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What can we do in the UK? Norml? Clear?


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i think the most important thing we can do in the way of being active is to grow and enjoy cannabis, and to use safe places like this to spread the word. I don't see Arnie's approach as opting out of activism; growing cannabis and discussing it in safe online places is useful activism. If we're unfortunate enough to end up in court because of this activity then further opportunities for helping the cause (along with some for hindering it) will come our way.

Most of us won't be coming out in public support of any pro-cannabis movement because we don't fancy being busted, so supporting a group essentially means sending money to them. I'd send it to the group who seem to be likely to make the best use of it. In the UK at the moment that seems to be Release, whose main function is to support people who get mixed up with the law because of drugs. Norml is a very large worldwide campaigning group - the UK wing is new but has powerful links ready-made. Clear isn't in the same league size-wise as either of these organisations and has connections at the highest level to a pharmaceutical cannabis startup company whose interests are different from those of most users and growers. I'm not at all sure it is the pro-cannabis movement for non-lefties/hippies/socialists/whatevers, though certainly its current leader is unlikely to be appealing politically to anyone very far to the left of Nick Griffin. And that is ALL I have to say about Clear!

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  • 3 months later...

I've just seen the NORML-UK site and am hugely cheered up! I assume from the vintage of this thread that it went live while I was blind. At last, it looks like we have a decent lobbying organisation led by people of integrity, most of whom are medicinal users.


CLEAR, with its agenda of 'tax & regulate' has nothing to offer pot farmers who are liable to remain the wrong side of the law, or those who've legalised themselves by growing their own supply, but the emphasis of NORML-UK is firmly upon personal freedom. I'm sure that all of us would rather not be persecuted.

I can't abide the nihilistic anti-activism that infests UK420 these days, which is why I don't bother coming here much. The childish refusal of some to accept science, however rigorously conducted, reinforces the worst stereotype of stoners.

However, as I get older, I am, perhaps irrationally, becoming more optimistic about the prospects for a rational drugs policy in the UK and have paid £15 to join NORML-UK.

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