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osteoarthritis treatment (Sativex)


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Firstly tell him that tramadol is a synthetic opioid with many nasty side effects , morphine isn't , we have perfectly formed receptors for morphine and cannabis but not so for any other drugs , so morphine will do a lot less harm than shitty tramadol , habituation, addiction, theese are subjects that we all think we know about due to the propoganda perpetuated by big pharma, media stereotyping and government scare tactics , members of the medical profession also perpetuate the myths, to date I have taken ( for chronic pain like arnie does) either prescribed or illegal and for extended periods of time cocaine, amphetamines, ketamine , LSD, mushrooms, MDMA ,cannabis, sativex, codeine phosphate, dihydrocodiene, tramadol, buprenorphine, OxyContin , oxy norm, fentanyl, oramorph, and probably a good few more I have forgotten about, before I was properly diagnosed I took all the illegal ones and after diagnosis all the prescribed ones, the old theories of addiction are bullshit and have been proved so many times over now, I am not and never have been addicted to any of the above, ceasing usage of them may leave me groggy with a squitty bottom for a day but that's it, I'm not out mugging old ladies or lying in the gutter with a syringe as society would have you believe I should be by now after all that lot, if your dad is in pain then it's only fair and natural he should want to alleviate it and if high strength painkillers are what does the job then he should be considering that , sativex does nothing for me, in fact all of the legal drugs I have taken don't really cut the mustard but offer a little relief now and again , I'm not sure how old your dad is or if he is interested enough to educate himself rather than believe the myths but I would strongly suggest he reads The Cult of Pharmacology and The Globalisation of Addiction to ease his concerns, yes some people do get addicted to drugs , but the drugs don't usually cause the addiction , the addiction could just as easily be to gambling, sex, alcohol etc. it's about the person and their situation more than the substance but our medical profession ( I use the term profession loosely) are still stuck in the 1970's in their belief methods and preach ignorance just like Jeremy Kyle and his kronies, from any logical and educated viewpoint though morphine is a shed load safer and less harmfull than anything synthetic , especially Tramadol , if he had bowel cancer I'm assuming he was on some big gun painkillers anyway? In which case he should know that he is now NOT addicted to whatever he was prescribed

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What i,ve read in soft secrets , and the bit i,ve seen on telly say the sativex may not be to good .

( i hope it is for you,r dad,s sake ) .

Personaly i think brew,s may be the answer , start really weak and build the strength up (obviously ).

And what about oil ....

All the best ...

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  • 6 years later...
Guest theokoles

@buttheaduk @bhudika @landsker @Arnold Layne @namkha Some very imformative and honest advice here guys, hows everyone doing, well as can be expected i hope? Wondering if making cream and rubbing it into the joints would be helpful?  "Mrs Theo" was diagnosed a couple of months ago with osteoarthritis in both hips and is in a lot of pain. She also has dystonia, but this is managed for now with botox injections, (it was a lifesaver at the time) but we are becoming concerned after over 10 years of injections, we want to try and reduce the dosage over the next couple of years and try more holistic treatments before the botox becomes useless and or the muscles deteriorate further. This hopefully will give an element of taking personal control of the dystonia treatment/management, rather than letting it get to the stage where the botox is useless and then feeling like theres no options left because things are too far gone..psychogically it can only be a positive, taking more control.. 

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I remember reading about topical preparations (ointments etc) being used for arthritic pain management. I'd get my hands on some quality indica, make an oil of it, and then make an ointment and apply it directly to the pained joints and see how that goes.

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Guest theokoles

Thanks @FlyingArse i was hoping to hear something positive about ointments. I'm curious, would an ointment applied to lets say the hips for arguments sake, show up on a roadside mouth/saliva-swab test like smoking weed does?

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Just watch mate my dad had bowel cancer, still has phantom pains. Made him thc butter and it spaced him out to the point where he was freaking out for a day. Does not agree with thc. 

He gets prescribed oxynorm by doc and hates it. 

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