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Cannabis is a honest drug honest!


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Obviously at some point in our lives those who do not grow but take cannabis whether for recreational uses or medicinal have met the drug dealer. In my experiences(which will in no doubt differ to other peoples experiences out there) have often become friends but this is not solid friendship as you don't know them from Adam! They have what you want that's why you know them. Anyway's I'm like many of you out there I believe that it should be legal to cultivate and consume cannabis in the UK. I believe its safer than Alcohol and many other over the counter prescription drugs. The fact its still illegal is because you cant have a serious conversation with a politician once something has been branded illegal.

Despite scientific evidence that cannabis has healing properties and medicinal uses and zero bodies from overdose's its still illegal in the UK! I think its obvious that the UK would open up a whole new revenue stream if they did legalise it!

If it were to be legalised it would stop the money going straight to drug dealer etc. I don't believe all that bollocks about it putting a bullet in the gun of the Taliban! I think because its illegal its caused a placebo effect on CANNABIS creating a artificially high price where people who could receive a better life style through medicating with it are getting hit in the pocket. So people evolve slightly and work out its cheaper and safer to grow but then have to live like a criminal because of the negative attitude that is publicised in the press. Then run the risk of getting caught, fined and even put in jail.

If they wanted to wage a war on Cannabis and stop the dealers they should just legalise it. If the dealers got the entrepreneurial skills needed they could then go legit pay tax if not other legitiment entrepneurs should have the chance to thrieve and provide a much needed service instead of them having to give way to thugs and organized crime who can deliver what is obviously so needed.

We've all heard the horror stories and payed for the poor gear if it were to be controlled and prescribed I believe it would help in more ways than medicine.

So the point I'm trying to make is lets make Cannabis the honest drug it is!

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I just hope we follow americas lead, cant see it though the way things are going there with the dispensaries getting closed down. :wallbash:


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Yeah that's the problem in America they have state laws which are over ruled by federal laws!

Example California legalise cannabis under state law but Federal DEA Agents can still close dispensaries etc because there still breaking federal law even thou there not breaking state law messed up if ya ask me!

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I can get my head around why they dont want all this dispensary trouble in the uk but i just cant understand why something with so many proven benefits still cant be used medicinally. Its total madness.

Sad really but im pretty sure nothing will happen in this country...hope im wrong :ninja:

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Yeah that's the problem in America they have state laws which are over ruled by federal laws!

Example California legalise cannabis under state law but Federal DEA Agents can still close dispensaries etc because there still breaking federal law even thou there not breaking state law messed up if ya ask me!

I reckon that as more states pass cannabis laws conflict with the federal government will increase. Eventually things will come to a head there.

I feel less confident about the UK but given time... maybe.

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Follow America? Please, dear god NO!

Why not?


Because the American scene is shot through with greed, demanding hugely inflated prices for their "Meds".

Because it is unravelling as I type, with Feds gearing up to bust many in the "Medi-Weed" business, as no matter what, it is illegal in America to have anything to do with Cannabis. Yes, certain states have "legalised", but they have done so illegally, forcing a clash with the Federal Government.

Because I do not want to see this: Weed at £200/300 an oz, available in Yorkshire but not in London, although the Met may send a flying squad to bust anyone having anything to do with it, as Yorkshire cannot legislate contrary to the National legal situation.

And just because I do not want to see cannabis placed in the hands of people who's main concern to is to make a huge amount of profit.

Because I believe in free weed, for everyone who wants it. Consumerism, capitalism, and all other greedy materialistic -isms, can go boil their heads.


But I am an idealist, I realise that.


Edited by Arnold Layne
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Arnold - accepting the point about it unravelling (while referring to my earlier comment about it all coming to a head at some point) - is the situation there not a possible step 1 to legalisation? Don't get me wrong, I think it's a poor step 1... but maybe a step 1 none the less.

And also, those who are unhappy with prices in many places there (like in Cali, for example) are free to home-grow. The rest probably pay about the same as the prices under prohibition, but that's better than paying those prices and facing a criminal record for the pleasure...

...and if someone there shares your belief in free weed (assuming you mean free of charge here, and not free as in liberty) there's nothing I'm aware of stopping them from providing it. Right?

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It's fluctuating in America, overall just from osmosis it seems that more Americans are waking up, bout time, we can't do this without them.

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Follow America? Please, dear god NO!

Why not?


Because the American scene is shot through with greed, demanding hugely inflated prices for their "Meds".

Because it is unravelling as I type, with Feds gearing up to bust many in the "Medi-Weed" business, as no matter what, it is illegal in America to have anything to do with Cannabis. Yes, certain states have "legalised", but they have done so illegally, forcing a clash with the Federal Government.

Because I do not want to see this: Weed at £200/300 an oz, available in Yorkshire but not in London, although the Met may send a flying squad to bust anyone having anything to do with it, as Yorkshire cannot legislate contrary to the National legal situation.

And just because I do not want to see cannabis placed in the hands of people who's main concern to is to make a huge amount of profit.

Because I believe in free weed, for everyone who wants it. Consumerism, capitalism, and all other greedy materialistic -isms, can go boil their heads.


But I am an idealist, I realise that.


You are fighting against the tide. It will come to pass.

In the US there is no putting the genie back in the bottle, the feds will finally come

around, unless of course the tea party comes into or near power, but this would push

the whole thing back a few years for the same results a bit later.

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I'll just add that of course we dont have to follow blindingly the U.S. in Europe,

would be a mistake. We have to find an original solution, but decrim. is in the cards,

no doubts about that. And profit too.

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cannabis is not illegal.all our political reps have to do is reschedule it to the same category as alcohol and tobacco,then you can grow your own , same as growing tobacco and making wine beer etc for personal use.don't even need an act of parliament to do it.

It is all about money so f em and gyo :spliff:

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I thought alcohol and tobacco weren't scheduled.

Inclined to agree, though I'd be concerned that simply rescheduling it would make little difference in practice. As there's nothing to stop a future government wanting to be tough on drugs popping it right back to schedule 1 again.

Completely agree that it should be on a legal par with alcohol and tobacco - at least. Probably shouldn't attract the duty they do though.

...unless of course the tea party comes into or near power, but this would push the whole thing back a few years...

You think?

I always had the impression the Tea Party where of the "fuck off and leave us alone" persuasion.

Sure, the'd fight against anything where the government was going to use taxes to get people high, just like they'd fight against the government using taxes to dole out beers.

For the most part they seem to be for small government, low tax and personal liberty. All three of those points scream "legalisation" to me, though I doubt it's so clear cut (either way) in the tea party.

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Arnold - accepting the point about it unravelling (while referring to my earlier comment about it all coming to a head at some point) - is the situation there not a possible step 1 to legalisation? Don't get me wrong, I think it's a poor step 1... but maybe a step 1 none the less.

And also, those who are unhappy with prices in many places there (like in Cali, for example) are free to home-grow. The rest probably pay about the same as the prices under prohibition, but that's better than paying those prices and facing a criminal record for the pleasure...

...and if someone there shares your belief in free weed (assuming you mean free of charge here, and not free as in liberty) there's nothing I'm aware of stopping them from providing it. Right?

Step 1? Yes, folks often raise this. But I don't see why step 2 follows - if HMG gets control over weed, with stiff regulations and high taxes - what reason would they have for moving into a more liberal zone? None at all, surely?

Home growing ~ not everyone can. The extremely disabled, the terminally ill, the folks with small homes, bedsits etc ~ loads of reasons why some folks cannot grow, and they are usually the neediest of people too.

In a scene where HMG controls and regulates cannabis, Home Growing could be seen as a direct threat to the revenues flowing into the exchequer. And like with today's electricity scammers, any mention of fiscal crime sends magistrates and judges into an apoplectic state of shock, in which they tend to dole out positively Dickensian sentences!

Free weed? yes, I believe anyone who needs it should get it for free (like DANZIG and his oil). I don't mind folks making a living, and setting a fair price for their weed. But today's prices are obscene and cannot be justified. In California, the average price is (I am going by what I can find on the net - 3xw.priceofweed.com - ) $271 per ounce. Which boils down to c£175 per Oz)

I think £100 is as much as any weed is worth. And in a situation where the law actually permits the growing and selling, then that price should be way down - let's put a ball park figure..... I think £50 is reasonable, at most. With hefty discounts for the disabled and terminally ill, even 100% discounts.

I just oppose the whole materialistic scam of consumerism, but I am afraid America is so wedded to these two that their evil and insidious nature cannot be seen by Mr Average, USA. Or a lot of people this side of the Atlantic!

It is all about money so f em and gyo :spliff:

Word! :yep:

Wealth does not equal Health. Consumerism is a lie, and a deception. Consumerism enslaves to the rule of materialism. Materialism is the route to misery :soap:

Edited by Arnold Layne
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