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The other day me and a friend were invited back to his friends house to have a smoke. Anyway the girl who'd invited us back was rolling using filters as opposed to a roach. The effect was a smoother joint which still seemed fairly potent. What I was wondering was how much THC gets filtered out? As, if its a comparatively small amount, I think I may switch to using filters for the added smoothness and the obvious health benefits.

Any info appreciated


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I was having a toot with some mates one night, and this one guy was using filters... We were all putting the same amount in each j - but his seemed a lot less potent.

I'm sure you'll get a more exact answer from someone here... but my view is, if filters made great joints - we'd all be using 'em right??

hope this helps you out a bit....

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hi Greenies

Were i come from thay call tham snobs with j`s lol lol   ;)

Na, Many ppl have tryed this but in the end thay go back to the original way of making j`s so no point there  ;)


:peace:  on the UK420 peeps

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snobs with j`s

Also - if you use filters, it's another thing to go out and buy - and one more thing you can run out of...

Imagine if you got so used to it, u could only smoke with a filter, then ran out....hehe.

sorry mate - don't mean no disrespect to you, just filters...it's funny. lol

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I take it you are talking about those little "rizla" filters....

Personally I think it takes the edge of the joint if it is those you are talking about...

I bought some filters in amsterdam...Nothing like those cotton wool type ones though. They were supposed to cool and smooth the joint but it was like smoking a Silk cut ultra mild...... Couldn't tell how good the effect was cause I was already mashed!

Get that Reefer in your lungs..... lol

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I'd have to agree. I've never seen a joint rolled with filters in all the time I've been smoking, both with pros and amateurs. Personally, I hate the little rizla things. Girlfriend bought me a box today with some rizlas (had baccy, of course. No real cigs. No small rizlas.) I tried 'em, had to use more baccy than I'd normally put in a roll-up just to get the right shape, and smoking was like drinking one of those McDonalds milkshakes. Y'know, the ones that make you feel like your face is imploding?

And that's an effect I try to avoid like the plague with my joints. If I wanted to put effort in to my smoking, I'd use a lung or something.


I'd imagine as well that if they're a good enough filter to remove tar and such, they'd probably stop the THC too.



Stoned Utterance of the day - "Y'know, when you think about it, have you ever noticed... Shit. Forgotten what I was going to say."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Normal 'cigarette' type filters do seem to work too well.

Spliffs are a bit peely-wally with one of those stuffed in the end.

I prefer to use a bit of paper, very loosely scrunched up. If you tear the glue strip off a skin and rip the paper part in half I find that about the right size.

It doesn't take the edge off the spliff as long as it's loose. If you put too big a ball in it has the same effect as a conventional filter.

If you get it right the joint will seem the same as normal but you don't get bits of bud/baccy flying down your throat while you toke.


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Never tried using filters myself, but once I suggested the use of them in a group sesh... Everyone's reactions were basically "no way" and "they filter out the weed's smoke"!

Surely that says it all mate...



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I prefer to use a bit of paper, very loosely scrunched up. If you tear the glue strip off a skin and rip the paper part in half I find that about the right size.

Incidentally, I just thought I'd add ...

I've passed plenty of joints made that way to people and not told them about the 'filter' (if you can call it that) and I'd say in 10 years I can only ever remember two people noticing it was there.


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