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Freedom hope for cannabis cafe boss


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17th May 2202 Friday

Mancster News

CANNABIS cafe owner Colin Davies will hear today if he is to be released from prison.

The Stockport campaigner has been behind bars since November when he was refused bail after being charged with possession and importation of cannabis.

He opened the Dutch Experience, the UK's first Amsterdam-style "coffee shop" in September as part of his campaign to help those with debilitating illnesses get access to cannabis.

Colin set up the Medical Marijuana Co-Operative after he found it helped him when he suffered a serious back injury.

It was thought the campaigner would have to stay in prison until his trial, which is set to begin on June 24.

But in a dramatic turnaround, Judge Peter Fish at Minshull Street Crown Court said there had been a "significant change in circumstance".

The judge was today hearing a bail application on Colin's behalf in private. It is thought Colin, 44, has a good chance of being released because he has now been imprisoned in Strangeways for six months.

Colin's solicitor Chris Hinett said the move was "highly unusual" as previous bail applications had been refused.

"The judge felt there was a substantial change in circumstance and we are feeling very hopeful for today's hearing," Mr Hinett, of Stockport law firm Henry & Co, said.

The Dutch Experience, based at Hooper Street in Stockport, has been the subject of a number of high-profile police raids.

This week - on Colin's instructions from his prison cell - customers have been told they can no longer purchase cannabis on the premises.

The small bar area at the front of the shop will remain open for soft drinks and snacks.


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this is the result :

All watch your telly tonight !

Colin is out, and he will be on, smoking a big spliff after his release !!

i will find out were ? i think maybe DIMBLEBY SHOW? i will keep you posted ;)


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thats it ppl Colin got bailed, he'll be free in an hour!!!

Welcome home Colin  ;)  Big splifF and Bong to ya


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He is out !!!

Did not speak to him yet, he is in the hall of the courthouse, free to go.

He'll probably be surrounded by huggers and pres...

The pressrelease, made up by Ian and me, is out :

Colin Davies, Cannabis Campaigner Released.

Colin Davies Co-founder of the Dutch Experience Coffee shop was today released on bail by Manchester Crown court after serving SEVEN months on remand.

To what end was Colin’s time on remand justified? The Dutch Experience coffeeshop is still open, and many more cannabis entrepreneurs are now following in Colin’s footsteps withat least 12 more coffeeshops opening nationwide this summer. Is it right that an disabled man who has twice been vindicated by a jury can be locked up to silence him?

Colin has now served his time whether he is found guilty or not, the state has exacted it’s punishment on him by using the remand law in a wholly unjustified way.

Colins release has been under very stringent bail conditions which allows him very limited movement on release, one major restriction is that Colin stays out of the Greater Manchester area, which excludes him from his home (not seen in seven months), easy contact with his children, and the chance to start to put his life back together in his own community after being imprisoned with out trial for far too long.

The attitude towards cannabis in the UK has now shifted towards a more understanding and accepting attitude, with our own government’s advisory bodies stating clearly that cannabis is less harmful than either of the two legal drugs alcohol and tobacco. With this justified change in attitude to cannabis how can the UK Home Office justify their treatment of Colin Davies, a man who has twice beaten them in court by being HONEST, and a man who has only tried to help sick and disabled people like himself ?

Colin is ‘free’ now, with the formentioned restrictions, his dream is still alive, the Dutch Experience is open for over 9 months today, and became a symbol for cannabis activists around the world.

Colin’s trial is set for June 24, 2002, in Manchester Crown Court, where a jury has to decide if he is guilty or not, after hearing dozens of witnesses on Colin’s behalve. All in the publics interest.

Nol van Schaik,

Co-founder of the Dutch Experience.



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WOW excellent news bongme!  Do you have any links to stories?  Thanks for bringing us this news in your usual excellently speedy style!

edited to add - I posted this before that last one of yours bongme - thats even better news!  Does Colin need somewhere to stay?  I am not far from Manchester and I have a spare room if he is stuck!

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Thats cool mate - I am sure you will bring us the latest first - after all, you are number one news hound!  ;)

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That is very good news ;)

Shame about the bail conditions though...the man can't even go to his own home!!!! ???

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So glad hes been released, shame about the conditions, anyone would think he had terrified the local community!

When in a coupla years time were all sat in british coffeeshops, when every city has its 'dutch-town',

remeber the man that opened the first coffeeshop,

Colin Davies, what a star!!!!


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So glad to hear that Colin Davies has got bail, the last seven months must have been bloody hell for him. Fingers crossed for his trial in June. May the Goddess be with him and his family!

I have a sister aged 35 who has MS in a very bad way and her condition worsen's every year, now in a wheel chair & unable to feed, wash, cloth, go to the toilet & all the other thing we take for granted, her only relief is to smoke a little herb now and then with the help of others.

Though I have never met the man I have read lots about his work, it makes me feel that people like Colin should be honoured not shut away and condemed as a criminal by the authority's.

Mr.Colin Davies, You is da Man!!!  :rock:

All the Best, Bud Brother... :oldtoker:

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17th May Friday 2002

The Stockport Exspress

Cannabis campaigner released from jail

CANNABIS campaigner Colin Davies has been released from jail on bail.

The campaigner, who is charged with a number of cannabis-related matters as part of his involvement with the Reddish-based Dutch Experience café, has been on remand at Strangeways Prison for nearly six months while awaiting trial.

But following a hearing at Minshull Street Crown Court on Friday, Mr Davies has been released on bail. Conditions of his bail involve him not entering Stockport and not discussing the case publicly.

On the court steps, Mr Davies said: "I feel great to be out - I can't believe I've been ostracised from my home town.

"I want to see my children and I would like to get a nice egg and bacon sandwich or something."

Mr Davies had been sent to Stangeways Prison on November 20 last year before his release on bail.



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Thank god.

im ashamed we as a country let him be taken in the first place.

If you can read this dave, thanks for putting your freedom on the line for us all.

Your a fucking hero man!

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