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UK Cannabis Social Clubs


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Until the law itself is changed and (whether it's written by lawyers or not) that comes from parliament.

that's misleading I think

enforcement is at the discretion of the police

if the police choose not to enforce the law, as happened when Brian Paddick was in charge in Brixton/Lambeth, then you can have de facto decriminalisation

don't underestimate the extent to which the crap situation we have at the minute is the responsibility of the police

I'm also doubtful some of your other info, but I need to check it

there is a more useful thread on UKCSCs than this one, so maybe better revive that one instead

Edited by namkha
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Yes sorry, I didn't mean to distract people from the other thread on UKCSCs. I just had the idea for the rules and it progressed from there. Tengreenfingers I know what you mean. A criminal record is not decriminalisation. I guess I'm trying to say that less harsh sentences are a step in the right direction. Plenty of prominent people are saying that it is unjust for young cannabis users to have criminal records. Maybe their voices will get listened to. I'm an eternal optimist I'm afraid, so I'll always keep on hoping :lucky:

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Namkha, the problem with relying on the police to simply not enforce the law is manifold.

As we have several independent forces, all would need to act together to avoid having a postcode lottery. Cannabis enforcement is an easy win for detections that court towards a cop's continued employment, expecting them to exercise discretion is like the old chestnut about turkeys voting for Christmas.

The police play a huge part in the current situation, and a large part of that is their arguing and lobbying for the continuation of prohibition, and their press releases/statements about the scourge of drugs containing both misinformation and scare stories to get the public to inform on growers.

I still don't see how a CSC could operate legally where individuals are barred from doing so.

mammoTHClone - I'm right with you on the desire to see change and with your optimism. I also think the seemingly imminent progress is kinda tantalising, with more and more people and papers coming on board. It's just the minor point of legality I'm hung up on. All for it, but it seems currently to be a way of increasing your chances of being caught.

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