT) what the fuck r u waiting for?

They can easily be ordered over the net @ any decent Valium forum straight to yo door.

Marys my girl, dont get me wrong, but these things...these things engage Godmode.

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It has been noted as late that as soon as there is a drug news article on yahoo news or other internet search engine home pages the prohibitionist are out in force with their ignorant, illiterate and damning comments.

They are occupying the comment sections in force with all thumbs up to barbaric comments like 'All drug dealers, users and such like should be shot, hung, drawn and quartered."

Now disregarding ones own opinion on dealing I feel that the non-prohibitionists should step in with a show of force with comments that reveal the idiocy and lies that continue to prop up prohibition. Because for a fact these comments matter and the majority at the moment are the anti-drug zealots.

So the word should be spread that we must counter these senseless comments with well constructed and logical comments that expose these idiots for what they are.

I am convinced that they are somewhat organised in their quick response to whatever drug news article and congratulate each other readily for the ridiculousness of the comments they submit.

The only problem with that is you have to subscribe to the Daily Mail website. I'm not prepared to do that.

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Nonsense aside, this is something CLEAR does well with its "comment warriors" campaign doing exactly this.

It could well be worthwhile and has certainly changed the look of comment boxes under drugs articles.

If you wanted to organise such an effort for other sites they tend not to reach, maybe this site, CLEAR or NORML-UK would be good platforms to do so.

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hmm .. 'what if' . .

. people spouting lies & deceit towards weed & its users .. had to sign a binding statment promising on pain of death/ mothers grave/ holy blabla/ woteva . .

. that they'll never imbibe weed in any form, regardless of its then current status in law, & its medicinal effectivness towards any medical/mental inflictions/afflictions that may develope within themselves . .

rhetorical Q: . .. would these types then be so keen to voice their opinionated inexperience ?..

Edited by Flobalobalobalot
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Nonsense aside, this is something CLEAR does well with its "comment warriors" campaign doing exactly this.

It could well be worthwhile and has certainly changed the look of comment boxes under drugs articles.

If you wanted to organise such an effort for other sites they tend not to reach, maybe this site, CLEAR or NORML-UK would be good platforms to do so.

Yes CLEAR and NORML are good organisations and would be sensible platforms and I am a great believer in TRANSFORM also and in what they are trying to achieve.

I do think every individual who would like to see the end of prohibition should realise that something as simple as a comment all adds up in the end. And that sort of contribution does make a difference as it is a numbers game with powerful internet companies gathering statistics in points of view.

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The only problem with that is you have to subscribe to the Daily Mail website. I'm not prepared to do that.

I had similar reservations too in the beginning but after a while became so insensed at the tripe they write and the extremist nature of their articles and some of their comments that I couldn't stand by without defending my and most sensible peoples beliefs and opinions. Freedom of speech and all that!

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You are right in the the fact that their mind is made up, the idiots I mean but if there is a relative and substancial counter arguement then those who skip through the comments will see a positive ratio of those against prohibition.

For example they ran an article on the English 21 year old boy who was selling a relatively small quantity of herb with two other more local associates in the UAE, these trolls where in support of this boy hanging and the were out in force. Couldn't believe their attitude in sanctioning legal murder for a relatively harmless substance.

The fact is people are influenced by others and if there are only idiots on show then who is there to teach the truth.

That is why everyone who supports legalisation, decriminalisation or just an ease up on the laws surrounding drugs and has a computer they should be flooding all these comment sections with supportive anti-prohibition messages. The Mail's comment section had a good turn-out of 'us guys' but there needs to be more impetus throughout.

The internet may be a big place but the effort is not really lost. Cheers


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  • 2 weeks later...

Too right tengreen I was going to mention CLEAR here too, views on Peter Reynolds aside their comments warriors campaign is a very good idea and is pretty much what the OP is suggesting.

And I think it's working, there seems to be a lot more debate with views from both sides of the table, it's getting people talking and as we know the prohibitionist arguments are mostly hearsay and lies and normally easily defeated.

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Too right tengreen I was going to mention CLEAR here too, views on Peter Reynolds aside their comments warriors campaign is a very good idea and is pretty much what the OP is suggesting.

And I think it's working, there seems to be a lot more debate with views from both sides of the table, it's getting people talking and as we know the prohibitionist arguments are mostly hearsay and lies and normally easily defeated.

worth remembering that peter didn't create comment warriors, he just stole other campaigners ideas before closing down and deleting the website he basically stole, shame he even has to be mentioned. Clear is a liability, after stating they would stand in evry election, they have now back tracked. i think Norml is going to be the best thing to happen for campaigning in the uk, but i still think its politics that changes the law and not pressure groups.

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What I meant is that it's a good thing that the campaign is being used by them to some succsess, it doesnt matter who thought of it or what the history with the leadership is, it's the members that do it anyway. It's positive for the movement.

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